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Karma Build Guide by Egypsian_Lover

The Comprehensive Karma

The Comprehensive Karma

Updated on January 13, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Egypsian_Lover Build Guide By Egypsian_Lover 1745 104 2,398,887 Views 865 Comments
1745 104 2,398,887 Views 865 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Egypsian_Lover Karma Build Guide By Egypsian_Lover Updated on January 13, 2013
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Oddren | January 8, 2013 5:02pm
Just wanted to thank you for your massive time and for this amazing guide.
Th3Last3xile | January 4, 2013 11:49am
I can't say I enjoy the guide with the way it's written. The text often gets really blocky and I can't even begin to bring myself to sit there and read every word. That's the first and only thing I can see that you need to work on. MOAR PICTUREZ. Every gamer likes pictures! I loved the graphs and statistics and stuff, but pictures or videos of what you're trying to tell us works out so much better!

Overall +1 for the effort and time you've put into the guide.
DirtyCheater | January 4, 2013 8:37am
great work, deep analysis, thank you!
Jill Sandwich 69 | January 3, 2013 6:14pm
Excellent guide! It's easy to see the time and effort you poured into it. I just unlocked Karma and your guide has set me on the right track. Keep up the outstanding work!!! +1
TheVirginBoar (4) | December 31, 2012 11:58am
Very nice guide an I will try it if I get the chance to go mid^^
I have a question. Many guides here on mobafire are about AP Karma mid like yours, but what do you think about Karma as support?
Yes funny question, Karma as support :)
GhostMihneaRO (1) | December 31, 2012 11:14am
very boooring , seriously man , try to reduce that huge text and add some images and a little colour to it. I wanted to buy and play an underplayed champion and I'll go for Trundle as this guide is very boring
Gabelous (1) | December 24, 2012 2:48am
It should be duly noted that a Karma rework, both gameplay and visual, are incoming hopefully January and is rumored to include a new skin. The speculative changes? Mind you these are NOT final, but seem to be what is being worked on.

Passive - Will be folded into R and become a MP5 aura.

Q - Same, but a mantra charge will knock back enemies as well.
W - Same, but adding an effect to redirect damage from the bonded target (if friendly) to Karma up to a cap.
E - Same.
R - Gain the previous passive on top.

All changes are speculative based on various twitters, news feeds, leak and not final. But it IS known they were planning this rework this holiday season, it didn't happen, and Morello is crossing his fingers for a January release.

I'm hoping this will make her a much more viable support when it gets here, It's been a year and a half of getting laughed at for being Karma support, and being completely hit or miss based on what my team does. Because they don't know Karma and what she is capable of.
Egypsian_Lover (50) | December 22, 2012 5:00pm
You are all very very kind! :) And don't worry, Morioris, I am staying around and editing at least until somebody volunteers to take over this thing! :)

Masteries are updated!
8lackWid0w | December 17, 2012 8:25pm
Could you fix the masteries please? 3 in Scout and 4 in Biscuiteer... among others...
Puddingsurfer | December 15, 2012 10:30am
Your seem to have put 4 mastery points in 'Biscuiteer' :o
molle | December 4, 2012 11:58pm
how will it be now with the new items and talents?
DarthBangye | November 29, 2012 1:31pm
This is the guide that everybody should read.
This should be THE guide BEFORE the tutorial round..
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