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Creator: 0Z123 February 28, 2012 12:27pm

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0Z123's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 12:27pm | Report
I wanted to get this out of my chest for a while now so here it goes.


For me EloHell is not about just mass newbies/feeders. In every game you play and thus in every gaming community you will get them more or less, it is normal, it is natural, it is human so there is no problem with it really. I am positive you have games where you didn't match up your own expectations and your standard was lower than adequate. For me EloHell is the way you play or should I say the way you think and play. In short, it is the lack of reasoning in specific situations which tend to be quite simple to grasp and execute yet still fall short overall.

The origins.

Personally, EloHell starts when I enter the game. Yes I said it. The moment I start a game I know for a fact that either of two things will happen and that happens on frequent situations.

Arguments for position.

Everybody rushes to type the first sentence. The first sentence is like the holy Jesus. The first sentence is going to be the catalyst tr your team set up and thus positioning. Once the first sentence has been typed then the rest surely will have to adapt to it. You wrote it first and the moment you wrote it you feel like telling your self "F*****g good job mate. Ace". Surely it is not as simple as individuals typing their preferable lanes and accepting the order of who said it first and who said it last is it? Of course it is not.

Usually 2 or 3 players in your time will not even consider the order. It is always an argument of "I pick first so therefore I will pick what I want. You are second so therefore you must discipline your self to suit the team needs rather than your own". Especially if you are last then Jesus Christ do I feel sorry for you. Since you are last, the bottom of everything in there, then you have no voice, no opinion, no right to do otherwise than the order. Virtually you are a trash to them and personally speaking, the role that is left for you is support, support and again support.

Individuals wont take the time to communication with eachother and understand oneanother better. They will refuse to even know the basics about you i.e "Which lane do you feel comfortable with?", "Do you mind if I took your lane?", "Can you play anything else apart from X[Solo, Mid, Bot, Jungler]?", "Maybe we can trade these X-champions?". What often happens is that people do not care about who said it first or last. If it is time to pick someone and they feel strong about their selection they will take whoever. Nothing matters to them. Just them and their order.


This one is my favorite. I rarely even bother to type who to ban and who not to because I know 90percent of the time players won't ban someone that can affect the team more but rather the one that affects them. And God-oh-God it is the same bans over and over again. You would think that bans should be made in a way to assist your team set up and have them farm as much as possible or even have the advantage in pushing and not worrying for really strong combos/setup/solo-duo-laners but that rarely happens. After a while you even become immune to who the hell has been banned that you have stopped caring.

In my personal view, I consider for instance Ahri, Kassadin, Amumu and others which might come in mind later on not a threat. Not as much of a threat as an overfed Veigar, Brand, Le Blanc, Shaco, MordeKaiser, Fizz. Bans should always be made
. If would be wise to ask your jungler his champion before hand and also ask the team which jungler the fear the most or do not wish to engage him in their lanes. Maybe even ask your solo laner which champion he feels that he can get pushed easily. Instead of blindly and mechanically banning the same champions you should ideally work with your team closer to decide who is more threat to the entire team rather than your self and only your self.

Laconically, if you are aware of your team set up fast enough then your ban selection would be wiser, more thoughtful and considerable.


When you see the other team that has been overfed doing the following:

1.Use ignite on you with full hp as Ezreal or Gankplant.
2.Use ultimate on you by himself as Skarner when you are a tank and next to tower.
3.When in theory and in practice the other team has no chance of pushing any lane with their set up yet that weak set up is effective enough to breeze over your team.
4.When you are level 12 Cho'Gath and can kill a level 17 Katarina yet somehow that Katarina has killed others.
5.When an ad Sona kills some of your team players.
6.Generally every big-WTF-moment where you can't grasp the idea that you are losing from those type of care-free players.


If I made a bet every time I saw a solo laner without a teleport spell, I think I would be quite rich to say the least. I always tried my hardest to find one good reason, just one on why solo players won't pick the teleport spell since their job is to farm and protect a wide area by themselves. Nine times out of ten, the player with a teleport spell pushes the other person because if the other person even dies once, then his lane will get eventually pushed by the enemy+thejungler within a range of 8-15m to say the least.


Tons of individuals in this game refuse to ward their lanes. Even if they get constantly ganked or constantly killed by the jungler, it is never their fault for not taking care of their own lanes but rather the fault of the jungler. It is never about "Sorry guys, I am going to ward my lane now" but rather "Our jungler fails". Your jungler could be on the other side of the map or trying to find the right moment to gank or timing his blue and red buff so he never loses them but nope when you die by a jungler its your jungle's fault, in fact he should be shot in the head for failing so hard to protect you when you are aware from start that you do not have any vision whatsover and are in fact vulnerable to gank and thus easily be killed.

Other times individuals won't say SS at all. It is such a tiresome work to type SS for them that they just simply cant. You ask them how come there was no indication that the enemy was absent of their lane and it is either this godly silence or some petty excuse that even a child could have thought a better cool story bro.

"You are the J".

You are the jungler. It is your role to tank since the moment you pressed your first click. You should be such a godly jungler that you must get many kills in 5minutes and ensure that not only you can burst enough damage but also to be able to tank everything and I mean everything the other team throws you and survive long enough to win every single team battle.

So while the solo laner farms all day long and occasionally gets kills, it doesn't matter to him and sometimes your whole team. You are a jungler man, you should tank for us. They will never stop to think that a jungler farms the least and has to not only gank but get that kill to have more gold in his pocket and thus better items and faster items, but for some strange reason it is presumed that you somehow get all that gold needed from somewhere, this holy place that grands you so much gold every minute, there is no excuse of not being able to tank everything as fast as possible.


I am sure everyone loves those players. The ones where they see mass spamming on team chat:
and still they stay there. I personally find amusing to see Teemo players or Ashe players wondering around in this far land while your team is on the other side of the world farming 2 steps away from the enemy base and die in 10 seconds. You kind of sit back and wonder how they do it, how their brain works, how are they so amazing to go that far and do the things they do. Lately, I am more fond of the players that even though you saw the enemy or they saw the enemy coming to them and thus gank them they still hit the enemy's tower.

That's it for me. Hope I didn't bore you enough but those are my 2cents. You could share your own experiences of what it means elohell for you or generally thinks you have seen that shocked you enough to make you nerdrage or never really understood how is it possible that they happened.

P.S The junglers that never gank for 20ms time are the best. Half the time you are wondering what the hell they are doing but in the end you let them be.
Zoki's Forum Avatar
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Dec 28th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 12:56pm | Report

Things turn out best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
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0Z123's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:03pm | Report
Zoki wrote:


Stop being so original.
xIchi's Forum Avatar
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Oct 19th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:05pm | Report
*Phoenix Wright picture here!*
0Z123's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:08pm | Report
xIchi wrote:

*Phoenix Wright picture here!*

I never said people don't deserve to be where they are. So your answer fails.
Good try though.
Zell's Forum Avatar
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Aug 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:34pm | Report
I'm afraid grossly exaggerating your points doesn't make what you say very credible.

Just your whole manner in general doesn't help the situation "I rarely even bother to type who to ban and who to not to". People don't really have time to construct various team set-ups and you'd find that whatever they pick in their role is in reaction to what the enemy has picked or what their mains are.

The bashing on top laners who don't take Teleport as if it is the sole choice and picking anything else in any circumstance is absolutely wrong is so bluntly ignorant its incredible. To be honest I can actually see many reasons why one wouldn't opt for Teleport in a soloqueue environment at low levels which people don't see the importance of Dragon and how you have to rely upon yourself etc.

To be honest I just stopped reading there.
Credit to Jeff and jhois for creating my signature and avatar design.
If I helped +Rep, if I didn't then +Rep the person who did.
Zoki's Forum Avatar
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Dec 28th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:48pm | Report
0Z123 wrote:

Stop being so original.

You talk about me being original while you whine about ELO Hell :D:D.

Don't hate, it's too big a burden to bear.
Sigs made by: LaCorpse, jhoijhoi, Katoki, JEFFY40HANDS, The_Nameless_Bard and Sk1llbug
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Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:49pm | Report
0Z123 wrote:

I never said people don't deserve to be where they are. So your answer fails.
Good try though.

this new user......hates everyone/everyone hate the second coming...of me
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!
0Z123's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:52pm | Report
Zell wrote:

I'm afraid grossly exaggerating your points doesn't make what you say very credible.

Just your whole manner in general doesn't help the situation "I rarely even bother to type who to ban and who to not to". People don't really have time to construct various team set-ups and you'd find that whatever they pick in their role is in reaction to what the enemy has picked or what their mains are.

The bashing on top laners who don't take Teleport as if it is the sole choice and picking anything else in any circumstance is absolutely wrong is so bluntly ignorant its incredible. To be honest I can actually see many reasons why one wouldn't opt for Teleport in a soloqueue environment at low levels which people don't see the importance of Dragon and how you have to rely upon yourself etc.

To be honest I just stopped reading there.

I don't have to exaggerate things that are repeated. Nor am I writing a novel about it. I wrote what I saw and experienced and that is that. It is credible enough to me and that is what matters.

If you see people randomly banning the same champions again and again, telling them who to ban or why won't change the fact that they will ban whoever they want not whoever it is necessary. If all players wrote who could the play best and where in one sentence you would have better team composition. If all players asked eachother who to ban and give a reason, bans would be more rational not holding some religious premonition that if you don't follow the golden rule, you fail at banning.

People don't pick in reaction to the enemy's set up. People pick in whichever lane they typed. That happens in a much higher elo environment not generally in elo ranked games.

If you go on solo then like I said your role is to maintain that line as much as possible and farm as much as possible. Dieing once or twice while the enemy can recall and use teleport back means that he farms better, is geared up better and can push you faster than you think. And once the enemy solo laner reaches level 10 and he forces you to recall with his jungler then you lose that lane.
Taking care of your lane is basic. It is not quantum physics nor it has to do with low or high elo.

If you can reply back with any examples feel free to. The whole your manner is blahbleh holds no ground.
0Z123's Forum Avatar
Feb 26th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 28, 2012 1:53pm | Report
Zoki wrote:

You talk about me being original while you whine about ELO Hell :D:D.

The difference between talking about your experience and whining about it is a difference that only a dictionary could help you.
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