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Looks good but i don't know why you took two seals of alacrity, she already has a strong built in attack speed steroid, just better to get the armor in my opinion. Also on the topic of Ghost vs Flash is purely situational but since she already has build in speed buff getting Flash to jump over walls would probably be more useful. Oh and i would rather get The Black Cleaver than a last whisperer, and sell the wriggles later probably for an IE.
I plan to explain my choices and give alternatives when I write up my runes/items section. Most the two Greater Alacrity seals are there to push her to 2.5 AS, but I realize not everyone needs to be exact with it, so I'll give other options.
Flash and Ghost are personal and situational choices. I prefer to use Ghost for the maneuverability, but I listed Flash because I know it will help others in different ways.
Originally I made this build with Black Cleaver in mind, but given the items/runes/masteries, getting that item would be a huge waste of AS percentage. I'm keeping everything in mind though! I can assure you that when I finish the guide no one will question my item choices, and like I said, I plan to give alts and their pros/cons.
I just calculated it, and Berserker's+Black Cleaver+Alacrity mastery only equals 1.9392 at LVL 18 when using Burst of Speed. Adding Phantom Dancer to that (still no runes) would give you 3.1168 attack speed at LVL 18, which is a big waste. Still, this does give me an idea.. In my item section I'll include the max AS possible with certain items so that people will be able to decide what they want to sacrifice in order to get more on-hit effects or DMG.
I play a lot of AD carries, so I know how you feel about Infinity Edge. I chose not to include it in this build because her ult does not crit.
I use Berserker's on her because with the runes + mastery, she just barely has 2.5 max attack speed. It actually only goes over by a thousandth of a point, which is pretty efficient. I'll explain that more in detail when I write up my runes/items section. :3
Thank you so much!
It's a nice item for attack speed and its a nice defense against ap champions like leblanc
I actually haven't tried this, but I will test it out in-game!
Have you ever thought trying Wit's End?
It's a nice item for attack speed and its a nice defense against ap champions like leblanc
those are all just ideas and personal prefrences but ima vote this guide up because i see that it has a lot of effort and i hope i can one day use yourbuild!
I would consider switching up the item order. I think that the blood thirster first would yield a higher DPS output.
Thank you! I'll look into it and test it out a bit in-game to see if there's a difference in item order there. From my experience, gold is easy to get around that point from farming/kills, so it would probably be just as easy to get Phantom quickly after Bloodthirster for early high speed.