So this week I scrounged up my last specks of IP and bought,

Dr. Mundo

I love Dr. Mundo. Since I bought him I have done amazingly well. His solo-top seems to be unmatched by any champion I have played against.

Before I go into this any more, I want to explain my set up.

Summoner Spells

I take Ghost and Flash because I like to Tank as Dr. Mundo. I would rather be super fast and have good escape and chasing mechanisms than an Ignite or Clairvoyance, although you could substitute either Flash or Ghost for Exhaust.


I don't play many champions aside from casters and I don't love spending a fortune on runes, so I only have about 40-50 runes in total.

For Mundo I really wanted to hit hard, so I grabbed
-9 Greater Mark of Attack Damage
But I started to take 2 of those Marks out and switched them with
-2 Greater Mark of Desolation (It seemed to help)
I also wanted some durability and health so I grabbed
-9 Greater Seal of Health
but I sometimes switched those out with
-9 Greater Seal of Armor
I only have 8 Greater Glyph of Ability Power (I know, sad right?) so naturally, I took those.
I also am lacking any other Quints aside from 3 Greater Quintessence of Ability Power.

I really need to finish out and diversify my rune set, but this is what I used.


When jungling, I grabbed Heart Zapper first, grabbed 1 point in Blunt Force Trauma, and then maxed Infected Bonesaw. I know this doesn't seem too smart but it helped SO MUCH damage wise and it really laid down some major slowing power.

When laning, I grab Infected Bonesaw first, grab one point in Blunt Force Trauma, another point in Infected Bonesaw, and then a point in Heart Zapper. I max Infected Bonesaw first, naturally.

Mundo is an extravagant solo top with practically infinite sustain and awesome harass.

An example would be my second game as Dr. Mundo. After jungling my first game I decided I would try and solo top. Now, for almost every game since Wednesday I have been in a game where Fiora solo tops and flat out destroys, so naturally I was worried that I would lose the lane horribly, especially considering how Fiora had ignite. I bought a Doran's Shield first, seeing as it would help my sustain soooo much. Sadly, I over extended horribly and got destroyed by the Olaf jungler and Fiora handing her First Blood. But this was really early on, so while I was respawning I grabbed Boots and a Rejuvenation Bead. (I don't know why I got a Rejuvenation Bead but it seemed to help a LOT). It was when I returned to lane that I had the epiphany of how absolutely destructive Mundo's Infected Bonesaw can be. I just hung back in lane and thrusted cleavers at or around Fiora. At first the damage seemed insignificant, but after three or so cleavers, the damage started to really set in. Now, I bet you're asking yourself, "Well, if you want to not get hit by cleavers, just stand behind minions!", and while that is true, Dr. Mundo can still try and nudge his way through minions to get that sweet spot and still hit the opposing champion with little to no health penalty. (As long as the cleaver hits the champion or minion.) And keep in mind this was Fiora, so she didn't really have the luxury of standing behind minions and still getting last hits.

As I wittled her down I pushed up more and more, to the point to where I was over extending. (Can you tell that over extending is a huge problem of mine?) Fiora was at about 65% health while Olaf was at roughly full health when he came to gank me. Naturally I ghosted away and took cover in the bush closest to Purple Team's Turret in the Upper left hand corner of the map. Our Shaco jungler said "omw mundo" but the situation look fatal. I was ignited by Fiora as she entered the bush and I popped Maximum Dosage as I took the pain from Olaf and Fiora. The Ghost + Maximum Dosage movement speed combo gave me enough speed to get to a safe distance to hurl cleavers at the oncoming pursuers. The cleavers took a huge chunk out of Olaf's health bringing him down to literally 25% health after a few cleavers. I decided to press my luck and try and get a kill. I turned around and threw a cleaver at Olaf bringing him to a little under 200 health, but he Ragnarok'd and got away. Fiora had at me and I popped Blunt Force Trauma and Heart Zapper to literally destroy her. Olaf was heading back to try and finish me while I was preoccupied with Fiora who had brought me down to about 300 health. I threw a cleaver straight at Olaf finishing him off. It was just Fiora and I left and I finished her off with an Infected Bonesaw to the back as she ran. I got the double kill before Shaco could even arrive.

But aside from that cool turn of events, if you get an early Warden's Mail as Mundo you seem to destroy solo top. His harass with his cleaver and his crazy movement speed gives him such a great laning phase, and can still be an amazing tank late game! But that's just me!

If you feel differently or wish to tell me how I was horribly wrong, make sure to comment! I love to get feedback from you guys!

Anyway, that's me for the week. Thanks for reading and I hope you will give Mundo and good try!