Underused Items:

This is Mikuroo, I am writing a blog because of my random excitement for becoming an Editor. Yay! anyways, I am writing about an underused item in League of Legends. now before you flame me, I am not writing about stackings tiamats, or anything stupid like that. I am writing about it as a situational last item, or maybe even rushed item for some characters.
here are the stats and descriptions of Tiamat:
+50 attack damage
+15 health regeneration
+5 mana regeneration
Passive: Your basic attacks splash, dealing 50% physical damage around the target (35% for ranged attacks).
Item Cost: 2320

They give a decent amount of weapon attack, and health regen and mana regen, just what a tank or off tank needs. Early game, these give you a nice damage boost as well as sustain ability. Also, if the enemy champion is pushing like heck, these allow you easy pushing capability. My friend rushes this early when playing Wukong.

Also, not to mention the late game strength of this on a champion like Nasus, or Fiora, on her ultimate. They cause insane aoe damage that is almost what I would say op. The only problem is, that they do not give you enough AD, meaning they don’t cost as much as other better late game items.

And also what should be said is that they should not be bought on champions like Tryndamere. I treat Nasus as a sugestable fit because his main hurting ability scales off of AD.

They shrink off late game, but are extremely powerful for early game, especially when farming, or having a tiny 2vs2 or 3vs3 gank/fight. And a well farmed Nasus kills the rest of the whole team with his Q.

If anyone wants to think about it and then give me a response or thought /opinion, that would be great. This is all really just theoretical, and if I’m lost, someone could just give me a poke in the right direction.
