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Olaf Jungle vs.Olaf Solo Top? Which one?

Creator: b3astliness April 16, 2012 9:39am
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Jungle vs Solo top
b3astliness's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 9:39am | Report
Basically I want to see the overview of peoples opinion's whether to solo top or to jungle as Olaf. Provide reasons for your choice not " OLAAFFF TOO STRONK SOLO TOP HUEHUEHUEHUE".

Cred to Keondre for this ^
Zoki's Forum Avatar
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Dec 28th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 9:44am | Report
I prefer top Olaf.

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Morr33d's Forum Avatar
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Feb 27th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 9:51am | Report
Top Olaf is way better, not saying that there are way better junglers than him.
BusDriver210's Forum Avatar
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Feb 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 9:52am | Report
Olaf requires large amounts of gold and experience. Seeing as the jungle is low on both these factors, I suggest you take him solo top. His jungle is nice, but your going to need to make money somehow.
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JEFFY40HANDS's Forum Avatar
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Aug 10th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 10:00am | Report
Top Olaf has all he needs to

1. Win the lane
2. Farm easily
3. Avoid ganks
4. Get to late game with less trouble.

Jungle Olaf has none of those things.
MasterShorty's Forum Avatar
Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 12:14pm | Report
GAWD...I really cant stand jungle Olaf.
My role is jungling, and I am telling you right now, that jungle olaf is sooooo not as good as others. If your good with him, great...but I am not....

Somalie's Forum Avatar
Jan 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 1:17pm | Report

Basically I want to see the overview of peoples opinion's whether to solo top or to jungle as Olaf. Provide reasons for your choice not " OLAAFFF TOO STRONK SOLO TOP HUEHUEHUEHUE".

In fact, you put champs where they are the most powerful ... And in lot of cases, win lane = win game.

Top Olaf has enough gold to be a real monster in midgame, if he won his lane or if both top were even (can't really lose lane if picks were not stupidly done)
Jungle Olaf will have, at the same moment of the game, slightly less gold (less HP, less resistance).
Olaf has to walk to kill the carries and has no gap-closer like a Nocturne, he has to tank some dmg/aoe dmg (he could avoid them but he can't lose time). So he needs that HP, that armor/MR he could have with the gold earned in toplane.

Top Olaf will have tankyness while dealing tons of dmg before enemy's carries are dangerous (if enemy's ap is not super super fed) and will have more dmg (atmas)/utility (TF or randuin)/tankyness while enemies up their dmg. Having a built-in super damage tool allows him to build tanky in midgame, so he's tanky while dealing a relative ton of damage : 340 dmg from E on a lvl 12-13 squishy is a lot. Then he can build what his team needs.
Jungle Olaf, if not super fed in early gank/fights, will have a normal tankyness considering enemies' damage in midgame, and will have to improve it before buying additional dmg. He won't buy more dmg/utility before end game.

This point of view include wriggle/vamp scepter, warmogg+counter build+other def item (atma or randuin + FoN), TF; relying on E to do the midgame dmg then atmog AA then TF proc.
Ppl playing olaf with tons of AD items could have an other pov.
English is not my native langage, I'm sorry about how painful to read my text are :c
markthema3's Forum Avatar
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Jan 18th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 1:49pm | Report
I love jungle Olaf simply because his ganks are insane. If your solo top player is remotely decent, even if the opposing team has no jungle and top is a 1v2 lane, a level 3 gank from olaf = 2 kills. Just my 2 cents. That's also how you get your gold, massive amounts of kills. It's also nice to be able to solo blue buff at level 1 and still have 50-75% health depending on runes and masteries and starting items.


Nocturne (muffled):


b3astliness's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 2:06pm | Report
Somalie wrote:

In fact, you put champs where they are the most powerful ... And in lot of cases, win lane = win game.

Top Olaf has enough gold to be a real monster in midgame, if he won his lane or if both top were even (can't really lose lane if picks were not stupidly done)
Jungle Olaf will have, at the same moment of the game, slightly less gold (less HP, less resistance).
Olaf has to walk to kill the carries and has no gap-closer like a Nocturne, he has to tank some dmg/aoe dmg (he could avoid them but he can't lose time). So he needs that HP, that armor/MR he could have with the gold earned in toplane.

Top Olaf will have tankyness while dealing tons of dmg before enemy's carries are dangerous (if enemy's ap is not super super fed) and will have more dmg (atmas)/utility (TF or randuin)/tankyness while enemies up their dmg. Having a built-in super damage tool allows him to build tanky in midgame, so he's tanky while dealing a relative ton of damage : 340 dmg from E on a lvl 12-13 squishy is a lot. Then he can build what his team needs.
Jungle Olaf, if not super fed in early gank/fights, will have a normal tankyness considering enemies' damage in midgame, and will have to improve it before buying additional dmg. He won't buy more dmg/utility before end game.

This point of view include wriggle/vamp scepter, warmogg+counter build+other def item (atma or randuin + FoN), TF; relying on E to do the midgame dmg then atmog AA then TF proc.
Ppl playing olaf with tons of AD items could have an other pov.

Hmm I see what you mean, if people get fed with Olaf they generally head much more damage based.Meaning their jungle has to be strong as Olaf and their ganks have to have close to a 65% gank rate( approximating here) to beat solo top Olaf's farm rate(Assuming he get's no kills).

Cred to Keondre for this ^
b3astliness's Forum Avatar
Mar 22nd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 16, 2012 2:13pm | Report
markthema3 wrote:

I love jungle Olaf simply because his ganks are insane. If your solo top player is remotely decent, even if the opposing team has no jungle and top is a 1v2 lane, a level 3 gank from olaf = 2 kills. Just my 2 cents. That's also how you get your gold, massive amounts of kills. It's also nice to be able to solo blue buff at level 1 and still have 50-75% health depending on runes and masteries and starting items.

Believe it or not a Solo Top Laner (IMHO) thrives when it is 1 on 2 because their natural sustain is so high. I Also right now consider Olaf to be sort of a farming Jungle since he has the potential to clear camps like no other, meaning the new jungle is more adapted to suit Olaf.His ganks however seem to be based on the amount of skill a person has when it comes to timing and skill shot skill level. As for Blue it doesn't really set Olaf apart as many Junglers can do the exact same thing(e.g Skarner, Trundle, Warwick, etc.) I thank you for your input, as you seem to be the only one who disagrees with the crowd.

Cred to Keondre for this ^
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