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Irelia Build Guide by DRAFTINGBOY123

Scire Vindicem Vestrum: Irelia - Lithe and Destructive

Scire Vindicem Vestrum: Irelia - Lithe and Destructive

Updated on May 1, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DRAFTINGBOY123 Build Guide By DRAFTINGBOY123 5 3 7,457 Views 25 Comments
5 3 7,457 Views 25 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DRAFTINGBOY123 Irelia Build Guide By DRAFTINGBOY123 Updated on May 1, 2012
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xlcanubis | May 11, 2012 4:30pm
Voted -1
I main irelia - played hundreds and more games with her so I'm not here to troll or anything.
I have read through the comments and I would say what Asaki just mentioned below GP10 doesn't work on Irelia esp after her nerf
The masteries should be either 0/21/9 or 21/9/0 tanky or bruiser tanky.
Trinity force build works only on bruiser irelia, if u build off tank much better get frozen and wits end to start with

I always get a wriggle as I solo top followed by phage - works a charm.
Asaki (13) | April 30, 2012 11:49pm
His few comments were on your guides. (and the one on mine)
DRAFTINGBOY123 | April 30, 2012 10:21pm
probably some troll with nothing better to do. Took a look into his account, its empty. No guides, few comments. Nothing.
Asaki (13) | April 30, 2012 9:44pm
And I added math in response to PlatinumSims, who downvoted due to "lack of survivability" (trust me, I have plenty of that) and because I "raged" about GP/10. Then he comes back here and asks you to add math.....Suspicious
DRAFTINGBOY123 | April 30, 2012 8:57pm
??? Actually I've already laid out everything I'd like to show. Originally I intended to put 3 builds. Offtanks, Lifesteal, and assasin. But in the end I just went in-depth with offtank. After I put my tanky dps builds, I decided to put in the assassin as well since I didn't see anything wrong with it.

As for the math, you can see it was requested by PlatinumSims, and the match ups which are in progress were told to me by a friend. I have several other sections planned as well

I haven't actually gone to your guide yet. I've been busy with trying to improve this one

But you did help as well since I did even more research on gp/5. Turns out its situational and not always a good pick. I plan to put an explanation in the item sequence once its finished.
Asaki (13) | April 30, 2012 4:01pm
Following in my footsteps I see ;;

It can't be coincidence that you work on an assassin build after I make one, add math after I do, add match-ups after I do, etc.

If it's not coincidence, I'd like credit for inspiring you.
PlatinumSims | April 29, 2012 7:43am
I'd also like to see a math section for aspects such as Survivability, Damage and other related stuff. Just so it'll be clearer.

Keep on going with the guide, you're doing great really.....
DRAFTINGBOY123 | April 28, 2012 11:03pm
Wow, you've still got a lot to learn
Asaki (13) | April 28, 2012 10:29pm
Never heard of it because it's not viable. You don't want 3 underleveled champions.
DRAFTINGBOY123 | April 28, 2012 8:55pm
Well well, 400-500 games now and you've never heard of the term triple solo or trio lane. In my elo players don't think normally. they make weird plays that question the other teams when it only shows why they did it during late game. For irelia, they make sure its hell for her early game. I guess you've never really faced what a true competitive team is. Its okay, it'll help me experiment with irelia a bit more.
Asaki (13) | April 28, 2012 4:51pm
Voted -1
I've made it clear through earlier posts why I'm downvoting. With 400-500 games with Irelia, failing many times with GP/10 and Trinity, I think I know what I'm doing.
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