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The "How to counter my main" thread

Creator: Lugignaf May 19, 2012 12:10am
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Jun 24th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 9:13am | Report
Wintermond wrote:

Mah, I have to admit that Udyr is not that much of a problem once you get used to the matchup. New Riven players will probably lose that matchup because they try to outduel a tiger udyr with ad runes and offensive masteries very early. I just try to stay defensive early, shield his tiger procs and wait for him to go oom, then go for him. Or wait for lvl 6 because Riven is alot stronger then.

Unless he camps in your wraith bush like a douchebag.

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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 9:16am | Report
Temzilla wrote:

Then i hit him with an E, and he crys back under his tower where he belongs.

Mordekaiser doesn't lose to people unless they have low cooldowns, and burst damage.

Anivia who lands EVERYTHING EVERYTIME will beat morde.

Lugignaf wrote:

Charged shield

So... You've just charged your shield with E... and you're using it again?

What sorcerery is this?
True love is found only in yourself.
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Nov 18th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 10:19am | Report
Luther3000 wrote:

Unless he camps in your wraith bush like a douchebag.


Like a real Luther. :P

El Psy Congroo.

|You can't spell slaughter without laughter.|

Lazukin's Forum Avatar
Jan 20th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 11:19am | Report
I play a lot of Lux, and one of the best ways to counter her is simply to have fast reflexes and tier 2 boots early on. Also, champions with gap closers that can jump to Lux, as she is almost impossible to chase otherwise. Irelia is a great example, as she has CC reduction, a gap closer, and is very hard to burst down.

When going mid, Kassadin destroys a Lux of the same skill level. His silence, combined with his great burst and short CD teleport are good enough reason to stay out of mid if you see a Kass on the other team, get your AD to go mid if this is the case.

LeBlanc for similar reasons, although the Lux needs only slightly higher skill than the LeBlanc to win this lane.

Katarina, early game she is a bit too much for Lux to handle, but can be shut down post level 6 when Lux gets her QAERA combo.

Talon will beat Lux pretty much all game. He can catch up to her, he can jump to her, and he can silence her. Don't forget that he does a ton of damage D:

Lastly, Vladimir. A Lux of equal skill will probably win early game, but it is one of those lanes where you NEED more cs. Vladimir can usually get Lux lategame assuming they are both fed the same amount.

Shurelias Reverie, Banshee's Veil, Maw of Malmortimus, and QSS are all pretty viable options against Lux as well, specifically for those who want to be able to chase her down, as otherwise she is insanely hard to reach.

I make sigs, PM me if you want one :D (Thanks for the Nidalee sig, The_Nameless_Bard!)
Temzilla's Forum Avatar
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 1:09pm | Report
Xenasis wrote:
One does not simply push a Cassiopeia to Mordor her tower. She's a common counterpick in high Elo (see also - TSM vs M5, second match at M5's first tournament which I forgot the name of - Regi counterpicked AlexIch's Morde with a Cass, and he was useless for most of the game and pushed to his tower for the majority of the laning phase), and one of the few champions that can outpush a Morde, harass him, and take chunks from his health all at the same time.

She can easily outpush and chunk Morde's health at the same time, since she's like a ranged version of him with more harass.

Her only 100% reliable damage is her E, which has a 6s cooldown that lines up with E.

Properly played mordekaiser can avoid most of her damage.

Like i said, 99% of cassiopeia players heavily telegraph all their movements.

Your level 1 is ****, you have to be very careful, but with 360 move speed it's not hard to dodge her Q's.

Your level 2 is pretty good, you can charge your shield, and she still has a really shallow mana pool for Q/E.

Your level 3 is strong, you can poke her with E's and she has to have Cassio Bot reaction time to respond with a Q. Fake E's to get her to throw out Q's at you.

Your level 4-5 is good because you pick up W and another rank of E, you can afford to get hit by a Q every once in awhile now, your shield generation is pretty good.

Your level 6+ is pretty simple, but pretty hard, don't get in range of Cassiopeia unless you are 100% certain that you won't die to her ulti+QWEEE combo.

If you are ever low enough health that you don't feel safe from her combo, then just back and pick up items.

She's not a lost lane, you just can't win the lane.

Lugignaf wrote:

Charged shield

So... You've just charged your shield with E... and you're using it again?

What sorcerery is this?

Mordekaiser has slightly lower cooldowns than Swain.

E being 6 seconds, Q being 4.

I can reliably keep my shield up with Q, and harass/re-shield with E at the same time.

Meanwhile, swain is forced to Auto for all his CS, and can't push out from his tower without losing all his QE damage because he's ranking up W.
Tri lane for life.
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Jan 14th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 2:11pm | Report
Temzilla wrote:

Her only 100% reliable damage is her E, which has a 6s cooldown that lines up with E.

Properly played mordekaiser can avoid most of her damage.

Like i said, 99% of cassiopeia players heavily telegraph all their movements.

Your level 1 is ****, you have to be very careful, but with 360 move speed it's not hard to dodge her Q's.

Your level 2 is pretty good, you can charge your shield, and she still has a really shallow mana pool for Q/E.

Your level 3 is strong, you can poke her with E's and she has to have Cassio Bot reaction time to respond with a Q. Fake E's to get her to throw out Q's at you.

Your level 4-5 is good because you pick up W and another rank of E, you can afford to get hit by a Q every once in awhile now, your shield generation is pretty good.

Your level 6+ is pretty simple, but pretty hard, don't get in range of Cassiopeia unless you are 100% certain that you won't die to her ulti+QWEEE combo.

If you are ever low enough health that you don't feel safe from her combo, then just back and pick up items.

She's not a lost lane, you just can't win the lane.

Reliable damage on a well played Cass is Q W and E.

Morde can't avoid her damage. He has to stand still whilst he Es, for example, and he predictably goes towards the minions every time. (Also, I'm not sure if you're implying that pros cannot play Morde properly or not, but I'll hope you aren't).

99% of Cass players do not telegraph their movements, and if they do, then what's Morde? 100%?

Cass can poke you from a MUCH, MUCH larger range than Morde, so you can't say "Oh, go and harass her with your E" when she can riposte with her whole arsenal from a bigger range than you can E her.

If she forces you to go back, then she gets a bigger advantage in the lane.

Also - Cass can push a lane far harder than Morde can. He cannot choose where to fight.

I don't know if for some reason all of the pro Morde players (however little they are) are somehow weak to Cass play or your'e a better Morde than them or not, but I'll trust personal experience as both Morde, Cass, and watching pro games. If Cass doesn't win a lane against Morde, she's bad. Cass is hard to play though, so you might see a few first timers (especially in free weeks) play badly.

What sort of Elo are you, and have you played with pros or anything before?
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Mar 28th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 2:34pm | Report
Xenasis wrote:

What sort of Elo are you, and have you played with pros or anything before?

All i know is that i beat every cassiopeia i've ever laned against as mordekaiser.

That is all i know.
Tri lane for life.
VKZ95's Forum Avatar
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Jul 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 20, 2012 3:20pm | Report
my main is Mordekaiser

and yes you can lose lane if you are up against someone with:
    a lot of sustain and decent damage

    CC and or gap closer

    nuke damage

    champs with a lot of range

these include kennen garen cassiopedia olaf riven(I hate cass)

you can also shut down morde with a strong early jungle like lee sin or shaco

Or just by simply using mr runes and a cheap mr item ( morde is going to have around 26-34 magic pen after sorcerer so you are going need mr or he will deal true damage otherwise)

Mordekaiser the metallic nightmare RIFT, thank you JEFFY40HANDS for this awesome signature
<Retired Admin>
Wayne3100's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2012 3:04pm | Report
Xenasis wrote:

What sort of Elo are you, and have you played with pros or anything before?

He has a rating of < 1200 with 16 wins and 16 losses in ranked. His top elo is 1325. Four of his ranked games have been with Mordekaiser, with a win rate of 50% and an average of 10.5 kills, 3.5 deaths and 6.8 assists during those games.
In normal games, he has 437 wins and 385 losses.

Thanks to MissMaw for the signature!
ConMasterFlash's Forum Avatar
Jul 16th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 21, 2012 3:35pm | Report

You cant stop a gragas from farming with max range barrels, but you can make him lose all lane control by having long range poke. Max range barrels are really easy to dodge and gragas really needs get close so he can body slam to land an easy barrel.

Burst is necessary if you want to kill him as well, his sustain is pretty strong. The regenerative power of alcohol is incredible.

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