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Udyr Build Guide by DuffTime

Duff's HAM Solo Top Udyr

Duff's HAM Solo Top Udyr

Updated on August 17, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author DuffTime Build Guide By DuffTime 67 11 158,909 Views 106 Comments
67 11 158,909 Views 106 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author DuffTime Udyr Build Guide By DuffTime Updated on August 17, 2012
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Danielhead (1) | August 25, 2012 4:13pm
dufftime, I genuinely hate you... in a good way. Whenever I buy a champion, it's always after reading one of your guides, then I read the next, and have no ip to buy the next champion. :(
Great guide anyways :D
DuffTime (672) | August 18, 2012 12:17am
Thanks man! =]

Follow on Facebook/twitter for future updates, as I won't be returning to update guides here any longer =]

Cheers ^_^
Vapora Dark (624) | August 3, 2012 7:47am
Lul, I'd actually forgotten about this. Tried it out yesterday and today though. First game I dominated GP in top, by the end of the laning phase I had about 100 farm and was 8/3, and he was 2/6 with about 30 farm. Unfortunately, when I was 8/3, their Sivir was 12/2, and I was unable to kill her at all because of her massive DPS and her shield blocking either my stun or the tiger proc. Ended 11/13. Second game I dominated top again, but their feed was spread throughout bot, mid and jungle. I ended the game as the only positive player on my team with 20/12.
DuffTime (672) | July 19, 2012 4:34am

This is absolutely insane as a counter pick.
Prime your tiger stance on the way to lane and hide in a bush. Miss a couple cs on purpose to let the enemy get in position then jump on them for the tiger proc followed closely by another tiger proc and ignite. INSTANT DEATH.
I lvl 1 killed a volibear on first burst. *SUNGLASSES*

:3 Yes sir, yes it is xD Cheers on your success! :P

tehAsian wrote:

Duff, I noticed this strategy falls off hard late game ;o

Any ideas on how to remedy this?

I dunno, you're probly playing it wrong because I don't feel that sensation. I feel more like, "YESSSS DIE IN ONE SHOT!!!" to anything I put my paw/claw/fins on... :P

Really Asian? I haven't noticed, I noticed when i use Duff's guide I go 12/2 or some crazy score and feel as though i channeled the very powers of Duff himself. Odd it works differently for you. o.o

Yeah ionno, maybe he's skipping the channel the powers of Duff part! :33

...Duff's made a guide on Udyr. He takes Wriggle's Lantern. Awesome. Gonna try this out tomorrow, then kiss your feet when I'm done.

Lol! Let me know how it goes :D

Seems pretty good overall, especially someone like me likes unconventional stuff like this :P

I doubt that the 22AD would work against enemies with ranged harass such as Teemo, Kennen and Vladimir. However, you stated this as counterpick NOT as general pick; therefore +1!


And yeah, it is designed as a counterpick strategy, but even in the event that you get a Teemo, Vlad, Ken, etc, if your jungler is in call with you, you should still consider taking 22AD and organize some good ganks. The damage is even better against squishy ranged champs, and if you can get them locked down for even a second, Udyr closes distance very quickly. And if flash is ready, even better. Kersplat!

Scythid wrote:

I tried your udyr build and won many solo top lanes. Renek , Nasus , Lee and even shyvana ... But how can i counter udyr . Need a ranged champ ? I tried ryze . I hit him for 3 min and he regen with turtle and then if just he manage to hit me once i get to half life just in one hit .
I liked your guide so much. And i liked your olaf guide too. I preety much learned the game from your meta game guide . Thank you duff so much.

:D! Thanks man, means a lot :P

Well good picks against Udyr are manaless champions who can either sustain well and/or harass well.

In my opinion, your best bets are Kennen and Vladimir. Get a revolver and boots 2 and you can just kite around, harass and sustain :)
Scythid | July 18, 2012 2:48pm
I tried your udyr build and won many solo top lanes. Renek , Nasus , Lee and even shyvana ... But how can i counter udyr . Need a ranged champ ? I tried ryze . I hit him for 3 min and he regen with turtle and then if just he manage to hit me once i get to half life just in one hit .
I liked your guide so much. And i liked your olaf guide too. I preety much learned the game from your meta game guide . Thank you duff so much.
GrandmasterD (531) | July 16, 2012 12:10pm
Seems pretty good overall, especially someone like me likes unconventional stuff like this :P

I doubt that the 22AD would work against enemies with ranged harass such as Teemo, Kennen and Vladimir. However, you stated this as counterpick NOT as general pick; therefore +1!
Vapora Dark (624) | July 15, 2012 7:02pm
...Duff's made a guide on Udyr. He takes Wriggle's Lantern. Awesome. Gonna try this out tomorrow, then kiss your feet when I'm done.
OTGBionicArm (415) | July 14, 2012 10:56pm
Really Asian? I haven't noticed, I noticed when i use Duff's guide I go 12/2 or some crazy score and feel as though i channeled the very powers of Duff himself. Odd it works differently for you. o.o
tehAsian (247) | July 14, 2012 10:06pm
Duff, I noticed this strategy falls off hard late game ;o

Any ideas on how to remedy this?
MinionKaelith | July 12, 2012 11:23pm
This is absolutely insane as a counter pick.
Prime your tiger stance on the way to lane and hide in a bush. Miss a couple cs on purpose to let the enemy get in position then jump on them for the tiger proc followed closely by another tiger proc and ignite. INSTANT DEATH.
I lvl 1 killed a volibear on first burst. *SUNGLASSES*
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