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What will you do in these situations?

Creator: NicknameMy July 1, 2012 7:20am
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NicknameMy's Forum Avatar
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Apr 27th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 7:20am | Report
1. You are support and your ad-carry leaves the game
2. You are the jungler and your team pushes all the time any lanes and dies near the enemy turret, while flaming you for never gank.
3. You are the top laner and your jungler never helps you while you are camped by the enemy jungler.
4. You are the tank and the initator and nobody follows onto your initiation, even if you ping 1000. times.
5. 1 of your team just runs everytime into the enemy and feeds.
He is gonna kill you!!!
koksei's Forum Avatar
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Oct 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 7:44am | Report
1. If you are behind already --> ask them to go mid fast and end it so you dun waste full twenty minutes. Ask your team first if that's okay with them
2. Just farm - lane gank there'll always be a way to gank at least 1 lane.
3. Just try to farm hug the turret, drop first turret - go for objectives like drake.
4. Can't do much more besides trying to convince them to follow you
5. Surrender at 20 if it's too heavy

~ Sig by Xiaowiriamu ~
albableat's Forum Avatar
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Oct 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 8:00am | Report
1. I usually build AP. Many supports turn out to be powerful solo laners with AP builds. Their sustain, fast wave clear and decent damage allows you to survive lane well enough to be useful later on.
2. Just keep farming and pay attention to securing important objectives. Also, if you never gank, it means you have more time to coordinate crippling counter jungling. Go ahead and take your enemy's **** 24/7
3. Keep asking, do your best to farm under a turret. It's a good practice too...
4. Don't initiate. Wait for the other team to do so and then use w/e CC you have. That works, sometimes. But the situation may be pretty sad when you are seriously ahead and YOU need to initiate.
5. Ask your Anivia to wall him off the enemy team whenever he tries to suicide or just body block him with 6stacks Cho'Gath lolol
Damn, you can't really do anything about such a person.
Want to see an in-depth diamond level LeBlanc guide? Come by and check this ;) It's written by Baekstra who is a Diamond LeBlanc main on EUW and being one myself, I can vouch for it 100%!
fifolek's Forum Avatar
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Mar 10th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 10:24am | Report
1. build ap/ad/tank depending on champ
2. laugh at your team, counterjungle
3. kill both and tell your team to do dragon
4. don't initiate, wait for someone else to do, either a teammate or the enemy team
5. use him as a bait, gather 4 man, wait in a brush near the location where he dies and then KILL

+ at all 5 questions, yell at your monitor, always works
RaNuD's Forum Avatar
Jun 21st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 10:47am | Report
1.Build some AP stuff and blow them appart. The best way to take advantage of this situation is trying to have fun, which most players obviously dont understand.
Pro tip: Dont ****ing write "gg" before proceeding into feeding/blaming the whole world

2.If you ward well enough, you should be able to setup some good counterganks. If you cant, just farm all you can like others said

3.Learn to last hit under the turret and try to have their jungler waste as much time as possible near you (you obviously need some wards in order to do that, though)

4.You could turn into a wards sweeper. Get oracles and wards and make sure you control the map... players who dont follow you wont have a decent map awareness/ward coverage for sure. If you control the map, you can set ambushes with your teamates.

5.Depends on the situation. When we go 3-4 premade and a random pushes solo or something, we usually try to use him as a bait. Again, wards will help you a lot. You often can pick a champion trying to reach his teamates for a 3 man ganks on the baddie.
It can be done in solo queue too, but you'll have to be quite a good leader(and somewhat lucky as well)
In a thread about his own ban,
gabpin wrote:
stfu I only did that : swearing and thats why i got ban are u ****** or something ?

In a thread about toxic players,
Go be a whiny baby elsewhere. Find and abuse the ignore button. No sense stinking up this forum with your crying.
jinlee's Forum Avatar
May 9th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 11:39am | Report
what do you do when four people on your team leave

all credit for this amazing sig goes to the nameless bard

if you thought what i said was worth it a rep would be rainbow pony awesome
MyRepublic's Forum Avatar
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Jan 12th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 1, 2012 3:24pm | Report
My god I've had every single on of those happen. The being top and being camped while having a useless jungler upsets me the most. Sigh* It just depends on what i feel like doing. I usually try different things each time something happens like that to see what works the best for future reference.

Thank you Miss Maw, CasterMaster and Arcana3 for the sweet sigs. I'd definitely recommend you to anyone looking for a nice sig.

"But we are stronger creatures than babies, why cant we hunt them?"- Meiyjhe
Icarus Stark
Icarus Stark's Forum Avatar
Jul 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2012 8:48am | Report
1. You are support and your ad-carry leaves the game

- Would just have to deal with it. Unless my other team mates are doing well, accept the defeat. Play passive and try to last hit wit your abysmal auto attack animation and damage.

2. You are the jungler and your team pushes all the time any lanes and dies near the enemy turret, while flaming you for never gank.

- Calmly relay to them that if they want ganks, they should try to freeze the lane or let the enemy team push more. If they are not complete idiots they would comply, if not, then...hopefully you would get a better matchup next game.
Also, buy wards for them if they are getting owned by the enemy jungler. (That may not be effective, however, if they also happen to have no map awareness.)

3. You are the top laner and your jungler never helps you while you are camped by the enemy jungler.

- Buy wards, place them. Make sure you do NOT push, etc, etc. Beg your jungler, whilst also seeing just where they are. They may actually have a reason to help you. Eg, camping other lanes in more need. etc. etc.

4. You are the tank and the initator and nobody follows onto your initiation, even if you ping 1000. times.

- Well, pinging doesn't necessarily communicate "Let's fight, I initiate, you follow up" quite clearly. Be patient, wait until your team is remotely near you, quickly type a short message telling them you are going to initiate, then do so. Hopefully they will follow up.

5. 1 of your team just runs everytime into the enemy and feeds.

Well, they would be worth zero gold in the end, no? So rather, it wouldn't be that bad. Just never sacrifice yourself for them if either of you guys are in a life/death situation. Try to tell them of their faults and hope the would listen up. Play smarter and avoid any large confrontations with enemy team, although that depends on the champion(s) at hand.

"Tomorrow belongs to me"
GenuineGoods's Forum Avatar
Jun 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2012 8:36pm | Report
1. Build a carry build.
2. Invade enemy jungle, farm, and instead of teammates flamming me, start flamming team.
3. Hug turret, If im purple team, take the jungler's golems.
4. Just take a deep breath and try to cordinate the team. If its hopeless, just surrender.
5. Ignore the teammate and just try to carry.
JMastiff's Forum Avatar
Nov 3rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep July 3, 2012 9:01pm | Report
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