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Need help with choosing a lane to play

Creator: AyushGarg August 10, 2012 10:07am
AyushGarg's Forum Avatar
Jul 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2012 10:07am | Report
Hi guys.

Ive been playing League of Legends for about a month now and Ive mostly been jungling as Shyvana. I want to learn a new champion for a new lane. I love jungling but I just want to learn something else.

I was interested in the top lane at first but I would always lose to them because I didnt harass them too much. I then went bot as Ashe but I wouldnt get too much farm as both people were trying to raise their CS and I would just fall behind. Then I bought Veigar and I played decently at first but then I realised that people were getting alomst 100 AP in 20 mins through his Q and that demotivated me -.-

So guys, can you please recommend a lane for a player like me who doesnt like to harass ( Am willing to learn tho :P) and is semi - decent with his last hitting? Thanks alot guys :)
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2012 11:43am | Report

Every lane has it's tricks of the trade, but harassing occurs frequently, so you should totally learn it (even if you want to play a non-harasser like Nasus (who is hard as **** in the current meta), you need to understand harassing).

So, I recommend you try something relatively safe, like toplane Teemo: you use Q to blind the enemy (who will often be melee) and harass with auto-attacks, can use W to run, E stacks with your autos so it's ok, and your ulti are free wards that can occasionally net you a kill or save your ***.

Or you can try Morgana mid, since you can afk farm with W, but I don't think this will teach you much about laning..
lifebaka's Forum Avatar
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Dec 12th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2012 3:20pm | Report
Every lane needs to harass, so you're going to have to learn. There's not much to do about this except practice. Try doing duo bottom with a friend.

If you want to work on last-hitting, I'd suggest using champions who have terrible autoattack animations and don't build AD. Like Soraka. If you can last-hit with them, you can last-hit with anyone.
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WOMBO's Forum Avatar
Jul 17th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2012 4:27pm | Report
Getting demotivated gets you nowhere. If you like kills, go for mid lane. It's usually where first blood occurs. Top lane is the easiest to gank but the champions who tend to go there are much tankier and it's a little harder (but not impossible) to get kills in. It's very farming/harassing oriented. Bot lane is the hardest to gank and very farming oriented. Due to the support's presence you can't blindly harass, but you will probably not be able to farm everything due to incoming harass. Bot is the most passive lane in most games except for a few that have a lot of kill potential. (Leona/Naut/Alistar lanes, Cait/Urgot lanes, etc)

Semi-decent isn't enough, keep practicing. You can stop when you can get 99% of the CS at the 10 minute mark alone in a custom game. This may not apply if you're aiming to main support, but is crucial if you want to learn AD carry.

Harassing is simple in execution. It's literally dealing damage to an opponent without taking any in return. Some champions are very good at it, usually those with ranged spells or attacks. Some aren't (Nasus is one of them). Based on their cooldowns, current mana and what they're doing, you will either stay in position, last hit, or harass.

If they're going for a minion, that is the easiest way to both land a skillshot and get off free damage. Back off immediately if they can return the trade, especially a champion who has a lot of burst/range (such as Zyra or Brand, who are exceptional duelists).

If they recently used a fairly high cooldown spell, it means you have a small window of time in which you can harass or farm freely. Anivia's Q is the biggest example of this; until 6, she is literally useless without Q, which has a very long cooldown. Leblanc is another one, which is why most Leblanc guides will tell you never to CS with your Q.

This also applies to short cooldown spells like Cassiopeia's Q, but it is much more risky.

Also, if they are coming back from something (warding, ganking, getting a buff) they are usually an open target for skillshots. At your level, it's fairly easy to get the enemy's blue by killing them while they are returning to lane. It will get progressively harder and riskier as it goes on, however.

There's a lot more to harassing, but that's the gist of it.
AyushGarg's Forum Avatar
Jul 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 10, 2012 10:28pm | Report
First of all, thanks all of you guys for replying :)

I guess Ill see between the top lane and middle lane as I dont really like a passive lane :P. I guess Ill have to learn Harassing as well. Currently, I play in the mid as Veigar and just Harass with his E --> W combo. Does that work?

Also, can you guys recommend some decent champs I can use to harass and have a decent overall game with in both the top lane and the mid lane? Thanks :)
Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2012 1:27am | Report
If you are fairly new to LoL, then it's clear that you'll need to train yourself up to have a decent grasp on farming as well as harrassing. Both of which occur in bottom lane. While mid is a bit more kill-oriented, the bot lane is the same, if you can have a friend play an offensive support. You can wary your play in bottom lane by switching betwen passive supports ( Soraka) and offensive supports ( Alistar, Leona, etc.), you will more or less learn a lot of things that you need in other lanes as well.

These things I speak of is for example:
- Choosing between taking a minion lasthit versus getting in 1-2 autoattacks onto the enemy AD carry.
- Being able to see when you have no minions to lasthit for a bit (The enemy minions are all fairly full HP, and none of them are getting focused heavily by your minions), thus giving you a chance to look at harrassing the enemy, or perhaps even denying them a lasthit or two.
- Looking at your own minions' health, to predict when the enemy AD Carry will move forward to lasthit (Also helps you a lot if you play any other role than a passive support - it teaches you when to initiate - whether that be in top, mid or in jungle, it can help you anywhere.) When you have a scenario where you have no minions to lasthit, and one of your minions is almost dead, then, if you have a risk-free chance for it, you should poke the enemy AD Carry with an autoattack or two.

The thing about these things, although I specified them specifically for bot lane, is that they are nice things to think about in any lane. I believe bot lane is the best place to train these attributes - farming is a very important part of the game, and this comes best to show in bottom lane. If you become good at lasthitting as an AD Carry, you'll have an easy time lasthitting with a Solo Top character, as they have more base attack damage. On another note - if you can win the bot lane, perhaps netting a few kills down there, then, if you play well, you will usually be the main role in winning your team the game. This of course holds new attributes that need to be learned - things such as:

- When to go in
- Positioning in a teamfight or even a small skirmish
- Who to focus-fire in teamfights as well as small skirmishes

I hope this will help you in the future :) If you learn something like the frst points I listed as well as the last ones, you are sure to be able to play better in all of your games. Learning these things early, will make you capable of even more progression later on.

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AyushGarg's Forum Avatar
Jul 8th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2012 7:19am | Report
Thanks for replying Kirluu :)

Whenever I play in the bot lane, I play as Ashe (Other champs are very expensive) and I manage to get a kill or two without dying most of the time. I harass decently with her Volley as well. The thing is, im not able to get a very high CS as my partner also tries to get the minions. Tbh, I dont really have a friend to play bot with as well :/. I guess it will come with time :).
Kirluu's Forum Avatar
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Jan 15th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 12, 2012 7:57am | Report
Looking at your profile I see that you are only level 16. This is most likely where the issue lies. You can't rely on getting a team with all the appropriate roles before you reach near level 30 or level 30 itself. Until then people are still learning to play different champions, and don't really start to think about how the team should look until they are a bit more experienced with a wide range of champions. This is a normal progression, and by just playing the game at first, you, without knowing it, become more adept with different roles, which then means something once you hit level 30, and have perhaps been there for a little while.

If you want to have a higher chance of getting a dedicated support with you in bottom lane, you might want to play Draft Pick instead of Blind Pick, as you are more likely to find players who are serious about their LoL games. Be warned about this, however: You are at the same time also more likely to meet flamers because they take the games so seriously, and also you have a higher chance of meeting smurfs, who might have an advantage over you since they have more LoL experience. You can't always call out a smurf though - some people learn very fast, have played that same champion since the beginning and some have previous experience with for instance Heroes of Newerth or Defense of the Ancients.

I hope my replies are helpful to you ^^ Feel free to throw me a PM if you have any specific questions; I'll be more than happy to help you out :)

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