I can't believe it, a really personal post by me! The lows i have sunken to. And i warn you now, it will get sappy, so brace your selves!

I bet no one of you know this, but for nearly exactly a year from now, i was really ****ing depressed, and i mean considering suicide level depression here. Why i was is? None of your ****ing business!

But what i am happy to tell you guys is that in the last year i have worked my self out of it and grown as a person. So i wanted to make this post to say thank you, to every one on the site. And give some shout out's to some of ya.

So no need to dwell, lets get to it.


Ok, you might know it, but you have been helping me out way more than you could even imagine, just by being an awesome friend. Not really what to say more than: Your a kwel dude.


Another fella that just have been to much support without knowing it. Both of you, you have no clue how much you helped me true this.


Luther, i love you man. So don't take this the wrong way. But talking to you kinda got me to see a person that i did not wanna end up as. You are awesome and all, but you really got me to see were i was going. To a place i just did not wanna end up at.

And even tough we haven't talked much lately, you as well deserve a place as a friend that have just been really fun to be around


You have been with me the longest, and because of that you are prob one of the people here that deserve the most from me. Even tough you can be weird some times, i am always glad to hear that Accent of yours.

That is all the people i am gonna shout out personally, don't got much time writing this, but trust me. Even if i didn't end up putting your name here, any one that have just been a nice fella around me the last year deserves my thank you! Hell, even people that i just **** around with i love!

But i think that is enough love from me for now, so lets on a high note!