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Riven Build Guide by Beeswarm17

AD Offtank Riven - Valor For All

AD Offtank Riven - Valor For All

Updated on December 15, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Beeswarm17 Build Guide By Beeswarm17 925 105 5,911,562 Views 502 Comments
925 105 5,911,562 Views 502 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Beeswarm17 Riven Build Guide By Beeswarm17 Updated on December 15, 2012
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Pyrenaphen (2) | February 24, 2013 7:52am
I've been playing Riven for a while now, and I love the tanky angle. Just my two cents, but Locket OP. Riven's W is nice is teamfights, but it isn't a big presence in fights. Armor/CDR/team shield/HP - and it's cheap.
Should add that I like your build and guide, so this is just my playstyle I'm adding.
Because I love the CDR build and the unlimited skill spam it gives you if you know your abilities, I go brutalizer, BT, Locket, SV, LW or BC and then the other, then situational. Still well over 300AD with ~850hp added, and an extra 230 shield for team when fight goes down, and of course - unlimited passive proc with unlimited skill spam. The loss of AD from the MR part of the build, imo, is made up for by the 200 health, extra life steal, and 20 CDR from SV.
Beeswarm17 (109) | February 20, 2013 8:21am

Hey, just curious, have you written another guide on SoloMid? There is one with an introduction and quite a good portion of the guide that is literally exactly the same as yours, word for word.

Figured that I should check just in case someone is plagiarizing your work.

No, I don't have a guide on SoloMid. Do you know what the title of the guide was? The link doesn't take me anywhere specific.
Agrippa 271 | February 12, 2013 7:17pm
Hey, just curious, have you written another guide on SoloMid? There is one with an introduction and quite a good portion of the guide that is literally exactly the same as yours, word for word.

Figured that I should check just in case someone is plagiarizing your work.
Beeswarm17 (109) | February 3, 2013 9:02am
Satella wrote:

Riven, despite all her nerfs, is still one of the strongest laners out there with only two difficult matchups: Teemo and Kennen. She is very much playable at even high elo, so I encourage you to pick her up and try her out again.

Add Darius to your list. He's one of the only champions that can effectively duel Riven at any point in the game. You have to be very careful laning against him. It's true that she's not countered by anyone, but the good armor/AP items out there make her life more difficult against Teemo/Kennen, it's true. The range on both of them gets really frustrating.

At least blind doesn't affect physical skills like it used to back when she first hit the field. Teemo DEVASTATED her back then.
Satella (177) | February 1, 2013 10:39am
Riven, despite all her nerfs, is still one of the strongest laners out there with only two difficult matchups: Teemo and Kennen. She is very much playable at even high elo, so I encourage you to pick her up and try her out again.
phyankord | January 31, 2013 12:48am
Very nice guide, Never played riven quite like this (i had my own completely diffrent guide for riven before season 3 but i cant play her anymore due to the changes made to the items and her nerfs :( ) but im sure it works well for the very few people who still use her :)
Beeswarm17 (109) | January 30, 2013 9:08pm
Satella wrote:

You should talk about Mid Riven; she can shut down a large number of AP mids hard, and a roaming Riven is like a walking apocalypse. Get a few kills, make the enemy jungler run like a sissy, take every objective, and you can do this much more easily than would be possible if she was sent top lane.

I've not played Riven in midlane enough to feel justified in discussing it. I know it's good and that it's viable, but I just don't have the game experience to feel justified discussing it in the guide. Currently it is focused largely on top lane, as that is where the bulk of my experience is, but once I have more experience, I'll be adding that in. It is currently very powerful, that much I know for sure.

I saw that one time...
She was feeding me the ENTIRE game ( Talon) :)
Ik ik he's AD, but he's also a top so... yeah :P

Sounds like you found a bad Riven. Lucky you.
DarkAkumaLord (61) | January 30, 2013 4:47pm
Satella wrote:

You should talk about Mid Riven; she can shut down a large number of AP mids hard, and a roaming Riven is like a walking apocalypse. Get a few kills, make the enemy jungler run like a sissy, take every objective, and you can do this much more easily than would be possible if she was sent top lane.

I saw that one time...
She was feeding me the ENTIRE game ( Talon) :)
Ik ik he's AD, but he's also a top so... yeah :P
Satella (177) | January 30, 2013 1:36pm
You should talk about Mid Riven; she can shut down a large number of AP mids hard, and a roaming Riven is like a walking apocalypse. Get a few kills, make the enemy jungler run like a sissy, take every objective, and you can do this much more easily than would be possible if she was sent top lane.
Beeswarm17 (109) | January 29, 2013 9:10pm
Fleim wrote:

Sucked hard, got owned by Xin. I did no dmg to him, while he killed me in 1 autoattack.

That's unfortunate.

Obviously that's what you will transition the item to later. All of the items in that little box are for early game decisions. It really should go without saying that you'll upgrade them later. Scimitar is in the guide, too.
DarkAkumaLord (61) | January 29, 2013 5:06pm
Fleim | January 29, 2013 11:22am
Sucked hard, got owned by Xin. I did no dmg to him, while he killed me in 1 autoattack.
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