I just played a Singed game. I haven't played him in a long time but when the game ended I was 1/2/13 or something so I did okay. But that wasn't the most interesting part about the game.

I was against a Talon and early game he was harassing a bit but after I got my Catalyst I got so tanky that I literally tanked his minions and his W and farmed it up while spaming laugh at him. His jungler Nautilus came to gank and he got 2 kills on me but Talon got 0 and I think at the end of the game he did have 1 or 2 kills but he got 0 from me.

This was such a funny game..in team fights all I did was tank and spam laugh (yes I spamed it while in the team fight). Near the end of the game the enemy Gragas was like "STOP LAUGHING!!" and I was laughing for real and in-game when he said that xD

After the game ended I was spaming stuff like "Ha", "Hahaha", "Hahahahahahaha" in the chat lobby and enemy Trist said "You're gay". Oh how I love it when I piss off people so much that they say I'm gay xD it's priceless.