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Fiddlesticks Build Guide by Beasthar

AP Offtank Fiddlesticks - You just got Crowtrollstormed! (Jungle Guide)

AP Offtank Fiddlesticks - You just got Crowtrollstormed! (Jungle Guide)

Updated on October 5, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Beasthar Build Guide By Beasthar 18,259 Views 13 Comments
18,259 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Beasthar Fiddlesticks Build Guide By Beasthar Updated on October 5, 2012
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Beasthar | October 5, 2012 2:43am
I alredy know he is right i never said he wasnt, in the item selection of the guide the thigs he is saying are right there are just there. And for my personal experience you can carry a team with Fiddle just if your team let you, at least in my experience. Im not the best Fiddle and i not even near to it. And i agree that is an expecive the one described in my item build and its hard to finish it, I may change a few thing. What you thing of changing rod of the ages for the zhonyas, ill keep that hexchet for now becouse for me at least is useful, it let me time a minion wave with my ult to let me tower dive and isnt a expencive item
PsiGuard (1495) | October 4, 2012 10:19pm
Mikuroo wrote:

The problem with this build is you spend money on things you don't need . But u miss the best item to get on fiddlesticks .

Zhonyas hourglass . It is the best item because you can crowstorm into a team , and if they ever focus you , you can zhonyas . If they don't focus u , u can keep chasing them and kill with with your huge damage .

I don't know why u get hextech , you should be going through the jungle at full hp, and your drain heals for enough late game . If u really like wota, then buy it late game and use it with zhonyas for free heals .

Rod of ages is also not the best pick , your main build should focus on zhonyas abyssal and rabadons. If you look at the base damage of fiddlesticks it is insane , u only need you zonyas to survive and then get out. If you take both rylais and roa, u waste so muhpch money on hp when u don't even need much.

Remember, your heal is technically healing for much more when you buy resistances. So u need at least some armor.

Hope I helped you (: peace

Everything in this review is correct, I suggest you consider Mikuroo's advice.
Mikuroo (168) | October 4, 2012 9:25pm
Fiddlesticks is easily an ap carry and can do that without much farm. He only needs 3 items, zhonyas abyssal and rabadons. You should try it sometime, you will realize you can carry games easily.

I know someone who played jungle fiddlesticks up to 2300 elo, and he was so cocky about it, in champion select whenever he picked fiddlesticks he told his team: lucky you guys, you get a free win.

K thats my last post, I'm out
Beasthar | October 4, 2012 3:27pm
actually u are not the ap carry you are the jungler, your main goal is to kill their carry and deal some damage to let your team win the team fight, i build items according to the oppocite team, if their carry get a GA, i will get a thornmail to counter it and raise my armor, and remember that Fidd is a tricky pick you, wont initiate fights you will jump if there from the side, so when they focus you they will have alredy burned some of their cds, at least in my experience Fidd excells with excellent initiators like Malph and sustained aoe CC's. And zhonyas is a great item for Fidd but is a bit overrated to my eyes, still i build one a lot of times, specilly if they got high burst potential or a lot of cc's, specially pushbacks. Thanks again for the comment!
Mikuroo (168) | October 4, 2012 6:29am
But you are not tanky at all and if they focus you , you will die in 2 seconds literally. Health means nothing late game, u are an ap carry and you need that zhonyas.
Beasthar | October 3, 2012 11:31pm
Hi! thanks for the feedback!, I alredy posted Zhonyas in the item section and also lots of items convinations, and when you choose them according the situation, i also posted a classic Fidds build. I posted the Rod of the Ages becouse of the sustain it brings and becouse it adds a bit of tankiness in fid, there are a lot of replacements on item section to it. And i always pick the Hextech becouse when i ult on a turret or on the oposite team im getting lot of health back, also then it becomes a Will of the Ancients, that item helps your team a lot specialy your AP carry. My aim on my build is to get the pressoure off my carrys during team fight, trying to shut down their carry and taking all the damage possible to give time to my team, specially to my carrys, to destroy them. And you are right resistences help you heal a lot more, but you will be building them according to the enemy team. Tnx a lot for the reply is appreciated! Sorry for my bad english, i'll ask Beasthar to correct it!
Mikuroo (168) | October 3, 2012 10:21pm
Voted +1
The problem with this build is you spend money on things you don't need . But u miss the best item to get on fiddlesticks .

Zhonyas hourglass . It is the best item because you can crowstorm into a team , and if they ever focus you , you can zhonyas . If they don't focus u , u can keep chasing them and kill with with your huge damage .

I don't know why u get hextech , you should be going through the jungle at full hp, and your drain heals for enough late game . If u really like wota, then buy it late game and use it with zhonyas for free heals .

Rod of ages is also not the best pick , your main build should focus on zhonyas abyssal and rabadons. If you look at the base damage of fiddlesticks it is insane , u only need you zonyas to survive and then get out. If you take both rylais and roa, u waste so muhpch money on hp when u don't even need much.

Remember, your heal is technically healing for much more when you buy resistances. So u need at least some armor.

Hope I helped you (: peace
Beasthar | October 3, 2012 7:34pm
hehe u are right thats why warding is so important in blue hungry junglers specially fidd, tnx a lot for the vote, i never actually tried starting with boots ill try it, but i think ill loose a bit of sustain with them specially if my team dont leash, ill try it out to see what happens.
throatslasher (248) | October 3, 2012 1:25pm
Voted +1
upvoted due to politeness of guide authors.
throatslasher (248) | October 3, 2012 1:24pm
Np, guys. I didn't say amp tome 1st was bad in a factual manner, I meant it as an eduated opinion. I play SOME fiddle jungle, but I've backed off playing him a bit since he's fallen out of the current counter-jungle-or-die jungle meta.

All champs that have to start blue basically raise a big red flag to the enemey team that says, "Hey! I'm going to be here! Invade me!" (warwick, amumu, fiddlesticks, skarner and other) I prefer boots because it speeds up your jungle because it allows you to run inbetween camps faster. Also, If you get ganked by 435 movespeed shyvana, not even flash will save you as you flee with a pitiful 325-335 MS.
Beasthar | October 2, 2012 4:20pm
Hi, Im thunderburst thanks for the feedback, i just added a classical Fiddle build, all that you said was explined on the guide as very viable choises, all items are situational. I like the run speed because flash CD is very long and I dont like to depend on that to positioning myself or if i need to get away improve my possibilities of survive. I pick the defensive tree + amplifiying tome to compensate the doran's ring, get an extra gold income with smite and a early Kage's Lucky Pick, and a bit more of tankiness, but its true that lowers a bit my clearing speed and I stated in the guide i pick doran's ring when i got the feeling of getting counterjungled. Thanks again for your posting your thoughts helps me to improve this!.
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Fiddlesticks - You just got Crowtrollstormed! (Jungle Guide)

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