• Kog'Maw. His walk animation, joke taunt dance and laugh and he wags his tail when he walks.
  • Cho'Gath, with ANY amount of stacks. Namely because of his dance.
  • VileMaw. IT DANCES (a very generous placement for a spider)
  • Summoner Rift's Dragon and Shyvana. Because most dragon are cute.
  • Fizz's ultimate on any skin. Sharks, urfs, dolphins, void monsters from the abyss; all cute af.
  • The wolves in either map wolves are practically doggos so that's a 10/10
  • Kha'Zix. he looks like like one of my fave pokemon
  • Rammus. he's the strong silent type
  • Maokai and his saplings. saplings look like little babies
  • Bristle (Sej's mount), especially as a bear. boars are basically pigs and pigs are basically toy pigs that you can keep as pets and they are mad cute
  • Malphite he's a rock with feelings
  • New Tibbers he wears a fancy *** fedora in the prom skin
  • Volibear bears are cute when they're not a danger to your life
  • Zac. he's like lime pudding with feelings
  • PowPow (Jinx's gun) it has bunny ears
  • Vel'Koz he can h5 people with ctrl 3 and he walks cute especially if you pretend his eye is his mouth and he's making this face :D but with three eyes
  • Rek'Sai apparently all void creatures are cute
  • Rakan when he talks about how much he loves Xayah. Also their recall animation.
  • Beemo bees are cute and saving our planet
  • Yuumi need I say anything
  • Pretty Kitty Rengar need I say anything