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A new season, a new journey

Creator: Crows foot November 16, 2012 2:55pm
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Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 16, 2012 2:55pm | Report
Status update: 63 games played, 31-32 in stats and 1076 Elo. Which means +27 Elo this season.

Greetings all! Last season I was a mediocre player from the start and I started losing elo like nobody's business. Went down to just under 900 and climbed back to around 1050. From here I impersonated what many described as Elo hell. Like a ledded brick I dropped to just above 700 Elo. Mad at myself while having less time to play I went back to normals and tried learning more.

Wise(er) with a breather from LoL I decided to save some grace and work my way back up a bit so I would have a chance to redeem myself with placements I did a bit of an effort to work up my elo so I did. Ended season 2 at 903 elo. Which means that I started season 3 at 1051.

I will continue to post my games and my thoughts.

I have played top alot lately. I know that I can fallback on support so I am focusing top. Trundle, Irelia, Vlad and Shen will be my tops to start with this season.

Oh well I will do a fine list:
Top - Vlad, Irelia, Shen, Trundle and Teemo
Mid - Vlad, Katarina, Brand
Jungle - Trundle, Nocturne, Amumu
Adc - Tristana, Ez, Corki
Support - Taric, Sona, Leona

I have one game this season so far and that is a win with Shen. So I assume that I am somewhere around 1090 elo.

My main goal is to reach 1300 Elo before 10 games. And I know that is a stretch since it will allow for only 1 loss since 2 would put me at 1290 or around there. A more realistic goal would be 1250, so when I start with my 20 elo games I am back where I started season 2.

Long term goal is gold, I believe I have that capacity in me.

My Shen-game went well, against a Nasus top. Went 4/0/11, pretty much shut Nasus down.

My priority bans for this season will be:
Malphite, Evelynn, Kassadin, Katarina.

I will never ban Shen cause I'll either pick him top or shut him down with Vlad.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 20, 2012 12:59am | Report
One more game played, Vlad top again, got punished hard by Pantheon. Our mid Cho got fed but then we as a team made a few bad plays midgame and we lost. Had little time to write about that game.

Now I am in champ select. Going Trundle top vs Yorick.
Our bans: Jax, Akali, Jayce
Their bans: nunu, Darius, Shen

Top: Trundle (me) vs Yorick
Mid: Malz vs Annie
Jungle: Amumu vs Lee
Bot: Vayne/blitz vs Graves/taric

Good start, game froze just when loading was about to start...
Caught it in time though so should be fine.
Which it isn't, 3rd restart now. Hate this ****.

AAAAND finally I get into loading screen!

How to beat Yorick: deny him early, run him out of mana.
How not to do that: don't get into game early... xD

Oh well, I get into lane, I see our amumu is not connected and we are behind.
Add to that I win my toplane quite secure and take Yorick in a few 1v1 and even meet Yorick and Lee in 1v2, kill Yorick and escape.

But we can't retake the jungle pressure lee can pose since amumu goes 6 at bout 11 mins or later. So bot loses, annie eats our mid and I can't leave top enough to help bot only mid.

We lose game, and I'm the big noob and amumu should be banned for power failure at home. While Blitz/vayne lose lane hard, and so does Malz.
Now 1/2 in placement matches.

New game. I go Shen top now.
Safe pick. But team starts to troll in champ select so someone leaves.

New game. Darius top.
Toplane: Darius vs Rumble
Mid: Ryze vs Veigar
Jungle: Jax vs Lee
Bot: Vayne/Renekton vs Mf and Malph

Renek afk randomed. Still hasn't connected. This can be messy.
Well he never reconnected and we fought hard. But lost in the end. 4v5 too stronk.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 21, 2012 3:02pm | Report
Old favourite. Went Teemo top vs Riven. Should have been lost, but ap teemo early game harass hurts like two *****es over a piece of bone.

Top: Teemo (me) vs Riven
Mid: Morde vs Vlad (who ran heal/ignite)
Jungle: Shaco vs Heca
Bot: Cait/Ali vs Draven/Mundo

They start screaming mundo troll. We start good, I ask Shaco to camp mid since Vlad no flash. It takes 10 mins for first gank mid from shaco. I want to yell, but I go on dominating top, winning farm by alot after I give up a kill to Heca (assist Riven).

From there we start winning games after bot lost first turret we roam and I get tanky from Phage and two dorans. I start winning fights and Shaco starts being useful. We win game comfortably and Mundo afks. Maybe was troll, maybe decided to be troll since they called him on it.

Ended 10/3 with over 22x farm in 33 min game. more than 70 farm over 2nd farmiest.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
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Apr 5th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 22, 2012 9:11am | Report
pics can help. =)
gj and gl!

Sig made by Tamy
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 25, 2012 12:11pm | Report
There will be pics, I just suck at remembering them!

Had to support as Sona one game. My 8th placement. Went positive as almost any support last season, now I started bad and lost. Could have done way better with speaking to my team. Too bad we got one afk and we couldn't carry hard enough but it was close.

Now I did another top as Teemo. Vs Riven. Shouldn't be able to win that game, all said. I shat on her, went 8/1 and their jungle dc:ed after I shut him down too.

Our Diana won mid vs Brand and our Ali/Ez won against Leona/Twitch. Basically it was a walk in the park. Now for my 10th placement I am duoing with the Diana from last game. We'll see how that goes.

Will promise to try to remember to post pic XD
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 25, 2012 4:37pm | Report
Quick update from bed. Derped a bit with my placements and went 1-3 in the first 4. Worked my way up and today I went from 3-5 to 6-6 and my elo is just over 1040. Top rating this season is around 1080. So I focus there and want me to grow.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 25, 2012 4:41pm | Report
Oh and going 5-0 with teemo. 1-1 with Shen and 0-1 with Sona, Corki and apparently 3 more. Might be one or two Vlad games too.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 27, 2012 2:07am | Report
Since I have a bit more time than usual (I ended up being at work 3hrs before I had to) I will post a bit of a catch up. Haven't played any more games since I went 6/6 but here is a recap.
Oh and one more thing: except for dc's when I remember them, I won't be picking apart my teammates but only my own gameplay.

Game 1: I did well toplane with Shen. A few good ultis, splitpush their ***es off. We won. Have no pic or shiats from that game. Don't remember much. This was my first ranked with shen since like early season 2. But I got him, did well, don't have to be ashamed.

Game 2 was Vladimir top. I don't remember **** of this game, just know I lost, had bad stats and played a bad game. Not my style since my late comeback last season was mostly Vlad.

Here is the picture of my last 10 games in ranked, game 3-12:
So, game 3:
Trundle top vs Yorick. I love Troll and have always wanted to try him vs Yorick. Except for once overstaying with low health and not noticing yorick tp:ing in to the bush on a ward and instagibbing me I won about every trade and made their jungle camp me top. I was ahead in farm and kills, and should ofc have made more out of my advantage. I didn't however and I let my other lanes be lost.

What I did well here was wardcoverage, using my advantage against my enemy laner. What I did worse was not using my mobility to roam mid and help them, allowing mid to go bot more. I also didn't peel as well in teamfights as I wanted to.

Game 4:
Darius top. First time in ranked with him, went against a rumble and completely dominated top. Only times I died early was 3 man ganks (which I should have avoided) but I stayed, died and my mid could wipe up the mess. Midgame came, we were well ahead and I should have capitalized on it more. We lost the game due to a few factors, but what I could have done better was to use my Ulti better for it to be able to be chained. I could have continuted to ward better and with vision we could have won.
Pretty sure we had a dc in this game, but can't remember who. Ws close though.

Game 5:
Now I was 1-3 in placements and I got a sinking feeling. I thought "**** this" and went top as Teemo since I had done well with him last season. Got matched with Vlad and knew Vlad was weak early. Which means I should have harassed harder from lvl 1. Problem is, I didn't. So the lane was quite even, and we got kills only with ganks. We won the game, no big thanks to me but I kept Vlad back and he got flamed from his team though he did quite decent. My mid and my bot did well and we won.

Game 6:
Next Shengame. This game was soo full of mistakes from all sides and from my side most. Akali dodn't want to mid against Diana, so I went mid. Akali lost HARD top against olaf and I kept mid even but I couldn't keep top or bot safe. I wasn't good enough by far. Lots of mistakes. Apparently we lost!

Game 7:
Teemo top again, against Vlad again. This time I learned my lesson and when this Vlad tried to flash/ignite/e+q me and I lived I called in a gank, we got fb and he got flaming. After that the lane and the game was cakewalk. Look at the build, mostly funneh!

Game 8:
Went Sona. Was one of my best win% in last season. But I couldn't do good enough this game. I tried, but it's hard to carry from Support. I did ward a ****load, bought some oracles, tried to mage assists happen. We lost.

Game 9:
Went Teemo top again. Are you guys stating to see the pattern here, cause I was. Riven faced me, I shat on her with early aggression och often managed to move away from her aggression and when she was out of skills I chased her back to her turret with aa's. Our mid Diana facerolled and we won easily.

Game 10:
Me and Diana decided to duo. This ended us up as last 2 picks so we didn't get top or mid. I got Corki and he took Zyra support. We did well bot and I outfarmed their Vayne by alot. Unfortunately Zyra got all the kills so I had not enough money to compete. I wasn't a big enough threat midgame to late and we lost. I know it wasn't intentional, but it was frustrating.

From here Diana/Zyra chose to leave for the night but I went on. I had seen the pattern so I went in for another game.

Game 11:
Got Jax as an opponent. Facerolled, Amumu camped top. I got cocky, died to a few ganks, but still kept Amumu top. Rest of the lanes did fine without jungler pressure and we won the game quite easy. I still have to face a jax that my teemo can't handle.

Game 12: Obvious pattern is obvious so I got another game, another teemo top and another win. Another time to face Vlad and with lesson learned I won top. Our Kassadin won mid (yay, kassadin wasn't banned and as first pick I took him for my mid and he picked me teemo). Together we won the game, and our bot didn't do too bad either.

What is my conclusion from this recap?

I have alot to learn, but I belive that if I focus on my strentghs I will striver higher this season and maybe reach 1500. 1041 now but there is an ocean of time before the season ends!
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep November 30, 2012 11:31am | Report

Game 13-16

Another 4 games played. Went from 6-6 to 9-7. Elo is now 1120.
So this season up around 71.

2 first games, Teemo games. As I win those this season, going 7-0 with Teemo so far.
7kills, 2.9 deaths and 6.9 assists per game with an average of 172.9 cs per game. Good win/lose, want to lower deaths and up cs a bit.

1st Teemogame I went botlane with Blitz. Wasn't meant to, called top, got top, then our Anivia froze, didn't pick adc and autoed Anivia. No reaction and only thing left to pick was the jungler Shaco.
Game started out bad with Anivia afk and we had to catch up. Which we did and won both lane and game, anivia did well, Akali top did well and jungler wasn't too bad. I don't wanna play teemo as adc but it works when I have to. Duelling is fine, that blind. But poke is harder with low range. At least against Cait in lane xD

Olafgame: Wanted top, didn't get it. Got to chose between support and jungle, took jungle and misclicked olaf instead of nocturne. Good thing I run same runes on both.
3 of our team didn't connect properly, me one of them, and we got killed in jungle and then crushed in lanes. Game was a disaster and I was a big part of that disaster. Was bad, just plain bad. Can't even learn from this game. *sadface*

2nd Teemogame: It seems I can't lose with teemo now. Lvl 1 invade in jungle against us, me and Lee was there, for some reason Taric came as well when Ez went bot. So they invaded, me and lee got away but not taric. Oh the sadface when their Darius jungle got fb.

This game was weird, since I went top against a yorick and I have hated yoricks from day 1 playing as Teemo. The harass and sustain is unbearable. But somehow I got through the initial harass and had him on low health and low mana during a long time, good warding kept me able to have my harass up. I won that lane quite hard, both in cs and in kills. The game ended with him not daring to come close to me since I outdamaged him even when he had his ulti up and used it for more damage. Taric was flaming the whole game but we managed to beat them out and win the lanes and the game.

Last game, Vlad vs Riven. Oh my how much Vlad is beaten up early game vs Riven and if she engages hard and you don't manage to pool her ulti active then you are royally screwed. Managed the lane well though and our botlane Cait+Taric went ape**** on the enemy and our mid Ryze did well. So I kept Riven top, kept her from wreaking our team and even though I went 1/5/1 in lane I did good in teamfights and ended 3/616 and got loads of damage done and my ulti won us the fights quick. We rushed a baron since they had no vision and then we pushed through.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
Crows foot
Crows foot's Forum Avatar
Jun 11th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 1, 2012 12:17am | Report
What is this? A screenshot from an actual game? Who are you and what did you do to Crows?

For once I played in single game and now I'm gonna go make breakfast for my pregnant gf. BUT first I will post an update.

After what felt like 2 eternities and a ****load of sighs I got in a game and we picked. Our lastpick flamed cause we banned blitz, since it was his only support (he had not said anything about blitz pre-ban) and all. Top pick called top and picked Teemo, then he realised their 1st pick took Fizz so he changed, took Kennen and went mid. 2nd pick got Jungle so I got my Teemo top.

Started out good against Riven. Was way ahead in farm and in harass. I got cocky, she went for me, I juked her and got fb under my turret from good running, ignite and a few aa's while running. But every time we went head to head I lost out after lvl 6 cause of her low cd ulti and bad managing of shrooms from my side. Even though this I managed to go on screwing her over since I had more cash all game. I ended up 256 to her 153 in the end. I could control her until our Jax somehow thought it a good idea to dive her at turret. Admittedly she was low, but I had her under control and every time she went in for a cs I hit her with aa'q'aa and she went back lower. Said and done, he leapstrikes in and stuns, I go in and attacks. Out of the blue a wild-tridentwaving-fizz comes out and kills me and Jax, with Riven surviving on like 10hp. Dive failed, Riven got one of the kills I think and one assist. We got naught. She caugt up a bit in cs and now she could 1v1 me, which I tried and died again. My bad there.

Mid and bot went back and forth. Our bot won lane (they had Twitch/Elise and we had Graves/Lulu with our Lulu 1st game) but then fizz appeared and set it back even a few times. Somehow kennen wasn't around that much bot.

Midgame came and we started having teamfights. We won skirmishes but they were ahead in kills, we in turrets. I belive we got most of the dragons this game, but I was only part of one.

We got total of 3 barons, even though they aced us after rushing one. But we'd rather rush it than go b and let them have it. All in all, we had better damage output, and kennen stuns on Fizz hurt like a ***** and not even Riven could stand up to that stunmachine. Graves got fed, even though he was a jerk, and I caught up from 1/4/2 in lane to 7/7/14 in teamfights cause I focused the right person.

Most of the fights we went like 4-5/1 and that 1 was me. That's the reason for all those deaths! :P

What can I learn? Being better at weighing the aggressiveness and when to back down. I held good in lane and even though I was behind in kda (riven finished worse than me) I led far in farm and won the lane. I was the bigger threat after lanephase than she was.

Now, 8-0 with Teemo. Upped my deaths a bit and upped my cs/game a bit. I love to be focused when playing my Teemo, since I build FM most games and that gives my team time to kill them when they focus me midgame.
If you for some reason want to follow my ranked journey to gold, you can do it Here.

I am against asking for rep, only rep me if you think I contributed well or said something wise.
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