My ranked team, tower dive gaming, has been banging out multiple tournaments every weekend, with mixed results. We always win our bracket, but we've been falling short in the semifinals and finals stage. We have consistently been trouncing 2k-2.3k elo teams, and winning RP.

I have some personal concerns with the team, but most of them are with my own performance. I need to work on having more presence, and I blew a call in go4lol which lost us our quarterfinals match against dirtnap gaming, extremely inferior opponents.

I've been playing a lot of Sejuani, but I feel she's extremely underrated, but still weak compared to almost every other jungler. Her dueling is surprisingly strong, as are her ganks. I think from level 3-9, she's terror, but before and after that, she's poopy. Any Sejuani fans out there??

So, 70% of my concerns are for me improving, but a few of my concerns have already been addressed. Calmond, our adc, is one of the best Vayne players I've ever seen, but he fails often when he doesn't have Lulu or Nunu & Willump as a support, which I addressed and we corrected. My other concern is the seemingly limited champ pools of our top and mid. Our mid prefers Lux and Orianna and Karthus, where as I would prefer more champs like Twisted Fate, Ahri, and Diana, aka roaming killers.

Our top is a great Cho'Gath, but I would love to see more Jax, a champ I feel is very strong ATM.

We practice 3 hours a day, starting at 4pm PST. If you would like to spectate our games, leave a message on this blog with your summoner name, (NA) and send me a friend request in league (I'm Throatslasher).

So that's all.