welp...Jarvan jungle kiiiiiiiiiinda sucks now...no sustain.
basically spent entire first clear at like 1/5 health.
I'm having soooo much fun playing Riven mid.
Game 1:
There was no reason for us to lose this. We had the better team fight composition, me and Darius were pretty fed, and I kept denying their AP Master Yi a lot of kills. But our Xin Zhao threw the game by jumping into 5 people alone late in the game like a boss. On the bright side, I got a quadra kill (Should have been a penta but w/e) and still had the most CS.
Game 2:
Had a bit of a shaky start since I've never laned against Annie. But after a few team fights, I got to re-establish myself and came back by saving my entire team from a bad fight. And from there we just steam rolled. Poor Corki got owned late in the game though. We were all in the brush and Darius pulled him in while I stunned so he got demolished.
Game 1:
Riven; 14-8-24
There was no reason for us to lose this. We had the better team fight composition, me and Darius were pretty fed, and I kept denying their AP Master Yi a lot of kills. But our Xin Zhao threw the game by jumping into 5 people alone late in the game like a boss. On the bright side, I got a quadra kill (Should have been a penta but w/e) and still had the most CS.
Game 2:
Riven; 3/5/13
Had a bit of a shaky start since I've never laned against Annie. But after a few team fights, I got to re-establish myself and came back by saving my entire team from a bad fight. And from there we just steam rolled. Poor Corki got owned late in the game though. We were all in the brush and Darius pulled him in while I stunned so he got demolished.
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