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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Muramana

Total Price: 2900 | Recipe Price: 0 | Sell Price: 2030

LoL Item: Muramana
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 35 Attack Damage
  • 860 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Grants bonus attack damage equal to 2% maximum mana.

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-hit against champions deal 1.2% maximum mana bonus physical damage. Damaging abilities against champions deal [4% for Melee | 3% for Ranged] maximum mana bonus physical damage. Can only be triggered once every 6.5 seconds from the same attack or cast.
  • 15 Ability Haste
  • 35 Attack Damage
  • 860 Mana

UNIQUE Passive: Grants bonus attack damage equal to 2% maximum mana.

UNIQUE Passive: Basic attacks on-hit against champions deal 1.2% maximum mana bonus physical damage. Damaging abilities against champions deal [4% for Melee | 3% for Ranged] maximum mana bonus physical damage. Can only be triggered once every 6.5 seconds from the same attack or cast.

Muramana builds into these items:

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Depala26 | December 28, 2017 6:01am
Who cares about ryze and the gang, put this on xin zhao or sion, massive mana and increased combat damage on autos.
ptrck515 | October 3, 2015 2:47pm
How would this work with Gangplank? Would this be something to maybe try on him? his mana early game is horrible.
MiracleJT | January 13, 2017 5:01am
Although it is able to solve the mana problem effectively for GP, the passive is not a favour for him since he only can proc the passive with his aa or q only. So if you build tear (muramana), you just sacrifice your early power spike (trinity force) but gain huge mana sustainability to farm into late game
aliselay (1) | March 7, 2015 1:25am
Linear wrote:

Yep, SPAM THE Gs. Mixed damage while dealing a heck ton of it.

this is ad guys what ryze has to do with it
for ryze u should buy Seraph's Embrace
Artful Saber | November 4, 2016 12:40am
Ryze's single target spells and autos both proc the Muramana damage, and he still gains AP from the mana. Seraph's embrace is the defensive option, and Muramana is the offensive option. Some people like to get both actually, and that still works. The Awe passives get a little wonky but it doesn't change the 2000 bonus mana getting converted into all that AP, the Shock Procs, and the Seraph's active. Also if you get Lichbane and Muramana on Ryze the burst becomes unreal as hell even without your spells.
Some Syndra builds involve getting Muramana as well because it lets her ult basically one shoc from the Shock procs. Also she can clean up a kill with her auto MUCH easier if the enemy manages to survive the burst with a little bit of health, and for many mages that's a sadly common occurrence where they just barely lack the dps on an auto to clean up the kill.
aliselay (1) | March 7, 2015 1:25am
Linear wrote:

Yep, SPAM THE Gs. Mixed damage while dealing a heck ton of it.

this is ad guys what ryze has to do with it
for ryze u should buy Seraph's Embrace
Hyldar | October 31, 2013 6:11am
Huge on my Kha'Zix assassin!
crank1199 (1) | October 10, 2013 8:37am
Yes i do i gonna say if it work gonna be sooooooooo broken :)
throatslasher (248) | October 10, 2013 8:08am
Are you broken? go try it for yourself in a custom or something.
crank1199 (1) | October 10, 2013 7:52am
Does the toggle stack?
Cause it doesnt says that it is unique
Gonna be OP
Kazzette (2) | July 26, 2013 3:46pm
jomaluer wrote:

is this good for sivir?

It can work just fine, I don't recommend it though.
FENIX SP l | July 2, 2013 8:01am
this is OP for ryze
darkthreats | June 9, 2013 3:47am
Can someone explane to me how is this item good on ryze?
Artful Saber | November 4, 2016 12:42am
Ryze's single target spells and autos both proc the Muramana damage, and he still gains AP from the mana. Seraph's embrace is the defensive option, and Muramana is the offensive option. Some people like to get both actually, and that still works. The Awe passives get a little wonky but it doesn't change the 2000 bonus mana getting converted into all that AP, the Shock Procs, and the Seraph's active. Also if you get Lichbane and Muramana on Ryze the burst becomes unreal as hell even without your spells' damage.
Some Syndra builds involve getting Muramana as well because it lets her ult basically one shoc from the Shock procs. Also she can clean up a kill with her auto MUCH easier if the enemy manages to survive the burst with a little bit of health, and for many mages that's a sadly common occurrence where they just barely lack the dps on an auto to clean up the kill.
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