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Nasus Build Guide by Lepthy

AP Offtank AP Nasus, watch then melt as you roam the battlefield

AP Offtank AP Nasus, watch then melt as you roam the battlefield

Updated on January 4, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Lepthy Build Guide By Lepthy 4 3 13,396 Views 7 Comments
4 3 13,396 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Lepthy Nasus Build Guide By Lepthy Updated on January 4, 2013
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Lepthy | January 4, 2013 1:33pm

Theoretically this is unviable. I've only seen AP Nasus once in my life, and he was ****.

Why is it theoretically unviable? Because not only does he deal a mixed amount of damage (and not that much AP damage), his ultimate also has a rubbish AP scaling (kinda like Kog'Maw's W). This heavily suggests that he should build tanky, where, all things being equal, he will eventually outscale his opponents in damage while still being tanky and being a threat due to % damage from his ult.

I voted -1 because the guide has no coding and the English is really very bad.

Thanks for the comment! i've updated the graphic, is now a lot better, i will work on my english too
Laggermeister (242) | January 4, 2013 12:36pm
Theoretically this is unviable. I've only seen AP Nasus once in my life, and he was ****.

Why is it theoretically unviable? Because not only does he deal a mixed amount of damage (and not that much AP damage), his ultimate also has a rubbish AP scaling (kinda like Kog'Maw's W). This heavily suggests that he should build tanky, where, all things being equal, he will eventually outscale his opponents in damage while still being tanky and being a threat due to % damage from his ult.

I voted -1 because the guide has no coding and the English is really very bad.
Lepthy | January 4, 2013 12:24pm
thanks a lot to you all! i will add the BBcode right away =)

For the MagicPen you are talking about, i used to put them on, but withdrawd them because in a midst of a teamfight i can ideally hit all 5 enemies, where only 2 (sometime 3) will stack MR, in that case i think survivability is a better approach to maximize my dps.

I'm still relatively new to this tho, i might change my mind again anywhere soon!
SaunaCowboy | January 4, 2013 11:24am
Nice guide, like it over all, and will give it a try today. The only major problem I see with it is you have a distinct lack of magic pen. If you are running a double (or triple) AP comp with Nasus AP, AP mid (and possibly AP jungle) there is a very good chance the enemy team will stack MR (especially in ranked). Your mid will most likely go void staff and that is a decent option for you but since you're probably going to have to go some one tanky at the very least you are going to need abyssal. Odds are you wont be able to get sorcs so you'll be limited to 40 magic reduction (not including runes/masteries) assuming you don't go void. If you can convince your mid lane to go Panth, Talon, Khaz, GP or some other AD mid then you'll be in much better shape as who stacks MR against AP Nasus.

I think the one item you can afford to give up as AP Nasus (in order to get the magic pen) is the Rylais. Yes it works well with Liandry's but imo that doesn't justify getting it early. Keep in mind as long as you W some one or some one else on your team has slow you'll get full benefit of Liandry's. Maybe as a late game item you would get it but I'd get ROA early and then build into your Abyssal / Zhonyas. Liandry's is a very good item but gold wise its very inefficient as the upgrade cost nearly as much as the Haunting it's built out of. You're better off rushing you Lich Bane rather than Liandry's as it will give you more value early especially with the move speed bonus. That said I would still get early Haunting for the pen/health, then sheen, and then either roa or abyssal. Abyssal if you're against AP, ROA anyone else. After that it's very game dependent and I'd look at getting zhonyas or at least the chain vest for the additional tankyness. Then finish Lich and Liandry's. I do agree that building AP Nasus as pure tank does not work but an off tank version of AP Nasus (which seems to be what you recommend in your guide) with damage items first would seem to be the best option.

One final thought on AP Nasus. I was playing him for a while as you were maxing E first. However this makes him very mana hungry and you will get very low farm on Q. It might be worth putting 2-3 points into Q before maxing E. Still get E to 5 before Q but this way you run out of mana less in lane and get more farm for your Q.
DarkPercy (151) | January 4, 2013 8:22am
Hey, I'm glad other people play AP Nasus as well :P. I just wanna say that if you want your guide to be read and not to be hated (you might get a lot of hate), you should really work on making the guide look better.

An easy way to do this is to do a grammar check in your whole guide and to make use of BBcoding.

For example if you write [[nasus]] in your guide, it will appear like this: Nasus. You can do that with every champion/ability/mastery/rune/ability in the game: Spirit Fire, Renekton, Greater Mark of Attack Damage, Spellsword for example.

You can also make bigger images by writing this: [icon=Nasus size=70].

Which will look like this :

You can choose what the size is. From 20 to 100 usually is reasonable. Anything below or above that is a little silly. You can also write whatever you want instead of the ''Nasus''

[icon=wither size=45] =

Just make sure you don't include those big images in the middle of your texts because it will create a jump between the lines and it makes it really hard and confusing to read :P

I'll come back later and see what changes you have made. If they please me I'll upvote ;p. Have Fun!
Lepthy | January 4, 2013 3:26am
Thanks for your comment, i will take note of it. Rylai's crystal scpeter is an important item as AP nasus because of its synergy with Liandry's Torment, which make every poke hitting very hard. I've also tested numerous variant of builds, but getting too much resistances would simply make me another tank, where i want to be a devastating storm in the enemy team ;) with W on ADC, Exhaust on APC, life from Rylai, Liandry and Ult you are already hard to kill. But i will add A buldwak or angelas last situational item, as you recommend. As for RoA, i hardly never use it, it's simply a way to gain about 6xx more hp, as well as decent AP

Thanks a lot
I am Lord and Master (26) | January 4, 2013 3:12am
If you cannot speak english that well, just ask someone to read through it.

Also, if the guide isn't all shiny and stuff no one is going to read it. There is plenty of guides on this site how to use BB Code. Read them and rework your guide.

About the built itself: If you mention Rod of Ages never do it as an endgame item. It simply isn't one. You buy this asap to get the stacks up. There is no point buying this at 40 minutes. Besides that you don't even need rylai's crystal scpeter that early (or even ever?).

As AP nasus you are getting a lot of focus. In my opinion you need way more resistances to get away with that.

Best regards,

I'm Lord & Master
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AP Nasus, watch then melt as you roam the battlefield

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