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Ahri Build Guide by LaCorpse

AP Carry Ahri (아리) - The Fox in the Middle (still testing for S3)

AP Carry Ahri (아리) - The Fox in the Middle (still testing for S3)

Updated on March 13, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LaCorpse Build Guide By LaCorpse 1817 86 5,852,617 Views 444 Comments
1817 86 5,852,617 Views 444 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LaCorpse Ahri Build Guide By LaCorpse Updated on March 13, 2013
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eXwade | May 24, 2013 1:28am
You should add an armor/5 pots to starting items against ad mid champs like kha/zed/jeyce etc for alot of sustain :P Just an idea.
Lindiz | May 23, 2013 7:17pm
this helps me alot :) but i use to start with the Doran's Ring. is that wrong? it works fine when i do it, or should i start with boots of speed and health pots? :/
Killnight | May 13, 2013 10:49pm
Good guide but I get the feeling you need a Photobucket Pro Account :D
Killnight | May 13, 2013 10:49pm
Good guide but I get the feeling you need a Photobucket Pro Account :D
LittleLewis | May 10, 2013 4:41am
Very good guide it works really well on ahri well when i tryed it anyway :P
But good job :)
Sleepyheadz | April 30, 2013 10:19pm
One thing often overlooked about Ahri is her ability to counter-chase after teamfights (when she has Rylais and decent CDR). When you find 2-3 enemies on your tail just pop all your abilities; the orb procs small AoE slow on all enemies, whilst fox fire and charm procs the full 30% (on 2 enemies likely). Rinse repeat, and coupled with Hextech/Will of the Ancients, you'll find that you'll end up with more HP than your enemies and you'll be the one doing the chasing : )
happyhat8 | April 30, 2013 2:21pm
Haha, nice build. For me, when the first song ran out the Plentakill one came up! Keop up the great work.
MeltingPassion | April 27, 2013 3:33pm
Nice guide! Helped me alot :D
Orcrid | April 27, 2013 1:19am
I've been playing Ahri for the past couple days, i've only lost 3 matches, won over 20. Was playing with Malphite and Ahri combo which is amazing. scoring from 9-20 kills a game with around 10-20 assists. This is now my permanent champion. Your guide was great, I made my own few modifications. I use the mana ability with teleport. Keeps mana great at beginning, never need flash, Taken the entire team with just malphite as my partner in the game, such a great build. I end up returning back every time my teleport cooldown is back. Usually carrying about 1500-2500 gold each time I return, love Ahri. Thanks for the starter build. Just few adjustments per player preference and its awesome. I don't ever come across champions now that bother me.
Shesocold | April 24, 2013 9:18am
Have you ever considered Armor Seals? I find that junglers often gank when I'm pre level 6 since Ahri is hard to gank after 6 and the additional armor helps her survive those early ganks. It's just a suggestion. Other than that I like the build :3
snowflaxe (27) | April 22, 2013 2:55pm
amazing build, helped me out alot when i started playing Ahri.

angZ0 | April 9, 2013 6:21am
This guide gives short, to the point tips on using each ability, rotations, how how to play during early/mid/late game phases.
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