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LaCorpse's Cafe // Resources & Downloads
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Simple Start
Some of you may already know me as Bree/LaCorpse. Some of you may have no clue who I am. Either way, I'm making this "guide" full of resources and art for you, straight from my heart! This is my "Thank You" to this community. So, welcome to my resource page!
The graphics and resources you will find here are almost everything I use to make you guys signatures and art. I'll be showing you guys my favorite resources and stock images, where to find more like it and even some resources I've made on my own.
After you read this welcoming letter, please continue to my FaQ and Terms of Use, this is important to me :)
Love, Bree. <3
A) I try my best to include where I found things. If I don't tell you where to find something, its because I don't remember. When I make tutorials of my own, I will always include a package with it. These packages will have everything I've used in making that tutorial.
Q) Can you make me... ?
A) If you want me to make you something, please visit my signature cafe. You can find it here
Q) Can I have the PSD to... ?
A) If I don't have said PSD under the Photo Shop Stop section, chances are I don't have it or don't want to sell it.
+ Please don't claim my work as your own.
+ All downloads are free. Anything I've personally made, please don't re-upload or re-post. If you wan't to share with some one, just link them here!
+ Plus Rep would be nice if you have found something on this page to be helpful. (But is not required!)
+ Please do not re-upload and/or rip my tutorials.
+ PSDs are for looking only. Please don't take an image, put it in and claim it as your own.
+ Please use as much as you want, and ENJOY!
Definitions for the new graphic artist;
C4D: A C4D render, is a 3d picture made with a program called Cinema 4D. There are many different ways they can be used when making signatures.
Fractal: A fractal is an extremely complex geometric form consisting of smaller copies of itself repeating across (theoretically) infinitely smaller scales, the whole a development of a disarmingly simple mathematical formula.
Simply: A pretty pictures made with math :D
Nebula: Nebula resources are what many people call space-like starry images. In reality a nebula is a indistinct bright area in the night sky, for example, a distant galaxy. Scientifically it is a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter.
Lights: My personal defininition of "lights" is anything shiney. Glitter, glows, lighting, bokeh, basically anything that makes me think "ooh shiny"!
Grunge: Grunge is anything dirty, like dirt, walls, ground, dust, cement, and scratches for example. Mots of the time, grunge is dark or on a black background.
Other: The 'Other' textures are mostly photos or scans of images. Some will be images that are more than one category, like lights and grunge or nebulas and fractals together.
Render: A render is any object that has been cut out from the background of it's original picture.
If you use one of my graphics, it would be nice if you could give me credit and link to here or my cafe. :3
Some dividers:
- Google Images // For finding images!
- Deviant Art // Resources, Photoshop Brushes, Tutorials, Inspiration.
- Planet Renders // Renders.
- TagFreak // Some interesting things here.
- Sigresource // Inspiration, Resources & Tutorials.
- DaFont // Really Nice Fonts
- Stock Exchange // Stock Images
- Signature Stop // Signature Tutorials & PSDs
Thank you to everyone who has supported me! I'm still pretty new to the community here and I would like to give a special thanks to MissMaw who made me feel at home. She was the first one who made me interested in actually participating on the forums. She was the first one who sent me an inbox to warmly greet me.
Since then I have met some really sweet and awesome people.
For my new friends, this is for you. *hug*
I hope everyone could find something out of this and that you all enjoy!
I'll be updating this as much as possible.
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