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Viktor Build Guide by Agarol

AP Carry Viktor - Rise of the Machine

AP Carry Viktor - Rise of the Machine

Updated on December 21, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Agarol Build Guide By Agarol 595 49 3,031,251 Views 345 Comments
595 49 3,031,251 Views 345 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Agarol Viktor Build Guide By Agarol Updated on December 21, 2014
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Dogokiin | December 23, 2014 8:51pm
To start out, i'm glad you're back. I've been excited for this update your your guide on post-reworked Viktor :D!

Anyways, i've been experimenting with builds myself before the guide updated. Do you still think it's good to grab an Athene's on Viktor? The mana regeneration is nice, but after a few games, I saw it as a missed opportunity. Having an Athene's delays your other items (specifically the new Lich Bane). An early tear could fix the situation, but you and I both know it's not that good.

To fix this problem of yours, you made the build oddly identical to the last build. You upgraded 1 augment (1000 gold like Hex Core: Death) then proceeded to build an Athene's. I think it worked well back then with the Hex Core being cheap and maxed out and Lich Bane being unappealing. I don't think it's all that great now. Upgrading your Hex Core now gives 200 mana every upgrade (perfect hex core gives 600 mana). With that mana, utility, and ap at early levels, you become near unstoppable (blue buff is always nice). The only nice/crucial part is the CDR which i'll honestly miss (RIP). This can be fixed by late game Morellos, TS, or a DFG.

I guess what i'm trying to get at is:
*Perfect Hex Core 1st?: SUPER cost efficient
*No Athene's Unholy Grail: Delays Rabadon's, Lich Bane

I'd appreciate a response with your feedback on why you agree or disagree with me. Stay awesome.
Kezitaal | October 5, 2014 1:43am
Hi Agarol,

I love your guide since I found it. I also love to play Viktor. The "old" one was a lot of fun to play and my favorite champ. The new evolved Viktor is so really really good in my opinion. All Augments are so good. It is also a good option to augment your q or w first (It`s in fact a great evolution that he can now augment all of his abilities).

Especially an early augmented w helps a lot to maximize the success of a gank.

I`m very excited to see you evolved guide. I can imagine that this needs great efforts from you side. So, I hope you like he new Viktor also quiet a lot.
MrVux007 | September 26, 2014 5:28am
Well after 5 games with viktor i will add this.....the utility on him now IS CRAZY!!! E is nothing compared to his Q ...let me explain my build i used...... since the new hexcores give a great deal of mana there was no need for Chalice of Harmony(almost,in the early game ....but in late it is needed) 1.Buy an upgrade for the E(shock-wave)does tones of dmg even tho DOT is removed now
2.Buy Sorcerer's Shoes + Furor enchantment wich will serve as a great combo to his Q
3.Time to start building Lich bane witch will serves as yet ANOTHER great combo to Q
4.Upgrade your Q
----with 2.,3. & 4. items complete he will do crazy dmg with his Q + basic attacks(last game i had over 1000 basic attack dmg)
5.Build either Rabadon's Deathcap or Zhonya's Hourglas (depending on the current situation)
6.Make your last upgrade for W and with it R (i will say only this,the ulty looks ugly compared to the old one but it sure as hell is a LOT faster and effective)
----All in all,in the end Viktor became a well oiled death machine and you might say that he *Gloriously evolved*
Agarol (16) | September 25, 2014 8:47pm
MrVux007 wrote:

Hello Sir! me again....jsut checked the rework for Viktor ...and kinda have mixed opinions since they will remove DOT in next patch.... what are your thoughts on this ?

MrVux007 wrote:

Tomorrow is the big day for Viktor ...... cant wait to check out the rework ^^

Hey man!
I just tested him twice... Well, i don't quite know what to say... He's kinda strange. I'll have to play him more and i'll update the guide with more info aboutt him!

Stay tunned!

noona69 wrote:

Hi Agarol :)

I also main viktor and i thought another build. Well it's similar excepted I don't use mana regen item like graal.
So first I use doran ring with 2 pots, then i buys Augment: Death with another doran ringer for mana regen. After i buy the void staff, then alacrity Sorcerer's Shoes, then rabadon , zhonya and to finish Deathfire Grasp.
The only problem with this build is the mana, so you have to have a jungle who give to you all the blue.
I want to post my last games with that build because I did big scores but don't know how can put the image xD

Why hello fellow Viktor main! :D

It isn't a bad build. Yeah the mana regen will be a problem now and then, but if you feel confortable playing with this build and style, go for it!

Try to upload your image on one those image hosters and place the link here!

Cheers pal!
nilire | September 25, 2014 8:44pm
What do u think of the Viktor rework
MrVux007 | September 24, 2014 1:36pm
Tomorrow is the big day for Viktor ...... cant wait to check out the rework ^^
noona69 | September 18, 2014 9:47am
Hi Agarol :)

I also main viktor and i thought another build. Well it's similar excepted I don't use mana regen item like graal.
So first I use doran ring with 2 pots, then i buys Augment: Death with another doran ringer for mana regen. After i buy the void staff, then alacrity Sorcerer's Shoes, then rabadon , zhonya and to finish Deathfire Grasp.
The only problem with this build is the mana, so you have to have a jungle who give to you all the blue.
I want to post my last games with that build because I did big scores but don't know how can put the image xD
MrVux007 | September 13, 2014 7:02am
Hello Sir! me again....jsut checked the rework for Viktor ...and kinda have mixed opinions since they will remove DOT in next patch.... what are your thoughts on this ?
Agarol (16) | August 20, 2014 8:13pm
MrVux007 wrote:

Hey its been a while now! I havent told ya the good i reached from Silver III to Gold V thx to your guide and viktor on my way to Gold IV!!! Thank You again sir!

5 months, more or less! Great bro, you did it! Really glad that you could do it, and that this guide could provide some help to you!

Now, aim for Plat! You know you can do it, just keep playing and improving your gameplay. Think about how you can do better, and FORGET your *sometimes* ****ty team, even if you're, like, 20/1 and won your lane... FORGET THEM! The secret to win rankeds is: win your lane, and win the other lanes for your team! If you're doing very nice at mid, roam a lot too! Even if you do not get any kills, any summoner spells they waste is worth, and they'll start to flame in their chat about "mias" and etc... Do what you can, improve everything you have to. This is what Viktor want, right? Always improving, aiming for the perfection!

Cheers bro! Keep the good work!
MrVux007 | August 20, 2014 11:00am
Hey its been a while now! I havent told ya the good i reached from Silver III to Gold V thx to your guide and viktor on my way to Gold IV!!! Thank You again sir!
Agarol (16) | August 19, 2014 7:01pm

I also main Viktor as an AP Mid (the other midchamp is Talon). I love the Battlecast-Themed Skins and thanks to this guide, I got this little Penta and countless Quadras:

Keep up the good work! Gotta Laz0r them all °-°

Haha, the guide may have helped you, but YOU most of anything deserved this pentakill! Congratz bro! You're a joy to our fellow Viktor mains!! If you don't mind, i would like to use your video in this guide, is that ok for you? If you want to discuss anything, just pm-me!

Gotta laz0r them all!! >:D

Awesome and brilliant guide!!! Just a little question, would spell vamp be viable on Viktor? :D

Hey bro! Thx for your kind words!

As for Spell Vamp, i don't like it on him, BUT it all depends on your playstyle. If you feel confortable and think it's worth, go for it! Always remember, this is a guide, it shows you one way to play this champion, not the only and right way! Try builds, anything you want, and if you feel confortable with it, if you get nice scores and play well with it, thats YOUR right way to play!

Keep playing with lil Viktor from now on!! =P
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