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Kayle Build Guide by Mr.Vortigon

AD Offtank S3 Jungle Kayle - Wings of Aether

AD Offtank S3 Jungle Kayle - Wings of Aether

Updated on February 14, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr.Vortigon Build Guide By Mr.Vortigon 9 3 69,249 Views 8 Comments
9 3 69,249 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mr.Vortigon Kayle Build Guide By Mr.Vortigon Updated on February 14, 2013
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Senic Valcon | April 10, 2013 8:04am
I played Kayle jungle a couple of games by now, and i tried many builds. The core of this build perfectly works, but if you have your wit's end and a rageblade you will eventually feed youself. I prefer to build a hextech gunblade after your guinsuus and then go for a trinity/lich bane/iceborn because of your Righteous Fury + basic attack will have the sheen effect and deal massive damage, slow, or deal major extra damage. If you intend to build a rabandon after that i prefer you to take the Lich bane, as to the new patch that Lich Bane damage stacks with your ability power. I personally do a Trinity force to give that minor slow, a bit of health, movement speed, attack speed and crit and still get the sheen effect. As an ending of my build i swap my Lantern to a Blade of the Ruined King, but this will only occur if you enter the late-late game stage. This makes you have a decent amount of lifesteal and spell vamp on your rage basic attacks and no-one will escape you because you have 2 slowing actives of your gunblade and ruined king blade + the slow of your phage. This is for me the best working build, and you might try it out.
Sacre (11) | February 14, 2013 8:56am
Spirit of the Elder Lizard is much better on her then Wriggle's Lantern,prove me wrong if u can. If u try i give u upvote :)
ddrgregor | January 28, 2013 4:06am
Great guide I was having trouble following your first build but seraphic is really nice. I usually play on my own so when I ultimate my adc they just run back like chickens. Made an account just to ask if you can add more stuff about positioning. I’m having trouble knowing where to stand so I’m close but still dealing damage.
Mr.Vortigon | January 20, 2013 11:04am
Aseafy wrote:


you should not be releasing incomplete guides because it gives more people the urge to downvote them! if you don't want to release it , but already published, simply archive the guide .

as well, you forgot nashnors tooth. It is a really good item (:

Ah that is good to know, I didn't know about the ability to archive a guide. Nashor's Tooth is currently fighting for a spot with malady. I should have put it in the item section, thanks.
Aseafy (25) | January 20, 2013 10:08am

you should not be releasing incomplete guides because it gives more people the urge to downvote them! if you don't want to release it , but already published, simply archive the guide .

as well, you forgot nashnors tooth. It is a really good item (:
I am Lord and Master (26) | January 20, 2013 9:49am
Totally agree with the stuff being said above.

Basically Kayle's damage ouput has two or maybe three designs:

1. Full Crit: AD does no damage, AS is sweet. Why not use AD to actualyl deal damage then?

2. AP / AS: You can count her Q as a extremely good nuke + her E is a spell that scales ok but has no cooldown but is limited by your attack speed. Higher heals also which are nice.

3. AP Nuke: DFG, lich, etc. makes a good nuke, best designed for defending your carry. Great burst with more focus on utility from zhonyas and other nonviable option for AP / AS.

Why does AD, Hybrid and on-hit not work?

AD is a waste of damage because her E has only a scaling on the splash NOT on the skill itself and her Q is the only thing that scales.

Hybrid? Again, both scalings very low, needs AD, AP and AS to be effective, leads to overall weak stats. Also impossible to got for armorpen or magicpen which hurts a lot damagewise.

On-hit? Got AS got little magic damage but not enough AP to give the damage a scaling. The only reason this works early is her inbuilt damage. Very weak late, especially since there aren't good on-hi items and the good ones nerfed :(
Mr.Vortigon | January 16, 2013 12:37am


Thank you for the feedback, you bring up some good points about Guinsoo. I'll have to do the math for Bloodthirster. The reason I take Guinsoo at that point is to make up for the defensive boots. Having low attack speed really hurts Kayle's damage output. I agree on Hextech, it is only there to build into later, I usually don't get the chance to get it since games tend to be finished around that point but the Bilgewater is a fine item on it's own. I tried to roll with Elder Lizard but I feel that it slows me down too much when I am trying to control my jungle. I will test it out some more to see if I can fit it in somewhere.

This guide is for a more middle of the road kayle. I've noticed that every time I went mostly damage I just got shut down in team fights and never was my damage higher than the ADC, not after surge being gone at least. I feel that kayle always needs to be able to ult the adc when he most needs it and with a few defensive items one can stay close to the battle and still survive long enough to ult when necesarry.

Thanks for the feedback, I'll see what I can change/fix based on that. This thing shouldn't have been published for a while but whoops butterfingers.
Dimensquare (1) | January 15, 2013 6:46pm
The guide looks nice, but I have to disagree with some of the contents. I main jungle and have been playing Kayle jungle a LOT since S2 and I still play her since I think she is very underrated. I guess you could consider her to be one of my mains. So of course in S3 I have been trying alot of different builds and items on her.

In any case, I would say Guinsoo's is probably not the item for Kayle. For 400 more you can get a Bloodthirster which will give you 30 more damage to reckoning and lifesteal that is always in your hands, not when you are under 50% health. You won't get the AS sure but there are better items for that. Spellvamp is pretty useless too since your E will barely heal anything with it so I would probably skip the Hextech Gunblade too unless you fancy the active on it.

Basically it is better to only build AD based items on Kayle since you will still be a hybrid since your spells all have an AD ratio. Your auto-attacks will hurt more, and your spells will do more than enough magic damage. I guess you could argue getting slightly better heals with W would be the only better use for AP but you want to kill things FAST most of the time when playing Kayle (unless you have to build tank since no one else is!)

Which is why I recommend 21/9/0 masteries most games. Your ult can tank all the damage you need, if you know how to use it that is. An aggressively built Kayle can 1vs1 most champs when you have your ult, even 1vs2 or more in some circumstances, so the 21 in offense will help immensely, you will get access to Frenzy which is really good on Kayle with crit items and Executioner works very well in jungle too. I recommend putting 3 points in CD reduction instead of Havoc since the dmg gain from that mastery is very low.

Statik Shiv will give you alot of necessary stats on kayle, MS, AS, On-Hit, Crit (if you crit with E the damage gets higher on splash!), so that is an item I usually build early since the MS also helps in your ganks. Choice of boots is usually Berserker Greaves, cheap and gives you the AS you need. Zephyr is another good alternative for the CC heavy matchups, the CD is very good on Kayle so your E always will be up, in combination with Black Cleaver you will have 20%+ CD if you build that. Wriggles is of course very good on Kayle but you should give the new "Blessing of the Elder Lizard" a try, it's passive dmg stacks onto her E splash (!!) so I mostly go for that nowadays (plus the mana regen is very good to have on Kayle).

You got 1 point too much in Q! Put that level 5 skill point on E ;)

For runes the ones you use are definitely good but personally I prefer MS quints instead so I can gank better and most of all kite well.

Well I guess that's it. This turned into a huge "rant", but I hoped it helped you get some ideas.
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