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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Spirit of the Elder Lizard

Spirit of the Elder Lizard
Total Price: 2000 | Recipe Price: 580 | Sell Price: 1400

LoL Item: Spirit of the Elder Lizard
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 30 Attack Damage

UNIQUE Passive: Returns 6% of damage dealt to monsters as Health and 3% of damage dealt to monsters as Mana.
UNIQUE Passive: Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 20%.
UNIQUE Passive : Incinerate: Dealing physical damage burns the target for 16-50 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds. UNIQUE Passive – Conservation: Gain a stack of Conservation every 1.5 seconds (maximum 80). Conservation stacks are traded for equal gold upon killing a large monster, up to 40 gold for a kill.
  • 10 Ability Haste
  • 30 Attack Damage

UNIQUE Passive: Returns 6% of damage dealt to monsters as Health and 3% of damage dealt to monsters as Mana.
UNIQUE Passive: Butcher: Damage dealt to monsters increased by 20%.
UNIQUE Passive : Incinerate: Dealing physical damage burns the target for 16-50 (based on level) true damage over 3 seconds. UNIQUE Passive – Conservation: Gain a stack of Conservation every 1.5 seconds (maximum 80). Conservation stacks are traded for equal gold upon killing a large monster, up to 40 gold for a kill.

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pimoz (4) | February 7, 2014 2:04am
jungle item, cheap, i would change it later on for secondary ad or tanky items
venomancer9945 (2) | December 8, 2013 9:17am
I love to buy this on junglers that need early ganks to scale good in late game <3 - Nocturne,Lee Sin,Jax,Shaco :)
ArrowsEverywhur | October 31, 2013 2:32pm
In regards to Warwickien it does not proc at all on Singed poison trail because the spell itself is a DOT, it only applies to AA's and spells that do not do DOT damage. For Krazy I actually have done so, it's rather hilarious to melt full health tanks with this. My favorite build on Teemo right now is Liandry's Torment, Spirit of the Elder Lizard, Nashor's Tooth, Frozen Mallet/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Sorc's boots, and Rabadon's Deathcap. That gives you solid damage from your Shrooms, Blinding Dart, and Poison while your AA's hit alot harder due to Nashor's Tooth with the extra AD + True Damage from SOEL; combined with a Red Buff I'm putting out 3 burns on my AA (Poison, SOEL, Red Buff), 2 Burns on Blinding Dart (Liandry's and SOEL), and 2 burns on the Shrooms (Liandry's and the Shroom). It absolutely melts tanks from a combination of %helath damage and true damage while squishies die to him just as quickly as they did before, if not quicker. In response to Crank it will not stack with itself (that would be ridiculously op if every auto attack applied a fresh stack of true damage burn), each time you proc SOEL it will simply start the burn over.
crank1199 (1) | October 15, 2013 2:02am
Does it stack with itself or just refreshes the old stack?
somekrazyguy | August 29, 2013 12:01pm
In response to ArrowsEverywhur, you could troll around with a teemo or twitch with a SOEL, red buff, and runaan's and just dot the hell out of them.
warwickien | July 30, 2013 10:18am
And incase u diddent no it DOES PROCK WITH SINGEDS POISN TRAIL!!!! So you can get ur q doing true dmg and u insta clear minion waves. I like to go ap singed and get this item and no one can stand in my way because I just flip them into my poisn and watch there hp drain as I do my dance :D
warwickien | July 30, 2013 10:11am
Twitch is my main champ and I love to get this item in my lane so I can push and kill the towers and deny my oponent farm. And it lets you have alot of poke because it procks with ur e (as twitch) so if u hit ur w on them then folow up with one or two ato atks and then waght till your pasive and SOEL is almost wore off then use ur e to reset the timer u can do alot of dmg and u can spam this combo because u have the cdr from SOEL. The other reason I love getting this is because all the items that build into it are cheep. Over all I think it is an amazing item for all ad champs and may open alot of posibilitys with champs like singed and temo.
warwickien | July 22, 2013 9:45am
Twitch + spirit of the elder lizard = op true dmg
ArrowsEverywhur | July 4, 2013 1:33am
Actually, it does proc on every one of Teemo's autoattacks. The poison doesn't proc the SOEL dot, the autoattack itself does as will his blinding dart. That is why burn teemo is ridiculous, Liandry's + SOEL will both proc on your blinding dart and your auto attacks will apply 2 burns (poison + SOEL) unless you get red buff at which point it will apply 3 burns on EVERY auto attack. Like I said, test it in game. You have to read the effect carefully, it procs on EVERY basic attack and ONLY on NON-DOT spell damage. So while Teemo's AA procs his poison, the AA itself will also proc SOEL. Same reason it stacks with red buff man
petey527 | July 1, 2013 8:20am
well you were right until your example, teemo's poison is DoT which would prevent it from proking the elder lizard but your lux example was right. The elder lizard is amazing on kog in aram from his extended range basic attacks.
ArrowsEverywhur | June 22, 2013 11:48am
Dream this item DOES stack with red buff, test it out in game yourself, and it WILL stack with Draven's spinning axe proc/passive because it procs on EVERY auto attack... Horrible item on Draven though to be honest, so many stats he doesn't use. Also, it WILL stack with Liandry's Torment since the dots proc from two different sources. Liandry's comes from magic damage and SOEL from AA's, so in relation to your example if you smack someone with Light Binding to proc Liandry's as Lux then proc Illumination with an AA, you will proc the dot from SOEL as well. SOEL procs on every auto attack and non DOT spell damage, so you won't get it on Singed's poison trail but you WILL get it in combination with Teemo's AAs giving you both poison and burn from a single attack.
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