So, after much trying and different test builds, I have determined that Ashe is pretty much pointless to play in S3. She has the worst damage out of all of the ADC champs along with no escapes/mobility. All she brings to the table is a Global Stun, IF you're good with it.

I have never seen a champ that needed a rework more than her. Firstly, she has 2 abilities that add 0 damage to her kit.

I say all this but it's not like she can't win a 1v1 with a few of the other ADC champs but there's nothing she can do that another champ can't do better. Even when Varus came out and everyone was touting him as Ashe v2.0, his kit is so much better in that not only does he have an extra damage skill, his passive adds damage to his basic attacks. His burst and sustained damage is higher, what's worse, in team fights his ult actually has better spread ability than Ashe's.

Overall, I've been trying to alter her role, sticking her as a support. This does work to some degree in that she can slow, scout bushes, and a decent stun for your ADC to capitalize on. Sad, was one of the first champs I played regularly in S2, now she's just pointless...