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Awesomenauts builds

Creator: Searz January 4, 2013 7:56pm
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 7:01am | Report

Frager knows his stuff. He's part of team RAGE, one of the many teams that competed over at the APL. Of course, his attitude is what defines him. He named the team RAGE, after all.

I can see that..

Knowing nothing about the guy I can't very well go assuming he knows what he's talking about if he doesn't explain himself properly, now can I? :P
Welcome to Awesomenauts! I'm one of the moderators over at the official forums. :D

Well, I'm gonna look at your current screenie builds and give my 2c on how you can change your Froggy build for the better. I might help with your other builds later.

Welcome to MobaFire. I hope you enjoy your stay. The Off Topic section is a magical place :)

I would love to have a discussion about it. I can already see it's going to be a fruitful discussion.
Splash Dash: The current damage upgrades are very expensive for their current output, and many hope they'll get a price buff. For now, use either hammer pants or double clocks. Hammer pants gives more damage for less Solar AND creates a AOE at the end of the dash, complete with its own 0.5s stun (you can't upgrade it), but requires you to aim downwards while dashing. Using double clocks lets you dash way more often, keeping opponents stunned for longer.

True, the damage upgrades are a bit pricey. I do like how much they help my hit and run tactics though.
So you're saying that Ice Cubes is mandatory?

I did not know it created an AOE. Is there a visual indication of it? (i.e: how big is it?) I don't remember seeing anything ingame.

I've actually thought about using double clocks before, but never actually tried it.
Tornado: Can't Touch This (CTT) is currently on the weak side. Right Back At Ya' lets you reflect projectiles. This shuts down certain 'Nauts and lets you tank turrets for your team, opening up backdoors and powerful pushes. The batteries are fine, but you could experiment with Twister Tweeters and see how that works. You could run either speed or damage. Only run batteries if using speed, otherwise, you're asking for trouble.

True, the shield might be a little on the weak side for costing that much.
What kind of missiles/bullets are reflected with RBAY? Does it really allow backdooring towers just with a 1.6sec duration?

I was unsure about the explosion radius on Twister, so I never dared to try it out. It does seem pretty good though, now that I took a look at it on the Wiki.

Yea, I know. You're painfully slow without the speed upgrade. Using batteries would be seriously stupid without it.

Also, the Shield, Speed, Duration combo makes the spin double as an amazing escape tool. I dunno how viable it would be in competitive play, but I like it :)
Gun: When you unlock Thornfish, use it. It's amazing. Always use Mutant Worms as well. From there, you have two options; Piranha or Octopus. The more standard sets use Piranha, but a more unusual set uses Octopus for long range pokes to keep safe while your skills are on Cooldown. You could run Piranha over Mutant Worms if you want slightly higher DPS on pokes. Don't ever use Mutant Worms: Limited Ninja Edition. It's terrible.

So Thornfish>Piranha? Mind explaining why?
The build is a little old. I have since realized how ******edly OP Mutant Worms is ^_^ (seriously, compare it to other attack speed upgrades)

That is exactly the tactic I'm going for with the Octopus :) (it also brings a bit of utility that I like)
For that tactic I find that the boot upgrade is very lovely.
Utility: Froggy's fast enough to ignore boots entirely, if you need another slot. Free pills are good enough for HP, but you might want to use both HP upgrades. You need either Piggy Bank or Solar Tree, and regen has its own niche if you want to try that out.

For my hit and run tactics I really like having boots. They wouldn't be so necessary on a nuking build though.

Interesting. I might switch it up a little.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 7:12am | Report

I'm not saying "You should get better internet just to play this game, this game is worth it alone!", I'm just saying that your'e missing out on all the fun that makes this game more than worth the $10 mark.

I'm living a little remote at the moment. My speeds are like 250kb/s down and ~50kb/s up. Not to mention how unstable the connection has been as of late (that might be because of a ****py modem tho).
I could get up to 800kb/s down through normal internet, but right now 4G internet is cheaper and faster, lol. So I'm looking into changing it.
"Gold can't buy you rape." - Mr Sark
Kngrichard's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 7:29am | Report
Searz wrote:

So you're saying that Ice Cubes is mandatory?

The only way how you can make Ice cubes not mandatory is going full damage. That mean Dual hydro, Hammer pants. This nets you with a 80 damage dash. However you'll be missing out on a 1.5 second stun and stuns like in any other other game are godlike.

Searz wrote:

I did not know it created an AOE. Is there a visual indication of it? (i.e: how big is it?) I don't remember seeing anything ingame.

The Hammer Pants upgrades creates a cone like aoe damage in front of the impact location. Say you hit the ground straight down. You'll hit the area beneath you and your sides. Hammer Pants also gets triggered by dashing into ceiling, walls and turrets. So when an enemy is standing inside the turret a well pleased dash can hit him with the Hammer Pants damage while not hitting him with the regular dash.

Searz wrote:

I've actually thought about using double clocks before, but never actually tried it.

While dual clocks feels really great I still believe you miss out on to much damage potential.

Searz wrote:

What kind of missiles/bullets are reflected with RBAY? Does it really allow backdooring towers just with a 1.6sec duration?

Rbay reflexs:
Turret shots, froggy gun, lonestar gun/dynamyte,derpl cats,tutter/nuke,coco ball/melee,weedling shots,raelyn shots,voltar drones,skolldir gnomes.

This is a lot of reflects, I did this list out the top of my head it might be longer ;)

Tanking the turret for the rbay duration not only protects your creeps so they'll do damage longer it also reflects the turret damage making the turret hit itself.

Searz wrote:

I was unsure about the explosion radius on Twister, so I never dared to try it out. It does seem pretty good though, now that I took a look at it on the Wiki.

The blast is only a bit bigger than the nado range, if you can hit em with nado twister will hit. Thats your safe bet. Twister will also trigger on interrupt or death.

Searz wrote:

So Thornfish>Piranha? Mind explaining why?
The build is a little old. I have since realized how ******edly OP Mutant Worms is ^_^ (seriously, compare it to other attack speed upgrades)

Thornfish is the highest dps increase per solar and scales with Mutant Worms. Upgrade Thornfish -> Mutant Worms -> Piranha for the best result. Thornfish doubles the damage of your shot, then you'll do the damage faster after that add another 4.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 7:33am | Report
Kngrichard wrote:

Hi mobafire! :D

Ohai. Enjoy your stay n' all that shiz.
"Hammer Pants are pretty good, but it's harder to land (easier for enemies to avoid) a "ground slam" and they're overall less reliable than a direct increase in damage. I'm all for reliability."

Seeing suggestions like the one above make me cry a little on the inside. Awesomenaut is not a game that is easily theory crafted, a lot comes down to twitch and platforming skill. Even your auto attack is a skill shot so to speak. Being able to hit your Hammer Pants is mandatory for any decent frog. Besides how do you intent to followup if you dash trough an enemy and end up at the other side of the screen?

Heeey, my statement is not incorrect :[
It is harder to land a ground slam(+hitting them) and I do like reliability.
I never said that any of the upgrades where better than the others. I would never dare to make such a statement without having used both of them extensively.
Ice cubes/Hammer Pants/Hydro Smash
Boom Box/Twisted tweeters/RBay
PPL/Boots or Piggy bank/PP free

This gives you lots of burst and late game potential. You'll still be dangerous from the get go since you can get dash and tornado right from the getgo and Hammer Pants in 100 solar if you go bank.

Hmm, interesting.
All the damage upgrades, eh? ^_^
Seems like a solid build. Not quite my playstyle, but I'm most certainly gonna try it out :)
Going dual clocks, nado speed shield, range gun will just make you an annoying mosquito that clunks like frager love to smash ;)

Hit n' run FTW.
The awesomenauts community is not huge, but it has lot of skilled players that love to go at it. Most members of the top teams like AWFUL, RAGE, JIS and 3HM are all really helpful and help just about anyone if you just ask them for some tips. If you'll hang around on the awesomenaut forum for a bit it won't take you long to figure out how to find us.

Okay, cool. I might have a look around the "premises" if I get the urge to :3
"Blizzard spoke thus; Thou shalt not BM. And the players replied Nay, I shall Play my hand with Lethal already on the board. And so Blizzard sent unto them this Brawl of Yogg, As a lesson for their sins of Pride and Greed, for he is the Prophet of Madness and RNG. On that day, the tavern descended into an era of chaos and darkness, until the weekend passed and everyone forgot all about it. Amen. Book of SMOrc, Verse 20, Chapter 4." - Feam T
FishmanDerp's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 7:43am | Report
Heh, this is kinda like the old off-topic back where I moderate, but there's more posts, so there's more random.
This is probably gonna be messy, since I'll just be running off from top to bottom without quotes. Sorry if it's too messy. Oh, and it's a wall of text. Brace yourself.

Ice Cubes are almost mandatory. 1.5s stun is great, but if you land a hit, you actually get stunned for a tiny bit of time, which increases for every Cubes you grab. Because of this stun, it works better with a team. When/if the damage upgrades go down in price, then I'm going to recommend them way more than Hammer Pants (just a preference thing) and they're still viable if you're willing to fork out that cash for them. A very good Froggy G I know who goes by the aliases of Blazier and AWFUL Pingas (not an actual member of team AWFUL, mind you) says that max damage splash is actually really fun, being less favoured only because of the price. Most Froggies dash down and get the hammer pants bonus, so they prefer it over regular damage. The Hammer Pants AOE is medium-sized. It isn't a Clunk Explode, but it's still pretty big, and lets you hit crowds. Double Clocks is considered very effective and very cheap. But many people consider Gnaw cheap, that doesn't stop people from using Gnaw, so use the Clocks all you want.

I'll go through all the projectiles reflected by RBAY: Clunk's Missiles, Coco's Lightning Ball (pretty hard, but it can be done), Coco's melee, Derpl's cats, Derpl's nuke, Derpl's Gatling gun, Froggy G's Fish-gun, Gnaw's weed's pellets, Raelynn's 'Cuddles' blaster, Lonestar's blaster, Lonestar's dynamite, Skolldir's 3rd punch, (maybe) Skolldir's Gnome (I gotta test that), Vinnie's bubbles, (maybe) Vinnie's spikes, Voltar's drone shots, rocket droid fire, flying droid fire and turret fire. It just reflects so much, and it gives Lonestar and Coco a lot of trouble, since they're left with nothing but Bull and Blaze, respectively. I used to run CTT, Speed, Duration, too, but RBAY just reflects so much. Add on either a max burst tornado in Damage and Twister Tweeters (used with Cubes to stun the enemy into a dangerous situation), or a utility build (flee, catch up and bodyblock) with Speed and Duration, and you have one dangerous tool.

Thornfish gives the same damage boost for less solar, giving it power over Piranha, in some ways. If you're going for a DPS build, then it's for you, along with Piranha and Mutant Worms. You could go pure poke with Range, Piranha and Mutant Worms, but many Froggies simply prefer dashing for a stun and blasting their foe away with a shotgun. It depends on your playstyle, with shotgun being much more dangerous for you and the enemy. I pointed out the build Blazier and I use in an earlier post, which is essentially a combination of the two. He prefers stronger pokes, I prefer stronger in-your-face power.

Boots might work for you, but I actually become worse with them. He just feels too slippery for me. If you go for a poke-heavy build, run regen for sure. Saves you several trips to the nearest health pack and saves you from Gnaw. Shotgun builds like to double stack pills and go Piggy Bank or Solar Tree. Solar Tree only becomes good later, and if you can refrain from dying at all. If you meet those two criteria, then it's godly in power. This is too big an ask of me, so I just run Piggy Bank, which is instant, so as long as you spend it now, you won't get punished later. Another tough tactic that makes Solar Tree more affordable at the expense of utility is the TreeBanking technique; that is, you grab Piggy Bank AND Solar Tree. I do this on my Yuri builds, but it's usually something Froggy would lack synergy with. He just prefers getting the big guns early on and getting kills as his solar input.

Well, that's all I got for now.
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 7:49am | Report
Kngrichard wrote:

The only way how you can make Ice cubes not mandatory is going full damage. That mean Dual hydro, Hammer pants. This nets you with a 80 damage dash. However you'll be missing out on a 1.5 second stun and stuns like in any other other game are godlike.

The Hammer Pants upgrades creates a cone like aoe damage in front of the impact location. Say you hit the ground straight down. You'll hit the area beneath you and your sides. Hammer Pants also gets triggered by dashing into ceiling, walls and turrets. So when an enemy is standing inside the turret a well pleased dash can hit him with the Hammer Pants damage while not hitting him with the regular dash.

While dual clocks feels really great I still believe you miss out on to much damage potential.

Rbay reflexs:
Turret shots, froggy gun, lonestar gun/dynamyte,derpl cats,tutter/nuke,coco ball/melee,weedling shots,raelyn shots,voltar drones,skolldir gnomes.

The blast is only a bit bigger than the nado range, if you can hit em with nado twister will hit. Thats your safe bet. Twister will also trigger on interrupt or death.

Thanks for all the nice info!
Thornfish is the highest dps increase per solar and scales with Mutant Worms. Upgrade Thornfish -> Mutant Worms -> Piranha for the best result. Thornfish doubles the damage of your shot, then you'll do the damage faster after that add another 4.

I did not know how the actual split worked. I never felt like trying it :3
I thought it would be an actual split, not like a shotgun shot.
Seeing how it works though, I must agree that it's quite incredible. I'll def be picking that up for the short period I'll be at that level before leveling up my prestige again :D
Tanking the turret for the rbay duration not only protects your creeps so they'll do damage longer it also reflects the turret damage making the turret hit itself.

Oh, I didn't think creeps were involved >.>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 28, 2013 8:28am | Report

[The damage upgrades are] still viable if you're willing to fork out that cash for them. A very good Froggy G I know who goes by the aliases of Blazier and AWFUL Pingas (not an actual member of team AWFUL, mind you) says that max damage splash is actually really fun, being less favoured only because of the price.

Max damage as in both damage upgrades?
Double Clocks is considered very effective and very cheap. But many people consider Gnaw cheap, that doesn't stop people from using Gnaw, so use the Clocks all you want.

Hahaha. (that was a joke, right? I'm assuming you're using cheap to describe monetary value in the first sentence)
Is he still considered OP, even after the nerf? (I haven't played much since the patch)
I'll go through all the projectiles reflected by RBAY: Coco's melee

With the blue lightning-ball-ish upgrade, I assume.
Lonestar's dynamite, Skolldir's 3rd punch, (maybe) Skolldir's Gnome (I gotta test that), (maybe) Vinnie's spikes

Most of them are fairly obvious. These however are not.
I never thought of punches as projectiles XD
It just reflects so much, and it gives Lonestar and Coco a lot of trouble, since they're left with nothing but Bull and Blaze, respectively. I used to run CTT, Speed, Duration, too, but RBAY just reflects so much. Add on either a max burst tornado in Damage and Twister Tweeters (used with Cubes to stun the enemy into a dangerous situation), or a utility build (flee, catch up and bodyblock) with Speed and Duration, and you have one dangerous tool.

You could go pure poke with Range, Piranha and Mutant Worms, but many Froggies simply prefer dashing for a stun and blasting their foe away with a shotgun. It depends on your playstyle, with shotgun being much more dangerous for you and the enemy. I pointed out the build Blazier and I use in an earlier post, which is essentially a combination of the two. He prefers stronger pokes, I prefer stronger in-your-face power.

Okay, thanks for the info!
Thornfish gives the same damage boost for less solar, giving it power over Piranha, in some ways.

As long as all the shots from one attack can hit the same target it's WAAAY superior.
Seriously, 340solar for +6 damage vs 400solar for +4 damage.
An average of 56.667 and 100 respectively. Thornfish is ~75% more cost effective.
That's an INSANE difference O.o
Boots might work for you, but I actually become worse with them. He just feels too slippery for me.

I love them exactly because of how slippery he gets :)
I also love the fact that your jump gets higher with the boots. It allows you to reach some platforms otherwise out of reach.
There's pretty much not a single 'naut in the game that can keep up with him vertically when you've got the boots.
If you go for a poke-heavy build, run regen for sure. Saves you several trips to the nearest health pack and saves you from Gnaw.

Yea, I'm def gonna be looking into that.
Shotgun builds like to double stack pills and go Piggy Bank or Solar Tree. Solar Tree only becomes good later, and if you can refrain from dying at all. If you meet those two criteria, then it's godly in power. This is too big an ask of me, so I just run Piggy Bank, which is instant, so as long as you spend it now, you won't get punished later. Another tough tactic that makes Solar Tree more affordable at the expense of utility is the TreeBanking technique; that is, you grab Piggy Bank AND Solar Tree. I do this on my Yuri builds, but it's usually something Froggy would lack synergy with. He just prefers getting the big guns early on and getting kills as his solar input.

Yea, Piggybanking seems like a more viable strategy in general.

Some simple math on their value: for the Tree to give more solar than Piggy you have to own it for 8.33minutes (250/30) and that's not accounting for the extra solar the Piggybank might bring in because you get a stronger earlygame.
In essence the Solar Tree needs to be active for 10 minutes to give a larger amount of solar than the Piggybank. That is if the match isn't decided before that..
"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence." - Christopher Hitchens
RestlessFrager's Forum Avatar
Aug 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2013 1:02am | Report
Oh so basically, you turned away everything I said while never ever trying it or even having any idea what half the upgrades I told you about did?

Seriously, I rage a lot and that's a problem, but you sure have an attitude problem. Normal people don't turn away people with information when they barely know anything about a topic.

Without me telling these awesome people on the forum about your ridiculously false ideas about the game, you'd still be in your little bubble. In the future I suggest being less full of youself, expecially in a game in which you have so little play time. (a prestige and a quarter is barely anything.)
<Ancient Member>
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Jun 6th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 31, 2013 11:21am | Report

Oh so basically, you turned away everything I said while never ever trying it or even having any idea what half the upgrades I told you about did?

Seriously, I rage a lot and that's a problem, but you sure have an attitude problem. Normal people don't turn away people with information when they barely know anything about a topic.

Without me telling these awesome people on the forum about your ridiculously false ideas about the game, you'd still be in your little bubble. In the future I suggest being less full of youself, expecially in a game in which you have so little play time. (a prestige and a quarter is barely anything.)

You don't seem to understand what a discussion is.

Look at the way the rest of the people here responded and explained. Perhaps you could learn something. (<-I see how that might seem smug, but I'm honestly not trying to be smug, I'm sincere)

You're essentially "teaching" others without actually giving them any understanding.
Understanding is critical to becoming good at anything in my opinion, so I don't really want to know the things you have been saying..
I do not want to know what to use, I want to know why and when to use it.

I will at all times strike down silly statements with great vengeance. You made a LOT of blanket statements. Most of which were nothing more than partially true.
Blanket statements like "this is always better than that" are poisonous to good discussion if used incorrectly.
I recommend learning a bit about discussions, to help you in your future endeavors.
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FishmanDerp's Forum Avatar
Jan 28th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep March 5, 2013 8:14am | Report
Slow reply. Hope you don't mind the bump, but since it's still first page (barely), I'm sure it's no big deal.

Searz wrote:
Max damage as in both damage upgrades?

Either one or both, now that they've been buffed, and Hammer Pants has been nerfed.

Is (Gnaw) still considered OP, even after the nerf? (I haven't played much since the patch)

He actually seems underowereed now. Gnaw's been a mess for ages, always being useless in every way bar one skill, which turns out being overpowered. Spit split infinitely once, and they did it on purpose... that sucked.

With the blue lightning-ball-ish upgrade, I assume.

Just melee in general. I don't understand it, myself.

Most of them are fairly obvious. These however are not.
I never thought of punches as projectiles XD

Only because it's a projectile, itself, does it get reflected.
I'll agree that it's really strange. :P

As long as all the shots from one attack can hit the same target it's WAAAY superior.
Seriously, 340solar for +6 damage vs 400solar for +4 damage.
An average of 56.667 and 100 respectively. Thornfish is ~75% more cost effective.
That's an INSANE difference O.o

Indeed, but Thornfish doesn't stack with Range or Piercing, so those must be considered.

So it's generally superior, but there's some exceptions.

Oh, and I see Frager posted again. :P

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