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Relic Shield is really good for melee, Face of the mountain works well with Nunu Q and since you're building tanky. Building tanky has the disadvantage of not doing anything, but being a meatshield really. W start gives you lack of lane presence level 1 and attack speed is not that useful in early game. Warding totem would give you vision to poke enemies with E that should be taken first.
I won't start my own guide as I don't see the need and I don't understand the concept of Nunu support when nunu can jungle so well.
Good luck with the guide
P.S: Can you call something that is in "in-progress" or "testing-phase" a guide or a guide that should be watched by thousands of players ? Before release, you should find out which item is good and which is not.
Making a fresh guide with new content would have been better choice to see your guides actual rating in stead of holding the mass off ~300 votes from earlier seasons. I won't upvote or downvote, because it doesn't make difference, so i'll leave this wall of text as advice.
Nunu isn't really a support since nerfs. works much better in the jungle.
But as for support review: Your skill sequence seems weird + full tank build isn't exactly the best one. Wild quints of gold. I'd prefer totem over lens. Relic shield > Coin, odd full build order. Mastery inspiration ? Somewhat weird situational items. I'd prefer E over W for lvl 1.
The guide lacks quite a bit in my opinion.
I'm still testing a lot of options here and I have to admit that I'm not as comfortable with the season 4 changes yet. I don't see a reason to get totem over lens, because with my start you get much more pressure and lane control with lens.
Relic shield is OP, so I get why you all wanna use it on anyone. Just played a Lux with Relic Shield, she lost pretty hard. I really like Ancient Coin because of several reasons, which of course should be explained in the guide. It helps Nunu's sustain in lane, gives more gold throughout the game and has a better Active imho. Bloodboil + Talisman of Ascension gives a lot of mobility and I also love CDR on Nunu for constant W and more E/R.
Even though I don't think your points are valid. I still appreciate your "review" and will try to improve my guide to the level it once was on. But like, how can you say that full tanky build isn't the best, when you're build Relic shield(Face of the Mountain). And why would you start totem, when you also start E? Your review doesn't make much sense to me, really, given the time I've invested lately in this guide.
Start your own guide :)
But as for support review: Your skill sequence seems weird + full tank build isn't exactly the best one. Wild quints of gold. I'd prefer totem over lens. Relic shield > Coin, odd full build order. Mastery inspiration ? Somewhat weird situational items. I'd prefer E over W for lvl 1.
The guide lacks quite a bit in my opinion.
Thanks guys!
Edit: UPDATE DONE! If anything is missing, please tell me! :)
"use your stun n00b Nunu" Kennen