The Good: So I woke up and had a Carrot Juice for breakfast (a few apples and a few carrots) which was perfectly fine. Said goodbye to Warlemming, who headed off to work around 7:30am. I bummed around and did nothing for about an hour and then woke Patch up. I forced him to come on a walk with me, that ended up being a 45ish minute walk + the duration it took stopping at shops. All of that was fine and the walk was great; wasn't too hot that we were melting and the hills were very decent, only gradual climbs as opposed to rock climbing.

The Straight Out Bad: Decided I wasn't hungry for a juice, so just did minimal things until around 2pm, wherein I started to feel a little hungry. So I made myself a Green Juice:

3 Kale leaves
2 Apples
1/2 Cucumber
Tiny bit of Ginger
1/2 Lemon
Handful Spinach leaves
500ml Coconut Water

It was very nice, actually, I quite enjoyed it. There was a lot of it though, so I didn't drink all of it, left about... 10ml in the cup, which I should have drank, but oh well.

Now to the bad part... about half an hour after drinking it, I felt very very sick (and I still feel sick as I write this, an hour after my initial race to the bathroom in case I would need to vomit). I was alarmed and very sad. There was no way I was going to continue trying this detox/diet if I felt this unwell every single time I had a juice for lunch. To be fair, I tend to skip lunch and only have breakfast and dinner (traditionally cereal and something delicious, like homemade Butter Chicken). Perhaps it was an overload of having lunch when I wasn't used to it, AND too much liquids.

The Good: I quit. Yes, this is a good thing. No, I'm not quitting entirely. I'm just not going to juice all my meals. For instance, I bought bananas; you can't juice those, but I have a perfectly good blender that is begging to make banana smoothies with cinnamon and ice cubes.

I already eat healthy. The last burger I had was a few days ago due to going to a theme park; before that, my last burger was a Sausage McMuffin a few days before Christmas, and before that, at least half a year or more. The only fast food I eat is actual restaurant meals, like an Irish dinner at O'Malley's or a clean fish at Jo Jo's. The food I make at home always has plenty of vegetables; last dinner I made was Tamarind Soup with chicken lovely legs, okra, baby eggplant, tomato, onion and potatoes on rice.

My main problem is lack of activity/exercise. But this is because I don't have uni at the moment. When university comes back on, I'll be walking from home, to uni, to home, to uni continuously, easily getting that 30mins of walking per day down.


tl;dr: I am no longer going to be on the juicing detox as it makes me feel ill. However, I will strive to control my portions of food and get out more BEFORE university starts for this year. I will also be juicing every now and then to replace a meal, but never lunch time! :P

I thought that I would be pathetic if I quitted this early. But to be honest, I doubt that many people could successfully achieve a juice fast. I probably would have been able to, if I hadn't been sick and feel sick right now. But if my symptoms are "normal"; just wow. Props to anyone who can complete the 30 day challenge. I know I can't!

I am SO looking forward to a delicious hot meal tonight. omg salivating. HOT FOOD. You have no idea how deprived you feel drinking only juice when people around you are eating steak pies. I was even jealous of War's banana sandwich!

I'll keep you updated on how the weight loss goes, but I doubt it'd be dramatic, considering fast weightloss is pretty much only achievable with hard work/only drinking juice for a month. Neither suits me 8D

Mowen: Unless you have a stronger stomach than me, I definitely do not suggest this. You'd need to take me to a boot camp, wherein I can't eat anything BUT juice for this to work.