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Mordekaiser Build Guide by TheUltimateNoob

AP Carry [S3] Destructive Elegance - Oh Wow, My Back Hurts.

AP Carry [S3] Destructive Elegance - Oh Wow, My Back Hurts.

Updated on March 4, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheUltimateNoob Build Guide By TheUltimateNoob 6 4 16,586 Views 7 Comments
6 4 16,586 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheUltimateNoob Mordekaiser Build Guide By TheUltimateNoob Updated on March 4, 2013
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TheUltimateNoob | March 7, 2013 5:01pm
Hakkebof wrote:

I think that you miss some info about him and that's pretty important that you get all the info with you when you make an guide -1

What information would you be talking about?
Hakkebof | March 6, 2013 11:47pm
Voted -1
I think that you miss some info about him and that's pretty important that you get all the info with you when you make an guide -1
TheUltimateNoob | March 5, 2013 3:57am

I found this guide really helpful, i'm gold 3 and yet it taught me more about his ult than i ever knew. thanks for an amazing guide.

Thanks for the upvote, i really appreciate it. I still have a long way to go until this guide is finished but i thank you for your support.
GoodGuyUpvoter | March 5, 2013 3:54am
Voted +1
I found this guide really helpful, i'm gold 3 and yet it taught me more about his ult than i ever knew. thanks for an amazing guide.
TheUltimateNoob | December 12, 2012 11:44pm
ProjectL wrote:

you say he has no early sustain why don't you take health reg materies? also he doesn't need the cooldown reduction masteries,his cooldowns are really low expect for his W(which you are only gonna use in fights) and ultimate and even those 2 at max rank have fairly short cooldown

but see, the thing is, the cooldowns help for the gap in early sustain. if you have cooldowns, you have more of a shield which is basically the reason Mordekaiser wins. Also, the hp regen masteries aren't as effective on Mordekaiser as he doesn't use too much hp if you have the runes which i've put down.
ProjectL (18) | December 6, 2012 5:57am
you say he has no early sustain why don't you take health reg materies? also he doesn't need the cooldown reduction masteries,his cooldowns are really low expect for his W(which you are only gonna use in fights) and ultimate and even those 2 at max rank have fairly short cooldown
Sandoxio (9) | December 6, 2012 3:58am
A ncie build, but the guide needs more bCdoing
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League of Legends Build Guide Author
Mordekaiser Guide
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[S3] Destructive Elegance - Oh Wow, My Back Hurts.

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