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Zed Build Guide by TheRealGir

Assassin [Diamond][Updated] Zed, The true dunk-master - Mid Zed guide

Assassin [Diamond][Updated] Zed, The true dunk-master - Mid Zed guide

Updated on July 15, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRealGir Build Guide By TheRealGir 19 16 134,430 Views 45 Comments
19 16 134,430 Views 45 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRealGir Zed Build Guide By TheRealGir Updated on July 15, 2014
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TheRealGir (8) | July 16, 2014 1:46am
xAncestor wrote:

guide 10/10 rated, i dunk darius scrubs, nasus scrubs, yi scrubs and warwick scrubs but i actualy made fren with darius

and dont let your teachers tell you otherwise
xAncestor (3) | July 15, 2014 7:23am
guide 10/10 rated, i dunk darius scrubs, nasus scrubs, yi scrubs and warwick scrubs but i actualy made fren with darius
TheRealGir (8) | July 15, 2014 4:11am

This guide is awesome, but masteries is way too strange ;____;

Oh yea just updated those, thanks for pointing it out.
HarlequinCahia | July 14, 2014 4:42am
This guide is awesome, but masteries is way too strange ;____;
Kisaku (1) | September 28, 2013 4:10am
Nice guid :D
Die Mofo II (11) | September 26, 2013 3:20pm
Don't do that "****" words again, it completly destroys your guide. Learn BBcode better, expecially Columns (the hardest part of BBcode but the one that make your guide great). More in-depth information would help too, that information is the basics almost everybody knows (as Anttu515 said: "only relevant in low elo").

I won't downvote it yet, even with the lack of coding and information, i'll wait you to improve it and then PM me so I can have a second look at it.
lCDlDemon (1) | September 25, 2013 5:19pm
I kind of dislike a bit the format of your guide because it is a bit small (I know why, you mentioned on the previous posts)
But I do like how the wrote and put up the guide. Filled with humor.
At the build section for "glass cannon", it misses one item. I suggest ravenous hydra or I.E

Unless you left that one space for
Anttu515 | September 18, 2013 5:23am
Voted -1
false information, only relevant in low elo
Rushan (1) | August 23, 2013 5:22pm
Voted -1
although the build looks great... half the guide is off topic and probably 10% of the guide is just swearing. So although the build itself is pretty good... I can't vote this up
Rushan (1) | August 23, 2013 5:22pm
although the build looks great... half the guide is off topic and probably 10% of the guide is just swearing. So although the build itself is pretty good... I can't vote this up
phiviethoang1998 | July 22, 2013 8:54am
Voted +1
That's great , Thanks you !!
IcemanRai | June 28, 2013 7:25pm
Voted -1
Video would make it look better
Gold elo = high elo wtf?
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[Diamond][Updated] Zed, The true dunk-master - Mid Zed guide

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