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So I’m unranked and have a question before I...

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RaNuD's Forum Avatar
Jun 21st, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2013 8:13pm | Report
DarkPercy wrote:

Had an AP Yi top go 0/14/0 in Diamond V. He went afk after being 0/4/0 then came back to ''splitpush''. I think he did like 600 damage to towers during those 10 failed attemps at pushing

My friend says ELO Hell (Leagues Hell??) starts at Diamond V, where people go: "eff yea I'm diamond, now eff you all, I dont care anymore."

I dont know, though, I'm absolutely nowhere near there.
In a thread about his own ban,
gabpin wrote:
stfu I only did that : swearing and thats why i got ban are u ****** or something ?

In a thread about toxic players,
Go be a whiny baby elsewhere. Find and abuse the ignore button. No sense stinking up this forum with your crying.
DarkPercy's Forum Avatar
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Nov 13th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 5, 2013 9:10pm | Report
RaNuD wrote:

My friend says ELO Hell (Leagues Hell??) starts at Diamond V, where people go: "eff yea I'm diamond, now eff you all, I dont care anymore."

I dont know, though, I'm absolutely nowhere near there.

Meh, I only got that one game and it doesn't matter cause I left that place now :3. I played like 10 games there and only got 1 troll so I wouldn't say it's a ''omfg league hell''

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BlindGarret2930's Forum Avatar
Jan 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 6:27am | Report
I haven't really seen anyone mention this tidbit here, but in my travels, of working my way up the bronze ladder into silver for the first time in ranked, I have found a few key elements to be true.

1. Pressure and Burst have more uses then just damage.
-If a person who knows the match-up and how to play gets bursted, and lives, they know that the burst is over and its time to counter engage.
-The average Bronze player in my experience has no concept of this and gets frightened when half or more of their hp evaporates, and starts to run, allowing you to chase get cds and finish the kill.
-Newer or less skilled players tend to get freaked out more easily by a high pressure situation, this makes supports like leona or burst mids like Akali and Katarina more effective, as they do not know how to handle it.

2. Support is a perfectly fine place to carry from IFF(if and only if) you know how to not play as a passive support.
-Passive supporting is great if you have a strat and plan to dominate late game, this does no happen in Solo Queue often. Not enough communication.
-Bottom lane players do not handle a support doing "tons of damage" through poke very well.
-For example Leona, Thresh, and Zyra, are all champions who can both harass relatively safely and often, while still being threatening in a Non-Ulti hard engage.
-This leads to a point in the game where your mere presence in bott lane makes all bushes suspect and zones them out hard.

3.For the Love of God and all that is holy BUY WARDS.
-I do not care if you are the ADC, MID, or freaking jesus. Buy a ward every time you back.
-Plan it out before you back, oh you need a BF sword? then the gold you are looking for is NOT 1550. Its actually 1625 for BF + Ward. Aim to have enough for a pot or two as well if you are getting this early.
-The best game I've had to date bott lane was with a Varus who bought a ward on every back. By Midgame we had gotten two free dragons, and never got taken out by even a single gank.

4. Trust your gut feelings when they tell you something is wrong.
-Vision is key to victory, If you have vision you get to act on Reality rather then Perception of Reality. This is Key.
-When the enemy is in an odd position and makes a slip up getting seen, but instead of running remains there. Trust your gut. Yes maybe its a true mistake and you could capitalize on the kill, but its just as likely (if not more likely) you are being baited.

And Finally 5. This is NOT a game of kills.
-I have lost games where we are 26 to 10 over the enemy team. despite what a lot of newer players say, kills are actually the least tactically important objective until mid-late game.
-In the laning phase a kill is worth some gold, and some lane dominance. Both of these are very good things. But the death timers are low, and the gold is on a diminishing return. In fact, with exception to First Blood, if you had the choice to drop yourself and your lane partner to 50% HP and get a kill, or to remain at 80% hp and just force them to Back forcing them to back is tactically a better choice.
-Forcing an opponent to B allows you to free farm and push the wave, both gaining your CS and denying them theirs. And the extra HP left over from NOT engaging allows for objective control such as dragon or taking the tower.
-Not to mention the obvious that NOT engaging means you are not in danger of overextending for a gank. This is a Win-Win.

TLDR: Support is fine, Learn to play aggressively for zoning purposes, Learn to Not Engage in potentially dangers situations, Forcing the Opponents back is just as good as a kill if you can capitalize on objectives while they are gone, Use the opponents lack of experience against them and scare them into thinking they are already beaten in lane.

So yeah, take my rant for what its worth. I'm by no means a pro player, these are just things I've been noticing as I'm playing in the lower elos. ^-^ Good luck on your climb, and most importantly HAVE FUN. It's a game, and Elo isn't worth stressing.
BlindGarret2930's Forum Avatar
Jan 30th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 7:22am | Report
Oh wait one more thing, SAVE A CC IN ALL TEAM FIGHTS. If you are against someone like a Katarina who has a channeled ult or an ability you'd prefer stop cold saving one clutch CC for that moment is utterly devastating at this level of play. People don't expect that sort of micro management in Bronze, and I can't count the amount of times I've saved my Q on leona or my knock-up on thresh for the beginning of a Death Lotus. It's tough, because you REALLLLLLY want to unload your CC in the beginning and push the Team fight in your favor, but a tiny bit of patience pays off as the Katarina has her DPS more then Halved, or the Malzahar loses his awesome suppress.

A tiny bit more complicated but equally awesome, if you jungle or lane Lee sin, save your ult for Fiddle's Ult if he is in the game. Nothing more devastating to a fiddle in Team fights then jumping in with your ult only to be kicked out of the fight dealing only one tick of damage. Of course you could argue that a Good Fiddle would wait for you to use your ult. This is true, but you are talking about Low elo, If he's good enough to know to bait out a displacement before ulting in he likely doesn't belong in that elo to begin with.
Neil's Forum Avatar
Aug 23rd, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 4:30pm | Report
As others have said before, secure a Champion who carries. Also secure a top or mid lane. If you aren't good with top or mid, I feel sorry for you since its going to suck...
I am currently working on a general knowledge Twisted Treeline Guide! Thoughts? Suggestions? Don't be afraid to PM me!
Satella's Forum Avatar
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 4:34pm | Report
<錬金術師> [14:39:42] <the_xH4wK> I am asking what position is best to carry in gold tier <---- Everything
<錬金術師> Support can carry by warding, mid can carry by roaming and pushing, top can carry by split pushing and roaming, jungle can carry by counterjungling and ganking, ADC carries by outfarming his opponent
<錬金術師> If you want to carry by 1v5ing the enemy team, sorry, that's not happening
<錬金術師> League is about controlling how lanes push and securing objectives, and every role can do that
<錬金術師> what you get in low elo is 10 people ****ing thinking they have to carry the team with a snowball champion top or mid and the end result is nobody does
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Freakin Out
Freakin Out's Forum Avatar
Feb 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 7:44pm | Report

Hi Guys,

So i have been a little naughty and been playing Sona Support (As she is my best champion / Role) in my ranked games.
I figured if everyone else picks the roles they want, i would assume that is their best role and that’s why they picked it so i won't take it away from them. So I’ve been happy to play support as that is where i do my best work.

And i know it sounds bias, but i have been successful in being able to keep the pressure on the enemy bot lane to get them low enough for my ADC to make his move and finish the kills while he farms.
Rarely do I lose a lane down bot, and I’m able to starve their adc of farm at the same time

However, this just doesn't seem to be enough to get the job done - Like you guys have said, the game seems to be won or lost in the mid/top lanes.
I have tried to jungle/top with Jax and i can hold my own, but i just can't seem to snowball or sole carry (which isn't a win or loss i know, but still) So i just figured, i know i can support better then most in my ELO so i might as well play my part where i know i can win.

This has left me in a position where i have been able to string wins together and get into that 80+ point range, but i just can't find that extra win to get me into a playoff series for promotion :(

Anyway, long story short - I can't carry myself from my support position obviously, and I’m not able to dominate enough from top/mid/jungle. Is there anyone else in Bronze IV in a similar position to me that is wanting to duo queue and see if we can carry each other out?
(Please genuine players only and no-one who feels the need to abuse our team constantly, even if they do deserve it.)

I figure if i can get on top down bot and carry our ADC and starve there's and you can win a top/mid lane most games as well, that should be enough for us to carry each other.

Hit me up in game (NA) - Freakin Out
Satella's Forum Avatar
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Nov 23rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 7:53pm | Report
This has left me in a position where i have been able to string wins together and get into that 80+ point range, but i just can't find that extra win to get me into a playoff series for promotion :(

Not a problem, if you consistently win your lane, since other lanes have a 50% chance of winning/losing you will take more games than you lose. You can't win every game, but what matters is you winning more than you're losing. Ignore league points/promotion series and all that ****, all of it is just an elaborate ploy to make people forget elo exists.
Rewriting Riven Guide Useful Programs Thread Sig making
Freakin Out
Freakin Out's Forum Avatar
Feb 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 8, 2013 9:31pm | Report
Thanks for the support mate.

I am winning more then i'm losing when I play support, but i guess its just not happening as fast as i would like.

All i want is to be Silver V, i'm not asking for much! Lol :)
Scott Azrael
Scott Azrael's Forum Avatar
Jan 31st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep April 9, 2013 5:30am | Report
I would help you out, but I am still working on my 300-400 wins and mechanics before I start ranked. Once I do though, I'll try to hit you up and see if you still need help. I prefer top/mid/jungle, so the idea of not getting stuck bot would be great.
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