My ranked partner WAS silver I, 87 league points... We went on a 7 game win streak, and he was averaging about 1-2 league points per game. He got to 98 league points, and then we lost a game, and he got nailed with a -16 points LOOOL. So after a 3 hour break, we decided to start ranked again.
We won the first game, and he insta qualified for promotion series -,-' RIOT Y U TROLL US SO HARD ALL THESE MIXED MESSAGES!!!
Anyways, heres a screenshot of some of my games.
Obviously, Lolkinging 'gimpyfish11' will give you a better idea of the games played.
We won the first game, and he insta qualified for promotion series -,-' RIOT Y U TROLL US SO HARD ALL THESE MIXED MESSAGES!!!
Anyways, heres a screenshot of some of my games.
Obviously, Lolkinging 'gimpyfish11' will give you a better idea of the games played.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
My Soraka Guide | My Review Service
Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
Yes yours >:l
Spirit of the Elder Lizard > Wriggle's Lantern on Lee.
Holy **** that item is OP, its basically a BF Sword + True damage + CDR + faster jungle clear for 250g less.
Also, FroMal RUSH is terrible.
edit: wrong name
Spirit of the Elder Lizard > Wriggle's Lantern on Lee.
Holy **** that item is OP, its basically a BF Sword + True damage + CDR + faster jungle clear for 250g less.
Also, FroMal RUSH is terrible.
edit: wrong name
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my first game as tristana