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Teemo Build Guide by o0KAZEKAGE0o

AP Carry the scout

AP Carry the scout

Updated on April 28, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author o0KAZEKAGE0o Build Guide By o0KAZEKAGE0o 2 21 7,993 Views 24 Comments
2 21 7,993 Views 24 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author o0KAZEKAGE0o Teemo Build Guide By o0KAZEKAGE0o Updated on April 28, 2013
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Ninja Trigger (147) | May 1, 2013 11:43am
it's going to be a down vote for me due to lack of information as to why you build Teemo the way you build him.
Absolute.0 (30) | April 29, 2013 7:06pm
I actually tried playing it your style, as promised.

Down sides are:
- Rushing Wit's End gives me mediocre damage, and that's when i actually built it, before that i'm torn between spending 900 (or 950?) gold on AS or 400 on MRes. why don't you try Malady? it's better imo.
- rageblade, it's ok.
- Runaan's Hurricane, hmm... shrug.
- Hextech Gunblade did not make it this far.

Thing is, the one thing i love about Teemo is his mushrooms, with your build my mushrooms doesn't really hurt. His attacks are ok since it has both AD and AP scales but that's just about it.
sirell (400) | April 29, 2013 2:46pm
C'mon, Lagger, you know he can't read or write properly. No need to call him a dimwit.

But honestly, these are one of those guides where everything is wrong. No point correcting any of it.
Laggermeister (242) | April 29, 2013 2:42pm
He's referring to your masteries, dimwit. Learn to read.
o0KAZEKAGE0o | April 29, 2013 1:27pm
now see if people could help me out in that way instead of typing stuff in a rude way maybe i'd start caring Oyooy. I'm reffering to the first paragragh and not the second. Those type of helps and advices are the one's i wish to have. There are some people on here who are just rude, and i didn't refer my comment to just everybody, just those who just downvote because they feel like it. People have said by far that my build is completely bad horrible that is not a good teemo build. That is not the type of advice im looking for im looking for advices that will help me change my build around. there are people saying to get rid of my crit's. i checked and i don't see anything that i have that gives me crit's at all.
Oyooy (6) | April 29, 2013 12:47pm

lol people this days look into so much explanaition of the build this days then the actual build itself people learn to experiment i aint giving out my playstyles and tactics of my build and why care so much about the build order on here not everyone is gonna build the same way accept for the skill set order. and grammer i can care less about Vvnertje out there in the world there are more important things to worry about than some lame grammer bud i know grammer quite well just choose not to use it properly you have an issue with that deal with it yourself as i said in comment yes i lack the info for the build and **** reason why i put it up because idc all i care is for people to test out the build and tell me what they think and by far people just giving me downvotes by what is on the information of the build instead of trying it out yall some stupid *** people the only smart one in here by far who actually gave me some worthy advice was unremarkable and i quite have to thank em cus it will help with my next build i make on here. i can tell most of yall on here just downgrade people's builds without trying cus yall some bum *** haters

You are supposed to be writing an informative guide that is useful to people who are new to the game. This includes every aspect of the build. It is important that people can actually understand you. If you want us to believe that you can use "grammer" can you at lest spell it right.

This comment is so stupid you made me downvote, good job. (Don't write another guide on mobafire. You obviously are way too lazy to write a good one and you are way too cocky to take criticism.)
o0KAZEKAGE0o | April 29, 2013 12:20pm
lol people this days look into so much explanaition of the build this days then the actual build itself people learn to experiment i aint giving out my playstyles and tactics of my build and why care so much about the build order on here not everyone is gonna build the same way accept for the skill set order. and grammer i can care less about Vvnertje out there in the world there are more important things to worry about than some lame grammer bud i know grammer quite well just choose not to use it properly you have an issue with that deal with it yourself as i said in comment yes i lack the info for the build and **** reason why i put it up because idc all i care is for people to test out the build and tell me what they think and by far people just giving me downvotes by what is on the information of the build instead of trying it out yall some stupid *** people the only smart one in here by far who actually gave me some worthy advice was unremarkable and i quite have to thank em cus it will help with my next build i make on here. i can tell most of yall on here just downgrade people's builds without trying cus yall some bum *** haters
Oyooy (6) | April 29, 2013 11:36am
Ok, problems:
Your "purchase order" is not showing the order you purchase items in
Even skill up tree. Why keep putting points in move quick? Abilities get stronger, faster if you put points in them.
Points in lethality and frenzy with 0 crit chance.
Missing basically every section I can think of.
I don't think you have a single capital letter.

"as i said earlier maxing his toxic shot scales quite well with the item build" You never said that earlier, that is the first line of actual text.
"each hurricane bolt is on hit affect" what? I think you meant each hurricane bolt applies on hit effects (effects not affects).
"another good skill" it is an item not a skill
"ad and ap dmg output aswell which scales very well with his hurricane aswell" How many aswell's can you fit in one sentence.
"very good" very well
"also ignite helps very much against champions who use shield skills such as lulu, diana, lux, etc" Ignite is probably least useful against someone with a shield because they can shield all the damage.
"is quite affective" it's quite effective

This guide is very incomplete and has no BBCode.
sirell (400) | April 29, 2013 9:48am

this item is actually pretty good on teemo. huge as-boost and the bolts apply on-hit effects, which is what teemo is all about. it should be build later though.

The short range makes it useless. The only thing it's useful for is farming and if you can afford this item, I assume farming is not a problem.
mastrer1000 (134) | April 29, 2013 9:38am

Don't build Runaan's Hurricane. Like ever.

this item is actually pretty good on teemo. huge as-boost and the bolts apply on-hit effects, which is what teemo is all about. it should be build later though.
Bioalchemist (155) | April 29, 2013 9:09am
Vynertje wrote:

I can do what I want!

Downvote because of:
1. terrible build order
2. terrible masteries
3. terrible skill sequence
4. walls of text - not even bothering to read it
5. horrible grammar, no capitals etc

I pretty much play 4 champs in LoL and have played them up to level 30 and beyond...teemo is one of them...what vynertje said is spot on.

steppenwolf91 is also right on target too. (see above comment)

in general you released this far too early and haven't played him enough. enjoy the benefits that doing so provides.
Steppenwolf91 (4) | April 29, 2013 6:23am
Extremely incomplete.

Personal observations:

- Lack of synergy with items (no CDR with Teemo while still being glass-cannon is a sin).
- Runaan's Hurricane is a bad item, overall.
- No Liandry's Torment, which is what forced Riot to hard-nerf Teemo during pre-season. It's part of his core.
- Hextech Gunblade is too expensive and Teemo doesn't benefit a lot from it.

Didn't downvote, but I think you should put some more effort in your guide.
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