Another Friday, which means more art :3


Well, I managed to get another post finished after coming back from my trip to DC ;)
Anyways, this time we'll get to see different art for the friendly side of the League, including art for Nidalee and Udyr, Zyra and Maokai, Lux and Ezreal, Talon and Lissandra, Vi and Caitlyn, plus a skin idea for Sona. Enjoy ^_^


Nidalee and Udyr Art

Zyra and Maoki Art

Lux and Ezreal Art

Talon and Lissandra Art

Vi and Caitlyn Art

Sona Skin Art

Yaaay BFFs! If you could have a champion as a friend, who would it be? Care to explain why? For me, I would like Lux for a friend, she seems so nice :D