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How an I get better at League of Legends in...

Creator: Guirdian Smash June 6, 2013 6:28pm
Guirdian Smash
Guirdian Smash's Forum Avatar
Jun 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 6, 2013 6:28pm | Report
I have been playing for a while but I just now am starting to get into it. I would really appreciate any information that can help my performance.

I am currently lacking in knowing when to engage, when to back, when to stop pushing, how to deal with 2v1 situations and how to judge the strength of enemy champions.

Examples of what I am talking about are in my channel on youtube. I suggest you watch to see what I mean. (: an even if you don't help me out with some input.
Check out my youtube Channel.

lCDlDemon's Forum Avatar
May 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 13, 2013 7:26pm | Report
For judging the enemy champions strength depends.
You usually look at their Kill/Death Ratio. You should know how to continue from here.
You also have to know who are your enemies. Look up or guess if they use mainly AD Or AP.
Check if they are tanks or squishy. You could also click on an visible enemy champion to check.
Look at their items and look if they give mostly bonus damage. You should guess champions skills or experience them. Now if you know they dish out a lot of damage, well you know that they are powerful.

When you engage, note of who are your enemies and who you are. (Ranged/Melee, Low/High Hp)
Also, Make sure to know who are alive, because sometimes, they are just luring you for a gank.
Be aware if they have champions that places traps. Also, just dont charge when they are low health near turrets, unless you have a lot of hp to tank the turret.

You usually go back, when new waves come up and enemies charge.
You Stop push when they have most hp and near turret. Also when you group up.

2v1:Run or Kill. Kill is when you know that you can instantly kill them. For running, use either snares, mobility boost, slows or stun. Mobility boost is safer, but if someone is too near, use snare.
Jun 13th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 14, 2013 6:19am | Report
just relax and pay attention to what happens in the game to learn how to play
Dtrikz's Forum Avatar
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Nov 29th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 15, 2013 2:03am | Report
Unless your sub level 30 dont worry about 2v1 situations because they will almost never happen at low elo or even at platinum(talking about solo queue/normals here). It occasionally happens at diamond but then again they are pros. How well you can 2v1 is based off of your own mechanics, knowing that you'll be playing behind most of the game, and the champions strength at 2v1. Things like vlad/shen/jayce are great at 2v1 because they all have a ranged poke that allows them to get some cs/sustain(not jayce)/ mobility/ and some form of sustain(again not jayce)

Knowing when to engage is rather broad but generally its alot of knowing enemy champions/abilities/cooldowns and map vision. In grouped settings knowing your teams strengths and the other teams is huge. For example if your team consists of lux/blitzcrank you are waiting for a snare/hook combo to engage the fight. Other than that you are just looking for lux to poke the other team. In lane its all about knowing the enemy cool downs and how many creeps you have vs theirs. If the enemy laner uses some major damage/trading ability you can trade with them for free because they have no way to fight back in the small window of time.

When to push? Do you have wards? Is everyone missing? Do you have flash? Did you see other lanes start to back? where was the jungler last seen?
If you have wards and youve warded deeper into river/their jungle you can push pretty well without fear of a gank. If you saw their midlane backing you can push. If your bot lane and the enemy jungler shows up top you can push your lane because the other lanes arent around to gank you. Late game is all about having vision. Most games are lost because someone facechecked a bush without wards when it was obvious they other team was there because the went in that general direction.

Judging enemy champion strength. Just look at how many core items they have (Caitlyn with IE at 11 minutes is pretty devastating) their cs and their score is a pretty good indicator of how strong they are.

After watching your channel its obvious you've just started out. The biggest thing i can tell you and the most important thing is to just play something that you enjoy, not because people say X champ is op but because you have fun playing him. If you have fun with this champ you will spend the effort to learn the champ really well and get better at the game as a result because you will understand other champs as a result and general mechanics will come to you
xdionysusx's Forum Avatar
Jun 18th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2013 3:06pm | Report
Hey, just an easy tip: watch streams! its help alot you understand how "pro" people think and mebay you will learn something!
Zouchouten's Forum Avatar
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May 16th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2013 3:41pm | Report
Here's my list:

1. Realize this is a team game and that you can't win by yourself. Buy wards, call MIAs and buy items with your team in mind.
2. If you're doing great but your team is struggling, help if you can.
3. Study the meta. This means have a good idea of most champions' strengths and weaknesses, not just your own. Try to keep up with the trends and new champions.
4. Buy more champs. You can't be successful if you only have one champion for each role, try to have a diverse roster.
5. Practice, practice, practice!

So far, I'm competent with: Riven, Sona, Ahri

I'm still learning: Akali, Katarina, Irelia, Sejuani, Vi, Ashe, and Vayne

Mooninites's Forum Avatar
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Jan 25th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep June 18, 2013 9:54pm | Report
don't worry about dying early on. It's better to have some bad games where you die too much and learn your limits, then to play passive and never learn your limits
Thanks for the Signature MissMaw!

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