I was gonna run a game as support Udyr with my partner Quinn. But someone called duo bot before we did.

I didn't feel like playing Amumu, who is my standard jungler. The team comp was Lux mid, Orianna top, Janna and Swain bottom. So not exactly the most synchonous comp. But I figured Nami has the potential for good ganks via Tidal Wave.

Yeah. Not doing that again. She's got GREAT Lv3 ganks. The issue is around Lv9 or so, she starts to drop off, and that's where a lot of junglers gain speed. She's also got really slow jungle clear - this could just be due to the fact that I don't have the right runes/masteries for it.

Build at the end was Spirit of the Spectral Wraith, Mobility Boots, Morellonomicon, and a Kindlegem (for Locket of the Iron Solari or Shurelya's Battlesong).