Akali - return base damage values to pre-nerf, increased damage at lower levels on Q, easier farming / better poke early

Ashe - put a different passive on E besides +gold

Brand - More MS, lower mana costs 10-20%, ult will always prioritize champions on each bounce

Cho'gath - no longer very good at top, mid or jungle, tweak him to be playable in any of those roles

Dr. Mundo - ultimate costs no HP, or lower health costs across the board 15-25%

Draven - New passive pls.

Fiora - give her a better activate on her block where she does an aoe swipe, making her much more playable in the jungle.

Galio - New passive, move his new passive onto his abilities like ryze/mana ratios

Gangplank - New ultimate, please. Giving him kunkka ultimate would make him shoot from bottom tier to top tier.

Garen - Can't be knocked back while Q is active, cannot be knocked up while E is active. Would make him stronger while making him more skillful to use

Heimerdinger - Tinker ultimate from WC3?

Karma - Can cast chains on ally for pre-rework buff, possibly a bit stronger even. Shield could give %health shield instead of flat shield, would make you make choices instead of putting it on adc every time

Kassadin - strongly lower armor, lower base damage on spells, increase ap scaling to compensate, brand new passive or change +ASPD to something else, possibly AP or hp/mana regen or resists?

Kennen - Whenever a unmarked target enters the circle, they INSTANTLY get a charge of storm, counting towards the total count. So if you cast it on 1 person and then a second later 2 more people enter at the same time, they both instantly get a mark, and if you cast it on 4 people at once, they all immediately get struck simultaneously. His ult feels really ****ty and weak right now and it feels harder as **** to get off properly when behind or countered.

Lissandra - +25 range on q and +25 range on secondary shard range, increase the cone slightly on the back end

Lucian - I don't care, new passive; welfare - get 50% extra gold from all sources because this champion sucks, and must only spend it on consumables, but if you spend it on stupid **** like guinsoos or new rims for your car then you lose your passive.

Malzahar - When he ults, malzahar gets shrouded in purple **** and gains a spell shield and 25% dodge, or he saps like stats from his target and gives them to malz for a short time

Maokai - nothing can be done to fix this dood, maybe new ultimate?

Mordekaiser - saps MS with his ultimate

Olaf - health costs on all abilities instead of mana? Rework W, completely useless ATM, if you do that, maybe new passive as well

Poppy - lower mana costs by 25% across the board, speed up AA animation
think about condemn; basically ranged version of heroic charge which makes it infinitely better, and then she also has a tumble to reposition herself perfectly to hit that condemn in any situation. Poppy has nothing remotely like this to get heroic charges off consistently. I think heroic charge needs to do something if you don't slam them into the wall, need further discussion.

rammus - cannot be knocked up or back while in defensive ball curl? too op possibly...

Sejuani - give her a much more respectable clear time or much better early level dueling capabilities, too easy to CJ or duel at low levels

Shaco - I dunno. this guy is gay so I don't care

Shyvana - make her a bit better at top

Sion - I think he's fine but I wish he was more AP focused. Maybe his E when active could instead add %ap as AD, if they did that, different ultimate, possibly a massive steroid or skeleton king passive? something undead themed would be sweet

sivir - +25-50 AA range, no ult cast time

swain - higher starting HP, pretty pitiful ATM for someone with very little consistent range

urgot - either more damage, more range on his E, higher base stats, or more movespeed. He doesnt' feel strong enough as a rangey/tankey/seigey/sustained dps-y/armor-shredy dude, and I think the super low range on his E is to blame. Also, his ultimate is terrible in teamfights in today's age especially with all the nerfs. Bring his ult back and maybe he'll be played

Veigar - higher base hp, lower mana cost on Q, make his W do something besides 'well this is just a ****ty spell that can only be used in conjunction with e or when i'm pushing', give it some utility or skill or something interesting.

Viktor - give him syndra's passive, remove stupid stick item, will make him godly late game threat, I don't like his ultimate, doesn't feel very 'big' or skillful, would like a more fun ultimate, like a REAL storm that you like, channel to get it going and it just destroys a huge aoe or debuffs, something that would make it more interesting. Pressing R and a slow stupid circle coming out zapping 1-2 people for not that much doesn't interest me nearly as much as his basic skills, which is crazy when you think about an ultimate being the least interesting part of someone's kit.

xerath - rework incoming

xin zhao - I had an idea: Basically, his E would make him jump on his pole like fizz and he would land and smack the ground with his spear like aatorx. the bigger ring would slow, and the smaller ring would do something like knockup or stun. Basically giving him and escape AND a skillshot, it would bring some skill requirements to the character while making him a bit safer and giving him a disengage. His engage/disengage would be on the same spell, just like jax, so you would obviously have to make choices. You would ahve to rework his Q to do something else because stunning someone then getting a free knockup would be dumb, or his E could do like a maokai soft knockback/semistun, etc. I don't know, skill this champ up pls

Ziggs - when I play ziggs, I don't really feel rewarded for landing like 66-80% of my Q's. They don't do much damage and they're pretty quickly sustained by my opponent. Ziggs' ultimate doesn't give him **** for kill potential as it's probably (and e for that matter) one of the easiest spells in the game to dodge. I want him to remain 4 skillshot champ, but I want him to have something besides I throw **** and it kind of hurts, but I'll never go in on you and probably never kill you w/o flashing and igniting combined. I think he's fun, but he doesn't feel very powerful, especially when people just walk out of your ult 90% of the time, it MUST be used as a combo spell, and it doesn't do much more damage than ori ult or annie ult which are 1000% easier to hit.

Zilean - Give him another offensive spell or give his bomb something else so he can transition into support. He's just completely removed from the meta, he can't fight any meta mid laners and his 0 mobility and high mana costs are a relic from the olden days.