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To all Bronze / Silver botlane players - I need...

Creator: SteppenKat October 8, 2013 11:10am
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SteppenKat's Forum Avatar
Aug 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 11:10am | Report
Hello there.

I need some feedback from Bronze / Silver ADC or Support mains. This is to help me gather information regarding a Tier - List that I have been working on these last days.

I have oriented it towards the low ELO public (the majority of the playerbase) in an effort to help them realise a bit more the advantages and costs of picking some particular champions in their ranked games and how can this affect their performance. Also, they may found the information I provide to be useful for their ranked experience.

Currently I am using data from LoLking. I am evaluating champions according to their performance, winrate and amount of matchups they beat, popularity, etc.

What do I need from you, dear reader?

I'd like to hear your feedback as I think it's important to count with your perspective. After all, you are playing in these Leagues.

So please answer to the following:

- Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?

- What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?

- With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?

- In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?

- Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.

- If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?

- Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?

- Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.

Thank you for your help.
Support Main and ADC Apprentice.
SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 11:13am | Report
mmmmm twinking.
SteppenKat's Forum Avatar
Aug 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 11:15am | Report
Have I spelled it wrong? English isn't my main language, sorry.
Support Main and ADC Apprentice.
Nighthawk's Forum Avatar
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Dec 7th, 2010
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 11:24am | Report
i guess i don't mind doing this cus i'm bored

- Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?

Long range poke, it's annoying as hell having to dodge Varus skillshots/Cait skillshots/Zyra etc that do tons of damage. It's possible to dodge most of them but still annoying.

- What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?

Play what I want mostly, unless they suck.

- With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?

pretty frequently, i kinda just play whatever i feel like

- In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?


- Who do you think that needs some twinking (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.

first of all it's tweaking*

second of all, I'd say Blitz, Thresh, Vayne, Caitlyn, Draven, Zyra and Twitch need buffs/nerfs

- If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?

Almost 99% cause I did badly, but sometimes a game feels uncarryable because of 2 people on your team going 0/10, etc.

- Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?

CS, Lategame, so teamfights I guess.

- Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.

Taric, Janna, Thresh - Cait, Varus, Vayne.

SenorTadpole's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 11:24am | Report
Hah not a problem! was just being goofy. I think you were going for "tweaking". But perhaps some champions need some twinking and twerking as well.

Hope you get some good feedback for your project, I guess I don't qualify, but hell, I'm pretty sure I'm actually bronze 4 in reality.
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 1:10pm | Report
1. Which mechanics do you perceive as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?
- CC chains obviously. It really, really sucks when you're a squishy adc and get stunlocked for 4 secs. Obviously cleanse and Qss exist but I end up missing my second summoner spell / GA at times.
2. What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?
-I play what I want. Never have I been forced to play a fotm. People in higher elo tend to pick things that are strong so the enemy team doesn't get them, people in silver suck with everything so it isn't really troublesome if they get a mechanically overpowered champ.
3. With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?
- I don't really main bot lane per se, but when I don't feel confident in my mid or when mid is taken I'd happily support which leads bot lane to be my second most played lane.
4. In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?
- There is no "Strongest" support in my opinion. Thresh is mechanically broken so I suppose you could consider him the strongest, but I believe janna, nami and zyra to be of equal power level in their own way. As for adc, I'd probably say vayne due to her ability to quickly re position with tumble and the insane damage she has.
5. Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.
- Sivir needs some changes/buffs. Soraka, alistar, taric etc need to be changed or something because they don't compare to the other top contenders.
6. If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?
-Everyone is at fault. It will never be my teammates fault except in those games where my mistakes are negligible and my team's mistakes far outweight my own to the point where we lose. These games are very rare though so I would say in 90% of the games me and my team are equally at fault, 5% is my fault and 5% is my teams fault.
7. Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?
-Main strengths are map awareness and knowing when to trade. I have a very hard time keeping up with cs outside of laning phase, also trouble with certain mechanics (Vayne is hard to play ok).
8. Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.
Thanks to GrandmasterD for the sig!
Foolamancer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 1:59pm | Report
Silver IV jungle main here, but I previously mained support, and whenever I can't get into the jungle, I still play support and AD carry very frequently.

- Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?

Eh, there's actually two main things here, and both of them are just examples of low ELO players just not understanding how bot lane works, mechanically.

Firstly, almost no one in Silver knows how to trade, particularly when attempting to farm. The only real damage that gets handed out is long-range poke. Since you don't have to worry about people trying to initiate trades in Silver or below, anyone who can simply hand out free poke from a safe range - for example, Zyra or Caitlyn - is pretty much a guaranteed lane victory. Since you can poke them safely and they can't poke back due to your range advantage, and no actual trading is going on, you just get free damage all day.

Secondly, almost no one in Silver or below knows how to handle all-ins. Any champion who can initiate fights and has some decent crowd control at their disposal is almost a guaranteed lane victory. It's not quite as easy as if you're just running someone who can poke freely, but it's definitely a big advantage. People walk into Thresh hooks, Blitzcrank pulls and Leona dives all the time, and no one knows how to handle it. Ninety-nine percent of the time, both of the enemy laners will just start shooting the one who initiated the fight, giving the AD carry free reign to murder them both. So initiation and crowd control supports are sort of foolproof in this ELO, so long as your laning partner isn't brain-dead.

- What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?

I almost always play what I want. Flavor of the month champions have a reputation for being strong, but then, Malphite has a reputation for being a great jungler (at least at this level), so I don't really care about flavor of the month champions. I would much rather play something that I know I can do well, which mostly means Tristana when playing AD carry and Lulu, Sona, or Leona when supporting.

- With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?

I play bot whenever I can't get into the jungle. I used to play bot almost exclusively, but got tired of having to deal with ****py lane partners.

- In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?

In higher ELOs, I would say there really is no "strongest" AD carry, as each one has their strengths and weaknesses and works best with different strategies. In Silver, however, there are two who are very clearly the strongest: Caitlyn and Vayne. Caitlyn packs the long-range poke that, as mentioned, no one can deal with, while Vayne is a great duelist who is also a hypercarry, and no one in this level of play can figure out that trying to 1v1 her when she has Blade of the Ruined King at the ready is a bad idea.

Supports, I think it's pretty obviously Thresh and Zyra fighting for the top spot, whatever ELO you're playing in. Sona and Fiddlesticks aren't far behind.

- Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.

Fiddlesticks and Zyra. Terrify is simply too powerful, and is really the only reason that Fiddlesticks works in any role. A three-second fear as a regular ability is just too strong, especially when paired with the rest of his kit. Zyra, meanwhile, just needs to do less damage overall.

- If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?

Depends on the game in question. Some games you lose because your team feeds hard. Some, you lose because you just don't do very well.

- Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?

My main strength is that I actually know how to trade and farm efficiently, when it's safe to push, how to measure whether or not it's safe to engage, and so on.

My main weakness is that I'm really, really bad at skillshots. Also, really, really bad at timing Buster Shot correctly.

- Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports.

AD Carries: Caitlyn, Tristana, Miss Fortune.
Supports: Sona, Lulu, Thresh.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
XeresAce's Forum Avatar
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Nov 18th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 2:08pm | Report
Malphite has a reputation for being a great jungler (at least at this level)

When I see malp banned in ranked I wanna cry... It's even worse when people JUNGLE MALPH, a RIDICULOUSLY SLOW jungler that has barely any cc pre 6, horrid sustain, mana issuses (Unless you avoid using skills and relying on your aoe auto passive which makes you EVEN SLOWER) and not to mention, HE DOESN'T PROVIDE ANY DAMAGE IN GANKS.
I hate silver

Thanks to Koksei for the sig!
Foolamancer's Forum Avatar
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Feb 1st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 8, 2013 4:11pm | Report
XeresAce wrote:

When I see malp banned in ranked I wanna cry... It's even worse when people JUNGLE MALPH, a RIDICULOUSLY SLOW jungler that has barely any cc pre 6, horrid sustain, mana issuses (Unless you avoid using skills and relying on your aoe auto passive which makes you EVEN SLOWER) and not to mention, HE DOESN'T PROVIDE ANY DAMAGE IN GANKS.
I hate silver


Man, I feel that pain. But I also love to see people pick jungle Malphite in ranked, because I'm always playing as a jungler who can actually, y'know, jungle, so it's essentially a 5v4 and a free win.
"Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than to curse the darkness."
- Terry Pratchett
iBrewLots's Forum Avatar
Jan 22nd, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep October 9, 2013 12:59pm | Report
- Which mechanics do you percieve as overpowered when you play botlane or which kind of things give you more trouble?
CC chains have to be the worst, as its quite easy to get caught out of position momentarily and you're screwed. Especially since most support will run away :(

- What is your criteria to pick ADCs/supports in your games? Are you either forced to get FotMs or do you rather play what you want?
I like ADCs with duelling potential, burst and utility..
Quinn and Miss fortune.
Support I like ranged, damage heavy ones
Zyra... Sona maybe.

- With how much frequency do you "main" botlane? Do you share it with other roles?
eh, I don't know where I main anymore. so 40% botlane xD

- In your opinion, which is the strongest ADC? Which support?
Strongest adc, depends in what way. For duelling potential it would be Quinn/vayne although if you want a strong teamfighting adc you would want varus or MF

- Who do you think that needs some TWEAKING (aka buffs, nerfs)? Only botlane champions.
Sivir, changes needed, Janna needs her passive reworked. Zyra needs some nerfs

- If you lose, is it because you did a bad game or do you rather think it was your team's fault?
Well, some games its my fault. Other games theres a 7/0 jax in 10 minutes.

- Which are your main strengths and weaknesses as a botlaner?
Strength is farming, weakness is my ability to always manage to be caught out of position

- Lastly: If a friend that just started playing SoloQ, which champions would you recommend to him? Name 3 ADCs and 3 Supports
Tristana, Ashe, Miss Fortune, and... Blitzcrank, Janna, Zyra
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