Here's the thing:

We only play against bots. We've played a little ARAM and verrrrry few SR unrankeds. We're talking less than 10 wins here.

However, we've been playing since...well, a year now. We started October last year. We figured now would be a good time since rankings reset in two weeks and other people will be trying to get their ranking up. This'll also help us speed up our PvP experience (since we'll get tryhards instead of trolls hopefully).

Here's our rosters:
Support: Leona (Used in PvP)
ADC: Everyone except Kog'Maw, Sivir, and Twitch. Has used Ezreal and Caitlyn in PvP
Mid: Ahri, Lux (both in PvP, but admits to being better with the freaky fox lady)
Top: Darius, Riven, Kennen, Quinn (never played top in PvP)
Jungle: Shyvana (used in PvP), Skarner (hasn't run into a team that'd benefit from the scorpion), Dr. Mundo (feels too unsafe), Kha'Zix and Nocturne (feels weak using assassin junglers)
--Weaknesses: Overall inexperience, weak map awareness, "top lane", plays relatively safe in PvP (since he doesn't want to over-commit)
--Strengths: Familiar with most supports and carries

Support: All but Leona and Alistar, and no unconventional supports (typically use Janna, Thresh in PvP)
ADC: Sivir, Ashe
Mid: Lux, Teemo, Annie
Top: Lulu (PvP), Teemo
Jungle: Would use Jarvan IV if I owned him
--Weaknesses: Lack of Flash experience. srs. I rarely use Flash and live.
--Strengths: Warding, counterwarding, map awareness, communication, picking good times to wander to mid or place wards in enemy jungle, familiar with most supports and carries

Here comes the questions:
1) What techniques can we work on? Anything not mentioned in strengths is probably worth addressing.
2) What champions do you recommend mastering for backups in our non-main roles? Preferably from our rosters lol.