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Sona Build Guide by WolfeOrome

Support Sonic III - Support Sona Guide (season 3)

Support Sonic III - Support Sona Guide (season 3)

Updated on November 21, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author WolfeOrome Build Guide By WolfeOrome 8,963 Views 8 Comments
8,963 Views 8 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author WolfeOrome Sona Build Guide By WolfeOrome Updated on November 21, 2013
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WolfeOrome (4) | November 19, 2013 6:52pm
Thanks for the advice guys!

@vynertje: I always forget about Oracle's, and my team hates me for it :/ I usually get purple wards instead, but I really need to work on using Oracle's more. Thanks for the reminder! Same thing goes for Doran's. I play a lot of Jungle or ADC (used to main Amumu and Varus) and with them, I liked to skip Doran's to rush bigger items, since you end up selling Doran's later anyway. However, on a support that seems like a great idea since they're low income. As far as the rune page goes, I was mainly going off of what other players have suggested to me, since I usually end up spending my IP on champs rather than runes. In reality, I run Armor Pen/Hybrid Pen Marks, flat Armor Seals, flat MR Glyphs and gp10 Quints, simply because those are what I have. A couple guides I've read said to use scaling MR because most champions' abilities aren't that strong at early levels, but for a support the flat MR is probably a better idea. For the starting build, I get Faery Charm because of the mana problems and because it builds into Philosopher's Stone later, but I agree pots are cheaper and more effective early on. I'll work on those things and update the guide ASAP.

@MissMaw: I prefer Exhaust much more than Ignite, simply because I want to avoid killsteals. Exhaust is extremely helpful throughout the entire game, and can be gamechanging at later levels, whereas Ignite falls off late game as enemies have more and more health. Plus the simple fact that I don't want my ADC yelling at me for killsteals. As for runes, I haven't tried health quints so I'll definitely check that out. I went with scaling MR because some champions' spells are weaker early game, but I'll change the guide to show both options because flat MR does help a lot. As far as Marks go, I'm basically guessing based on other guides I've seen, because I don't have enough IP to have a full support rune page since I normally spend it on champs instead. I mained ADC Varus for a long time, so most of the marks I currently have are Armor Pen. Definitely need to get some more so I can know what I'm talking about there. I usually get Kage's because I either build Twin Shadows or Shard of True Ice, but those are situational and I probably should remove Kage's from the core. I'm just greedy for that gp10 ;) I listed those particular situational items with qualifiers saying "only buy this if..." because they're not that good except in very niche situations. I'll definitely let you know when I get a revised version of this guide up.

Thanks again for your input. You guys are great!
Jovy (953) | November 19, 2013 3:35pm

Well I disagree with a lot of things in the guide so I will downvote, but it has potential to become a really great guide, in my opinion, so I'll leave you some of my thoughts bellow and if the guide improves feel free to let me know via PM and if it's to my liking then, I'll change my vote.

1. Exhaust is a very good spell but for aggressive supports, such as Sona, Ignite is the optimal pick. You may have not ever played with Ignite and if that's the case you should definitely try it out. You drastically up your laning power and are usually able to secure many more kill using this over Exhaust.
It's not hard to understand why I suppose. But you might be wondering why the upped kill potential beats Exhaust. Especially in late game. Well it somewhat doesn't, honestly. Exhaust is incredibly useful in late game and in certain situations you cannot afford to pick Ignite over it. Situations being: when being vs high burst assassins such as Zed, when being vs AS-based champions such as Vayne and, lastly, when being vs an unfavorable match-up. In any other case Ignite beats Exhaust simply because you will be able to get your AD so fed that it won't matter as much that you do not have Exhaust.

2. Moving on to your runes. MR flat glyphs beat MR per levels in most cases. You're not going to need flat MR in every game but the chances of being against a high magic dealing botlane are higher than the other way around. Because of this the optimal way is to take flat MRs, which is what I recommend you do as well. Secondly your Quints. Sona is very very squishy and up to very recently was the champion with the lowest amount of base HP. This is why it's highly recommended for her, and most of the other supports as well, to go wth Health Quints. They're simply invaluable in bot lane and you should seriously consider getting those if you don't own them already. AD, Magic pen or hybrid pen marks are also recommended as they up your damage in lane by a huge amount.

3. Your starting items should be changed. Faerie charm might seem like a good idea but in reality it won't heal you as much as 2 mana potions will in the long run. I recommend going with 3 sight wards, 1 vision ward and 3 health pots + 2 mana pots.

4. Kage's lucky pick isn't a good item. Skip it unless you're positive you'll go for one if its items, Shard or Twin Shadows, neither are core, though. Might want to include Chalice instead.

5. Mobility boots are the best boots for supports right now as you can quickly ward and deward. Ionan's should be considered as an alternative choice.

6. Should remove the following items from your build. Spectre's Cowl, Banshee's Veil, Lich Bane, Athene's Unholy Grail, Shard of True Ice, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Seeker's Armguard.

7. You should max your Q instead of your W. Sona is primarily an aggressive poke kind of support and shouldn't be treated as a babysitter healer type. R > Q > W > E is the prefered sequence.
Vynertje (386) | November 19, 2013 12:35pm
Sure, here you go. Not an 'official' review but it says everything you need for now.
  • Flat mr glyphs - lots of ap supports out there
  • hybrid/magic pen marks - Q/R deal tons of damage that way
  • hp quints - not mandatory but could be useful
  • as long as S3 is still up: start 3 wards, 1 pink, 3 pots / 2 mana pots or swap 3 pots for a ward.
  • doran's shield can be a useful item in hard lanes, not mandatory and definitely not core though
  • mobi boots > ionians. Sona runs out of mana too quickly
  • lots of situationals aren't good at all. Good support situationals (after ruby sightstone, mobi boots, oracles(!) and philo stone) are: Locket, Mikael's, shurelya and very very situationally twin shadows. That's all (someone correct me if I'm forgetting something)
  • I would take the 3rd point in mastermind (masteries)
  • Mention oracles :)

There is more, but this is a list of basics to work on.
WolfeOrome (4) | November 19, 2013 11:16am
I checked out your review service, and it looks like you're really good. Would you mind letting me know if there are any other things in my guide that need work? I've only written one other guide a long LONG time ago (I was level 20 at the time) so I'm pretty new to writing guides. Thanks! +rep :)
WolfeOrome (4) | November 19, 2013 11:13am
I've played with this style for a long time so it's kind of a habit for me to max W first. I'll play some more and try maxing Q first and revise the guide later. Thanks!
Vynertje (386) | November 19, 2013 11:06am

at times

Make that: in 99% of games
WolfeOrome (4) | November 19, 2013 11:01am
@ Vynertje thanks for the advice. I usually max W first because the heal is important early on, but maxing Q first is a good idea at times too. I added a bit in the "Abilities" section of the guide about this.

I plan to revise the guide with the season 4 patch, but I wanted to get it up for now so I'd have something to work with later. Thanks for reading!
Vynertje (386) | November 19, 2013 5:02am
Besides the fact that it is a lot better to max Q first as sona, it is definitely not recommended to upload S3 guides just before S4 patch hits live servers.
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Sonic III - Support Sona Guide (season 3)

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