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MOBA should really tell us wether or not it's humor.
Anyway, he lost the bet cause I actually found someone that helped my a lot with PMs and wrote useful comments. Thanks to this users, I just won a low cost skin on LOL, and I improved a lot with Lulu.
Anyway, something like this:
Is just powerfull. Never expected this kind of... lol
other interessing quotes are users that blame me for using "f*g" too much but in PMs they just say that "it's a ******ed thing".
And, another point, after deleting Clarity as main choice, I PMed every single user that voted -1 for that. Nobody has changed the vote or reposted here other errors or advices.
Yay, actually this guide was a troll-guide. I hope this might let you think a bit.
Enjoy your colossally downvoted guide.
Still more flexible than you, cause I'm slowly editing it.
Gonna wait your support streaming for coronate this guide, I don't care about downvotes <3
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. In gold + you'd be reported as a troll for taking Clarity. Literally its the worst summoner in the game. This isn't an opinion. Notice all of the downvotes? It isn't like this is rocket science, fixing the Clarity choice won't even get you upvotes because there's too much wrong with this guide to even mention.
Yes I primarily stick to Top/Mid/Jungle, but I'm Diamond 1. I could play blindfolded and my support would still be stronger than yours.
Happy new year. I don't care how strong you would be, I hate this kind of speak, and I'm gonna ignore you. You can be all ranks you want but for me you are a ****head.
You are stupid. Do a blindfolded game playing support in Bronze with Lulu and win your lane, then come here back. With only one tentative.
Then I'll care another time about your opinion about a support guide.
Actually landing every single Q isn't a mana waste :)
As I added to the Introduction, I state this guide works better with a Spamming skill Adc.
I noticed that you mostly run Top, Jungle and Mid (Wow such cooperative summoner), so you may have missed how nice can be Clarity for a botlane Lulu. It's not a thing about managing, Lulu's skills have high costs. Have you ever tried Lulu?
You literally have no idea what you're talking about. In gold + you'd be reported as a troll for taking Clarity. Literally its the worst summoner in the game. This isn't an opinion. Notice all of the downvotes? It isn't like this is rocket science, fixing the Clarity choice won't even get you upvotes because there's too much wrong with this guide to even mention.
Yes I primarily stick to Top/Mid/Jungle, but I'm Diamond 1. I could play blindfolded and my support would still be stronger than yours.
Annie's autoattack range = 625
Lulu's autoattack range = 550
Considering Help, Pix! is 650 range to be cast in the first place and Glitterlance is a skillshot, both of which whose damage can be mitigated with Molten Shield IN ADDITION to the fact that Annie has far superior AP scalings, missing a Glitterlance is equivalent to rendering Lulu useless for 7 seconds, along with the fact that virtually all of Annie's spells are impossible or difficult to miss (AoE or targeted), an Annie will usually out-trade you, since her spells outdamage you and her CC is stronger, even if she does have less. Flash-Stun- Summon: Tibbers combo will easily 100-0 you with help from an ADC. An all-in from level 6 can kill you before you come out of stun long enough to even use Wild Growth or Whimsy.
Annie is probably one of the most broken AP supports atm. She's usually pick/ban in any pro scene atm, particularly the Korean scene, who we know are highly dominating in the League of Legends scene at the moment.
It seems you don't understand the value of Ignite. Also, Whimsy and Help, Pix! are 650 range, whilst Ignite is 600. If they've been Whimsied, Ignite is just as easy to cast. Ignite is currently the 3rd most taken summoner spell on Lulu.
Gonna do a bot VS a good Annie so, cause probably I had some dumb enemies. Thanks for your point.
EDIT: Still thinking that Annie cannot help in any possible metod his adc from the poke. Gonna see this.
Lulu's autoattack range = 550
Considering Help, Pix! is 650 range to be cast in the first place and Glitterlance is a skillshot, both of which whose damage can be mitigated with Molten Shield IN ADDITION to the fact that Annie has far superior AP scalings, missing a Glitterlance is equivalent to rendering Lulu useless for 7 seconds, along with the fact that virtually all of Annie's spells are impossible or difficult to miss (AoE or targeted), an Annie will usually out-trade you, since her spells outdamage you and her CC is stronger, even if she does have less. Flash-Stun- Summon: Tibbers combo will easily 100-0 you with help from an ADC. An all-in from level 6 can kill you before you come out of stun long enough to even use Wild Growth or Whimsy.
Annie is probably one of the most broken AP supports atm. She's usually pick/ban in any pro scene atm, particularly the Korean scene, who we know are highly dominating in the League of Legends scene at the moment.
It seems you don't understand the value of Ignite. Also, Whimsy and Help, Pix! are 650 range, whilst Ignite is 600. If they've been Whimsied, Ignite is just as easy to cast. Ignite is currently the 3rd most taken summoner spell on Lulu.
Sightstone is extremely gold efficient and will save you money on wards, even if you buy extra. That's reason enough to rush Sightstone. Also, it'll let you switch out Warding Totem for Sweeping Lens which gives you much stronger objective control than if you just had Pink Wards alone.
This is what you wrote for Exhaust:
Implies that taking Exhaust is a negative thing. I don't care about conventional or unconventional. All I care about is good/bad and that's why I've downvoted.
I reposted this myself. Anyway, I'm not sure how "core items" really works, so gonna wait tu use that.
Republished, not any better, -1.
Clarity WAS a good choice, until I saw a lot of people giving -1 just saying "CLARITY".
It was never a good choice. -2.
And reading the rest of your summoner spells' reasonings, the only reason you don't take Exhaust is because everyone else takes it? Lol? -3
Also, no Ignite option. -4
Doesn't prioritize Sightstone. -5
I'm also pretty sure your matchup section is about 80% wrong. The part about Annie made me laugh. -6
I can't really tell if you ever intended the guide to be serious with funny parts, or just outright troll everyone. Because you're not really that funny when the **** that's coming out of your mouth is also wrong. It's just equivalent to constantly speaking nonsense.
Annie sucks on Lulu, unless the Lulu is really stupid. Annie has almost melee range on every spell, so she has really hard time to find an opportunity to use a combo.
Lulu's E+Q combo can deliver damage from 925 range (counting you are using a flashy E+Q, If you wait that your E-casted-minion walks a bit that range can even expand), while the Annie ult has only 600 range. Poke > Burst, Sustain > Poke, Sustain < Burst. The only thing that should be feared is a Flash+Stun from Annie, but If you're keeping brush control that's pretty difficoult.
YAY take Ignite and **** our range. Better to play like a lesser Tresh.
I don't like SightStone early. I take it later only because I think that a support should have wards anyway, even with the 3 cap.
Exhaust is in the options, even if I don't like that. It's not a main choice because this is not a conventional Lulu's guide.