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Will answer / rework when I get an opportunity, thx Vyn!
But why should I have to persuade you not to take something else?
If I've taken these masteries, why should I say 'they are better than these'. It's pretty self explanatory, because that's why I took them.
Thanks for the review.
What exactly would you like for me to expand on in the mastery section? I can't go into great depth as to what each and every mastery does, you read the description and that'll tell you what the mastery does.
I'll expand on the runes when I get 30 mins :)
As for the length of the guide, it's not supposed to be some mega-*** super guide like my old one, half of that **** was useless.
I tried to cut this down so it gives you the same information, cleaner and quicker.
@masteries; Right now it is: 'These are my masteries, I pick what I did because it gives me these stats.'
While it would be better if it was: 'These are my masteries, I pick what I did because it gives me these stats. These stats that I gain are better than other stats given by other masteries because...' You do not have to explain each mastery individually (since that will be a bigass stack of oneline explanations anyway), but just saying why you do not go, idk, utility or whatever. Why you aren't going full swag offense? It doesn't even have to be that much bigger, but it still should expand :P
@length; Short guides can be fine. Overal this is also a fine guide, so the short aspect is not really a problem. Only for the S-spells, runes and masteries that was a problem for me. You only really have to make clear why you took what you did over other things, and I am content :P
What exactly would you like for me to expand on in the mastery section? I can't go into great depth as to what each and every mastery does, you read the description and that'll tell you what the mastery does.
I'll expand on the runes when I get 30 mins :)
As for the length of the guide, it's not supposed to be some mega-*** super guide like my old one, half of that **** was useless.
I tried to cut this down so it gives you the same information, cleaner and quicker.
1. No mention of lategame trinket in cheatsheet.
2. Nice try to hide your one-line explanations, but the mastery, rune and S-spells sections can definately expand.
3. Also no mention of lategame trinket in guide.
Thy blessing
1. Build looks fine
2. Cheatsheet as well
3. All basics included
4. Full tactical explanation
Result: Path of the Successor
Your guide is short but yet is a fine guide. However, the runes, masteries and S-spell sections are really too lacking and further explanation is necessary. The tactical section gave me a smile so that made up for your lacking parts.
Sorry for being late and have fun!
(Do not forget to vote! :D)
If you don't want to do the review, that's fine with me!
What about the occasion where you DO get an AP laner (I get them quite commonly, in fact).
I'd rather go into a match knowing that I'll have some solid bonus MR waiting for me instead of some waiting for me late game.
And by the time you get to late game, you'll already have visage + merc treads or something with MR to block a lot of AP. 12 isn't going to make a huge impact, whilst early game 12 CAN make a huge impact.