Ever heard Vi saying, " I am my own back-up?"
Well whoever listens that, you're heck of a Vi... Because what I found out is that Vi can have deadly advanatage over the others at the level of 13-15 whereas lvl 1-8 not much... I don't care what others said.. Well a bit of those came into use in the middle of combat...
For example:
Improving and just improving 'E' till get 'R' is a great idea.. Firstly Vault Breaker is useless itself and hence needed a support of 'R'- Assault & Battery . Why? Hence comes the item guide....
Item Guide:
Whole Maxed Item Guide-
- The Black Cleaver
- The Bloodthirster
- Phantom Dancer
- Ravenous Hydra
- Ionian Boots of Ludicity
Lastly - Zephyr
" What Plan? I dont need any plan!" Vi