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Though GMD's opening was a little harsh, he is still allowed to state his opinion on the guide. Personal insults are against the rules, but he didn't personally insult anyone, he was talking about how bad he thinks the guide is.
I can understand that the fact that this was followed up by a number of downvotes is frustrating, but this was not a result of GMD telling others to downvote. In fact, everyone who commented afterwards clarified not being a friend of his and then went on to state their own opinion. It should be clear that, as a result of this, we will not revoke their votes.
Nanners has already asked the people involved not to comment anymore in the future and I ask everyone to respect that. You've all had your say, the discussion's over (as I said, I'm a little late), move on.
Edit: BUT I did have an instance (as support) where my carry took cleanse instead of barrier and so I ranked E up all the way first and it worked pretty well. Albeit that was just one game.
just noticed your skill order...should be qew for support not weq >.>
It is QEW... >.>
Oh yes and Boots start is not very good now, for most AP Mid Lane now starts with Doran's Ring and 2 Health Potion or you could also use your Top Build Starting Items for Mid Lane too. :3
And I know this already.
So you knew that you can't buy two Stealth Wards + potion + Gold item and put it in the guide anyway? Good job!
Or maybe you just meant the warding totem. So you knew about it? GREAT! But it wasn't in the guide. Derp.
Nice of you to make those changes and not even thank me.
Edit: Also, starting two Stealth Wards aren't recommended. You don't have self-sustain, so you can be forced to recall after one exchange. If you want more wards, don't buy the gold generation item and get potions + wards start instead.
Dear guide author,
please read through the site rules and tell us what rules we broke that we deserved to be reported. As far as I know, downvoting with valid reasons is not against the rules and nobody was being offensive to the other personally but you. Therefore I reported YOU instead.
Aww Shieet. Its about to go down!
please read through the site rules and tell us what rules we broke that we deserved to be reported. As far as I know, downvoting with valid reasons is not against the rules and nobody was being offensive to the other personally but you. Therefore I reported YOU instead.
The_Nameless_Bard I have nothing against but could you please stop fueling this discussion? I've asked everyone to stop once already. This isn't a forum post, it's a comment section to a guide.
just wanted to explain what the freshness filter means, since it was clearly misunderstood.