Hello everybody!

Another free rotation is behind us, and again I managed to try them all (mostly because most of those champs I already have :D). Without further ado...


I don't think I ever played slower champion. Seems like she is frozen to be nearly immobile. Her Q shoots wherever it wants (you just point at the direction but then it goes to the end of its range nevertheless) and all in all, I did not like this champion. It takes half an hour to get back to lane from your base, CSing is terrible, and the only thing I liked about her is her dance and OP joke animation. But that wall of ice is interesting, helped me to delay enemy creeps wave when I was pushing turret really hard.

Also her passive is not good, since everybody knows it and destroys the egg in no time. Your only chance is that when you die and turn into the egg, team mates comes and scare the enemy away. Otherwise you'redead meat (dead egg) anyway. Even the recent buff did not help her that much, to make her viable in my eyes.

Another mid laner (even though Azingy could get to the challenger by playing him in jungle :D). I like his dark nature, his ulti is just awesome pentakill/KS thing and his passive is also very powerful. And - he is cheap. But his weak early game makes him vulnerable to gnaks and if he doesn't get enough money, his late game monster damage is non-existent, so he is pretty useless. Also I encountered this problem - I couldn't cast Requiem while dead. Once or twice it was OK, but then, from mid till the end of the game, I couldn't (even though there was plenty of time, spell was off cooldown and I had enough mana). In my second game it happened again. I could not cast it even when alive. Maybe some day, when I have lots of IP I don't need, I will buy him, just to have more "dark side" champions, but at the moment I feel there must be easier, more comfortable champions to play on mid.

I bought him for jungling, quite some time ago. Then I learned the hard way that he is really not that good. It feels like tanky WW. Slow clear, no pre6 ganks... but it was OK for the time being. I tried him on top lane (whenever I was forced to play top) but generally I don't like to play this champ. No damage, just pure tank. Don't get me wrong - he is great, as most of his abilities are based on his armor, he has great ulti, great team-fight initiation, and his E just fcks up any AA based enemy team. Q is great for catching up or escape from enemies (as it gives you as much speed as they get slow) and his passive just makes you more tanky than anyone. It's just me personally, I don't like to play such a passive champion.

One of the cheapest ADC in there, only 450 IP. I got her just to increase my champion pool to be able to play rankeds. Played her in the past. She is very good, and the nerfs were gently to her. She is very mana hungry so she can use mana regen support like Soraka to be able to put constant poke and lane pressure in early game. I like her kit, great for farming and annoying the enemy. Also that shield of hers is awesome anti- Thresh or anit- Blitzcrank tool. Well, pretty much anti-allthebadenemyspells tool :D If you still don't have her, stop reading this, buy her, then continue reading. Otherwise go and slam your head against the wall, really. There is nothing to lose by having her at your disposal.

Cheap, strong top laner. You can build him super tanky, or off tank who deals some nice damage. And he doesn't use mana! I couldn't get kills, because my damage was too low, but maybe with some more practicse it will be better. Also his Vorpal Blade is great tool to mark targets in team fight. That blade icon is perfect "attack-this-guy" pointer, as anybody who attacks them while this ability is active, receives healing. His ulti is also awesome. I recommend to get this champ if you are playing serious top lane. P.S: Don't jungle him. I tried it, it sucks.

Another champ I really like. Tried her on mid, then (since I qued with the same Annie as before), I went for support. Never got the full build (since my last hitting sucks and as a supp I didin't buy any gold gener item :D), but still I was viable. Her kit is great, since it is a nice mix of offence and defence. I saved lives with shield and that speed/slow field, even though the ulti is quite tricky, if you can't see the ball (I wonder if Nasus would catch this one :P). I enjoyed playing her, and I think I will get her to increase my mid champions pool, while I can try her as a support as well. Recommended champion. Now I remember somebody telling me, that properly played Orianna is a won game. The problem is, she requires a good player to be something more than a feeder.

I just love this guy!!! I never liked ADC role. You just have to CS, poke and then everybody expects you to kill the whole enemy team... while you are squishy as fck. But this gentleman.. he was actually the first ADC ever, that made me enjoy being ADC. His "catch the blade" mini-game is great and easy (even though it is making you predictable and susceptible to harass) and I think he is great to learn how to ADC. Why? Because of his insane dmg on each game phase, and monster range. He feels to me like a good noob pick. Played some normals with him (using GrandmasterD's great in-depth guide), he just rocks. And most of all - his attitude is just awesome :D When he laughs, he lean on his blade like there is nothing that can happen to him. His "too easy" when farming is also annoying as hell... he is exactly the kind of an ******* ADC I would love to play. :D So when he comes on sale, I am definately going to buy him and learn ADC role with this champion. Don't know why nobody plays him in low elo...?

This bug is really mean. I palyed him in jungle, and he is a beast. He's got all that an assassin needs - engage/disengage mechanics, stealth, heal, and deals serious damage. Evolving was a bit annoying at first, but after that surprise I got used to it. With right items his burst is insane, so squishies are going to die to him each time (unless he doesn't have enough mana). He is a playmaker and a threat early game. I was always afraid of him and suggested banning him, but now I think just getting tanky and having some CC, should be enough to stop him. Still - great champion, worth of buying, if playing jungle/mid.

Not my cup of tea. Changing forms is annoying, but it nullyfies the cooldowns, which is a great thing for fights (as you can burst somebody with 6 spells within 2 seconds). But at first it is very confusing. Those spells are too different, and also she needs lots of money to get her items. Definately not a good champion for noobs (I remember my last ranked where Elise top went 0/6/0 in 35min game), which, I guess, is the main reason I don't like her :D Also that jump is quite so-so, as you can't jump on your allies, only the enemy. While it is good to dodge some ulti or killing skillshots, everybody know that you will fall back either on the same spot (so they get ready for it) or on the nearest enemy, who may kill you. I'm going to stay away from her, did not like her a bit.

Currently she is one of my "awesome-threesome" supports I main. To me, this fish is a great mix between Thresh and Soraka. She has stun, heal, dmg boost for your allies (that also slows the enemy) and her ulti is somewhat slow, but with great range. Don't know why, but I feel like to land her bubble is much harder than to land Death Sentence. Maybe it is because I need more practice. I certainly recommend to get this champion, if you are interested in supporting.

Previous review:
Week 2 - Ashe, Pantheon, Kennen, Xin Zhao, Sona, Nocturne, Fiora, Lulu, Jayce, Quinn