Hello people! It's Saturday so it's time for me to take a look at a Champion. Today, I've chosen Shyvana. She's actually been my new main for the past few months since Singed is rather weak in the current meta compared to other Top Laners like Renekton and Mundo. Let's get to it!

Why do you play Shyvana?:

Because she's fun, she has a cool design, her skins are great (even tho I don't own any of them), she's not hard to play and she's very strong. You could play her as a Jungler as well so that's always good.

What makes her strong/weak in your opinion?:

The fact that she deals so much raw damage without building any damage items. It's why she's so strong in the current meta. Have you seen a full tank Shyvana? She's almost impossible to kill and she still deals a ton of damage.

What do you think makes Shyvana fun to play?:

The ability to do what you want. You have a movement speed steroid, your raw stats make you super tanky and strong and you have a huge leap with your Ultimate. You could run straight for the AD Carry if you want to and depending on how fed you are you still wouldn't die even if their whole team starts attacking you.

What do you think will happen to Shyvana? Will she fall out of favor?:

I only see her NOT being picked if Riot nerfs her hard or if the meta changes significantly. If neither of those happen then Shyvana will remain a top priority pick in Solo Queue and in Competitive.

Thanks for reading! =D