Hello everybody!

As a part of my "get better at LoL" plan, I decided to play all the champions. To know them, and to be able to play against them in rankeds or some serious games.

Thanks the weekly free rotation, it is possible. And yesterday, as I was playing Annie support, I relaized, how bad she is at this. Not because of my skills, but because I was voluntarily making her bad with wrong itemization and wrong mindset, due to the nature of my role. Let me explain, please:

Who is Annie? She is an AP killing machine. She excells in stuning and bursting the enemy down in a single deadly combo in early to mid game, and then has a strong poking and team-fight potential in the late game (although we all agree she is not much of a late game champion, I think she can still do pretty good and be deadly till the victory/defeat screen).

So why do you drag her to bot lane? As a support, you don't build her AP. You get your Sightstone, Locket of the Iron Solari and till 4.3, you got her the Mobility Boots. There you go. You just wasted 3 item slots with items that are vital for support, but are useless for Annie as a champion.

The same goes for her game play - yes, you can poke during the laning phase quite well with her great AA range, but all your skills are useless for supporting. The only thing why you take Annie to the bot lane, is her passive. If you ask me, getting one stun with small AoE radius, is not enough for a good support.

Even Fiddlesticks is more useful as a support, since he's got fear, AoE silence (it bounces 5 times so... yes), drain can help get the enemy off your adc (or make them switch target to you) as well, and has great ulti, that scares everybody and makes the enemy team either focus you (which is great), or scatter in all directions, away from you (even better).

I really believe, that taking certain champions out of their primary role is not a good idea. You just throw away their potential, and have to paly very well, to be succesful. More, than your oponent, who just take the right champion for the right role.

Just to add to this - I don't watch much of LCS. But I saw few EG games, as my friend loves them and he made me watch it. I saw Krepo getting Annie support like 3 times - they always lost and all the time he was just being completely useless, unless he got his passive up and then after he stunned the enemy, he had nothing to do for the rest of the team fight, as he did not have items that would help to deal some solid dmg to the enemy team.

And it is not only Annie. The same goes for other champs, i.e. Nasus - if you jungle him, you put yourself and your team to a disadvantage, as your Q will be so low on stacks, you won't deal as much dmg as if you farmed it in lane (also jungling is about clear speed, so hanging around camps just to wait for your Q to get off the cooldown is counter-productive) and after recent nerfs... or my all time favourite - jungle Master Yi.

To wrap it up - it is OK to play different champions in different roles. Sometimes it works, sometimes not, you may even break the meta (or your neck, most likely) or find some awesome flavour of the month. It is OK for normals and fun matches. But for serious gameplay like rankeds, I think you should play champions that are great in the particular role, not just good.

Even if I start to main ADC Thresh, I would have to be really great, while my opponents with real ADC would need to be just mediocre, to outplay me.

Funny, how easily people can believe in certain things (like champion X being a beast in Y role), without giving it a second thought. Sure, there are champions that are equally good in multiple roles, you just have to know which ones are those champions.

What's your opinion on this, folks?