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Apparently Doublelift likes to go Trinity Force after Phantom Dancer. He also skills 3 points into Silver Bolts and then maxes out Tumble.
Trinity Force is an item you get when you need HP or are very far ahead. It's good, but expensive, so unless you are fed or are farming very well, it will take forever to get this item after buying 3 items before it.
3 points into Silver Bolts then max Tumble is really opinion and I do it a lot as well. It basically lets you stealth multiple times during ult and helps you duel an enemy more easily. Most vaynes just get free kills from ganks and just auto attacking a running enemy, so having a high level in Tumble is not necessary unless you can utilize her Q properly and 2v2 the enemy bot lane.
So I get btr,boots,YG,IE,Statikk. If they have a tanky team when should I buy LW? With what should I replace it?
I would go for BTR -> Boots -> Phantom Dancer (Better kiting than Stattik) -> Lw -> IE -> Banshees/Qss/GA
Phantom dancer gives you attack speed and movement speed permanently rather than the YG that is an active.
Also better than Shiv when kiting vs tanking bruisers, attack speed will be higher also because the enemy will most likely have frozen heart.
Please do update it if there is a change on vayne or items in the future
:D 2thumbs up*
I've heard something akin to, rush BotRK/IE and Youmuu if you're ahead, or build Phantom Dancer later. The early-to-mid game power is its strongest point really. Especially when you go roaming mid, ambush and such.
Not a marksman expert though.
Nice guide!
Should I build youmuu's or PD? The Korean build builds PD but youmuu's seems good too
Experiment with it, I find brutalizer to be very strong on ADCs this patch, and that item just so happens to build into another great item.
Try both out and see which you like better.
Hi im a SEA player and i use your guide extensively. After playing around with the runes i find that swapping the armor quins to another attack speed rune helped me cs and harass more effectively. Btw, are you going to add other match ups soon?
Also the content page is bugged.
Yeah I usually run an attack speed quint on vayne aswell, but I find this rune set-up to be more forgiving when you make mistakes in lane phase. Therefore, this rune set-up is generally for a harder lane match-up or for less experienced vayne players.
I may add more match-ups since kogmaw and tristana seem to be the meta nowadays.
However, I haven't been playing much vayne because I've been practicing a lot of nidalee and riven top lane on my diamond 5 smurf.
Lastly, I'm not really sure what the "content page" is :/
Also the content page is bugged.